Who will win the second civil war ?
Who will win the second civil war ?
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Start please so we can find out
Our greatest ally.
>The general, non-military population that supports the left would starve.
>Military would be split and their would be much infighting.
It honestly looks pretty good for the rural retards
Canada ?
low-iq mutts and beta cuckolds vs cornfed gun nuts?
It’s so unrealistic that there’s no way to tell.
Are rural people dumber? Is there any evidence to support this
it's unquestionable that the right-wing people would win a civil war... look at how much territory their risk-pieces are controlling... blue clearly has too much invested into the larger cities.
One side has all the guns, the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use. You do the math.
Why would it be unrealistic ?
The NWO already won. Your countrymen are begging for more lockdowns.
99% vs the 1% please make it happen.
I feel like 90% of the military would ally with the boog boys out of principles
If by dumber you mean "controls all food production and also knows how to grow food" then yes
red states have all the food and clean water and overall are less dependent on government. so it seems obvious.
Denmark, it's always Denmark.
Fuck Denmark.
You know urbanites could just import food from the rest of the world
>implying liberal shipping hubs aren't going to target numero uno
No, city faggots just overlook the countless melanated retards they live amongst because they're self-hating whites. They're ashamed of their rural cousins and need to feel superior to them. Can't imagine soft, over-educated narcissists will have much value in the post-world-world.
That’s why uncle sam’s been enlisting nonwhites and females. Don’t count on it.
Hawaii cause they just chillin out in the sea
Army is real fucking conservative except some occasional lazy and disgruntled lower enlisted and officers.
Red has boats
Savers not debtors, niggah
Coronavirus is the opening of one of the seven seals to open mega can of whoop-booty on debtors and borrowers youtu.be
>Who will win the second civil war ?
Oooga Booga
Bruh women mostly fill admin jobs and non combat roles who gives a shit. Nonwhites can be based, especially those patriotic enough to enlist
Hopefully the people do. We need to flush out all the lizards in the government and take back the country from billionaires and elites and give every citizen an M4 a glock 17 and plenty of AP ammo
Yah, Fuck Denmark!
But...Uh.... What they do again?
Money wins wars. Not bodies. The red part of the country being armed is nice, but the globalists will keep pumping money into the effort until you run out of ammo. We need to get rid of the wealthy leftists.
True an army of rich boomers will charge by sailboat with their gun collections and relive the stories of their fathers invasion of Normandy. Except instead of being met by Nazi gunfire they’ll be met by surfers and fat Hawaiians, either way Hawaii will fall fast.
Those blue areas make up the bulk of the country’s wealth and population. Those red spots make up most of the country’s incest and poverty. So the blue areas would win.
The thing is the blue parts have both more money and bodies.
Hold the phone Tyrone
They'd starve before the ever got the supply lines set up.
Mile Lindell of MyPillow will just convert his pillow factories into bullet factories and the lefties will stand no chance.
>and bodies.
a liability in a minecraft siege, not an asset. Cities and metro areas are death traps in modern war.
>Who will win the second civil war ?
we're talking about who would win a fight. blue = libtard no guns, red = retard with guns
White people
the cucks and the simps
No one.
Who would win? Jews.
they'll be 100% dependent on getting food shipped by sea and the rest of the world will gleefully price gouge while the redstate anons are happily subsisting on their own farmland
I haven't been keeping score. Which side is the "Resistance" these days?
>you don’t need to hunt just buy meat at the store
Can’t run out of ammo if I reload
Being Danish...
Whites primarily and the extreme right secondarily
Good to know the french aristocracy won the revolution then you fucking retarded mutt. Are your worthless dollars gonna manifest into trained personell and supplies?
Calling it a civil war is generous. That recalls images of two uniformed armies battling it out in some big field. Instead, imagine many localized areas of rioting, burning, and murdering.
The National Guard will come in and put the christian nationalists down relatively quickly.
The fucking military, dumbass
>civil war
>two uniformed armies battling it out
No. That was YOUR civil war. Literally every other civil war on the planet today has at least a dozen different parties directly involved
Most American farmers AREN’T subsistence farmers, they’re cash crop farmers who require supplies and equipment manufactured in urban factories or foreign factories.
The rest of the world would realize they would have a vested interest in seeing the left win and the cities could man enough planes to airlift enough food to keep them alive.
The military will split up.
>The National Guard will come in and put the christian nationalists down relatively quickly
The keyboard warriors didn't know whether to shit or wash their trucks when Drumpf declared himself supreme ruler
>national guard
>beating anything
have you noticed the bad made-for-tv-sci-fi-movie plotline we're living in?
have you detected the level of absolute hatred from the ignorant niggers and losers of the left?
>The National Guard will come in and put the christian nationalists down relatively quickly.
Imagine actually believing this...
food is not going to be their primary deficiency.
(they're not going to have any food, but water problems will take them out before they have time to starve.)