Is there something important going on? The catalog is absolutely full of slide threads right now. Also, how is "BBC BBC BBC COPE WITE BOI" deemed political by the mods, but self improvement isn't? What the fuck is going on with this place?
Is there something important going on? The catalog is absolutely full of slide threads right now. Also...
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to Yas Forums
Cough 8kun Cough
*opens hand in front of your face*
*Closes hand in front of your face*
Oh, you mean like you're doing now?
Report all nigger threads. Just some idiots trying to rile you up.
If it's making you mad, they're winning.
If you didn't hide the posts, they're winning.
Get in here, faggots.
Getting raided as usual, plus the quarantine made summer come early.
No, this is more of a meta thread on why Yas Forums is so shit today.
I didn’t believe in raids before but there has to be some sort of discord leftypol raid going on. Every single thread has like 3/4 of the members saying shit like that. Maybe /r/hapas went on a rampage? The board is fucking unbearable right now.
Yas Forums was entirely subverted years ago now. What are you expecting here?
People are waking up to the social engineering agenda and their specific tactics. Now the only last ditch effort they have is to flood the board and hope that catches a few who aren't aware of it yet. Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations and MindWar by Lt Col Michael Aquino are the missing pieces of the puzzle. Combine both of their tactics and you will see why they are pushing this shit on this board all of the time.
Yas Forums is fucked
between the shills
cia niggers
discord tranny jannies
and jew jannies
and take meds bots
and bbc / islam posters
this place is fucking fucked
But honestly, how the fuck do the mods/jannies allow this? Is pol completely comprimised at this point?
yes the answer is fucking yes the jannies are sjw 1000%
Always hide all nigger posts. Niggers are animals; you ignore rats, so ignore the niggers.
Where do we go now?
Something's happening.
Asuka fucks niggers
K boys. Since you faggots seem legit. There was a drop this afternoon. Was shadowbanned hard. But the user left the message. Apparently, it's not ID2020 we should be worried about - but the coronavirus vaccine. The vaccine is actually nanobots that responds to resonant frequencies from 5G towers and tears apart red blood cells.
Dunno about you faggots. But sounds plausible to me.
What are slide threads?
>Asuka fucks niggers
Kaji is not black.
There was no fresh pork left at walmart this evening. No bacon and no deli lunchmeats. Fresh chicken was looking slim too. I bought a 10 pack of boneless thighs and 2 lbs of ground turkey. Somethings fucky.
Huh? Huh? Huh? Arron Paul said
Learn to filter.
Then, filter things like
>too cocky
>*breathes in*
>will defend this
and other various retarded memephrases.
Then Yas Forums is a half decent discussion board.
big news is that all the STRANGE SYMPTOMS people are getting over coronachan are just psychosomatic. turns out that schizos and tweakers with cabin fever feel all sorts of bad things that they attribute to whatever is in the current SNEWS cycle. face it HAPPENINGS FAGS, this is just morgellons 2.0, a bunch of meth heads scratching sores into their skin, getting lint and fuzz into the wounds, and thinking they're full of glowie nanobots exuding red/blue fibers.
welcome to Faggot Freakout 2020
There might have been. I felt a lot of pain and I am connected with the collective consciousness.
everyone is you dumb dumb that's why its collective
Dammit I knew someone would say this. I should have said "in tune"
Crown might be Exosome.
Freddo Frogs are jumping about.
Kappi tried to warn us about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Boards brainwashing noobs with repeatative jargon.
Lots of stuff happening.
>nononono not my fucking turts!
>they were so cowabunga cool and taught me ninja skills and eastern philosophy !
>Is there something important going on?
>Is there something important going on?
newfags get a bullet
so a normal day then?