Now that everything including all courts will be open by May 1. You should know about how easy it is to evict tenants in the US (t. landlord around the world). Unless you are in three states: California, Washington or Vermont. By default you will be able to evict non payers AND get backpayment via lien within a month. It takes 7 days to issue notice, 2 weeks to contact your district/county court to get the eviction order and 1 week waiting (for the rentee to pay) for you to have a bailiff evict them.

This isn't an exaggeration, it's standard practice: court automatically sides with you and unless tenant can provide proof of inability to pay via savings and income (includes any govt checks hint), they are instantly evicted. AND you get your rent.


Only California, Washington and Vermont it will take SLIGHTLY longer: 1-2 months. So don't buy properties in this state on mortgage, its no worth it.

Attached: yandexim.png (784x842, 1.2M)

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ALSO if they take longer to vacate, you ALSO get to keep their security deposit: turn this into a profitable opportunity:

Get your rent for the month of, KEEP the security deposit and rent out the vacant spot for a profit! ;D


>backpayment via lien

How does this work?

Your head is going on a spike you little kike come great global depression this year.

>So don't buy properties in this state on mortgage

Are you intending to evict people who've not been paying their mortgage?

My landlord is pissed I haven't moved so they can jack up the rent. They are never happy. Landlords and tenants are scum

no, he's telling you be buys properties with bank money then he claims to "own" and rents it out. it's twice kiked once fucked. I can't wait for this clown world to be over.

Using leverage is legit. I have a mortgage on my rental property.

if you dont pay rent, you will be forced to pay back rent on what you haven't paid yet
1) pretty much every state allows garnishment post eviction, up to 25% of a person's wage per month until debt is paid off

this is taken off their earnings in the future or any transaction into their bank accounts

2) lien is put on a bank account or any assets they have or if they inherit anything from their parents in the future and their debt rises with interest over time, theyre looking at a LOT of money; so any way they recieve money its gonna go to you

essentially, anything they have becomes yours till the debt is paid off WITH interest

keep crying parasite justice will be delivered

if you have mortgage on your property, certain states while allowing you to get back rent will take a bit too long 1-2 months which might cause you temporary financial distress or cause for refinancing, which would be unfavorable to you only 3 states so avoid these states

>By default you will be able to evict non payers AND get backpayment via lien within a month.

Getting a lien on someone who is broke isn't going to help you pay your mortgage on your residential property.
The Trumpbux will have already been spent or withdrawn and put in to cash, maybe you should've saved up for a rainy day :p

Attached: coffee zone apu.png (394x329, 111.9K)


Realistically, you should have some kind of buffer. I couldn't imagine owning a rental property without enough cash on hand to pay the mortgage if the tenant missed a couple months' rent.

It's the entitlement that gets me, I fix stuff around my place because I've noticed when something breaks they just put the cost of fixing it in a rent increase. That is such bullshit, it's normal wear and tear you don't get to just push all costs to the tenant. What the fuck can I do though? I'm not paying 500k for what looks like a shed

I paid my rent in April, I'll pay my rent in May. I've kept working, it's been great

Lol, evicting people that dont want to leave a property is very hard to do. Even after you serve someone an eviction notice they can appeal it with a few forms and keep you in court for a few months, I'm sure much longer with the sheer number of cases there will be. Even after everything is said and done your evicted tenants have two weeks to leave after that. Add into the damage your average nigger will do on his way out and you're big fucked.

lol the nigger hordes wont pay ever good lucj

I hope there will be enough angry mobs the landlords get lynched on the streets. C'mon americans, remove that chinese and jewish filth

It's just a big larp from a bored German. Thhere are moratoriums on evictions till June at the very least. German Jew thinks there will be no political ramification of trying to evict tenants during a global pandemic leading inyo a globsl depression. Governments won't let that stand.

Attached: 1587311629121m.jpg (1024x797, 104.89K)

You take them to small claims court. Or burn the place down. Up to you.

if you were in the US it's possible to evict you in 2 months even if you're still paying, unfortunately here you cannot if they pay the allowable rent without breaking rules, the rent increase allowed under law is 20% over 3 years aka a 6% max yearly increase, fucked up desu. But german wages increase far far less so landlords typically just increase rent by 6% YOY and rentfags cant do anything about it

your bank will always allow you to refinance on a mortgage, foreclosures cost them money and you have ample time to draw up 20k in loans via other means to cover up to 3 months non payment by up to 5-6 renters. That is like your entire unit tanking, one guy not paying aka 1k isnt gonna really hurt.

Anyways, you can of course use this refinancing to put a lien, understand lien applies for your future wages, unemployment cheques and anything in between; so if you are somehow some kind of supernatural creature that lives ONLY on $1200 for an entire year, props to you; but if you have to make any other kind of transaction you are screwed.

By the way, by hiring a rent collection agency we can take your personal property as well.

So your ps4/pc etc.

you would at worst refinance

the eviction court doesnt take months, it takes a maximum two weeks if the person doesn' come up with a reason for nonpayment; the two weeks is for them to pay and move out so they don't get lien'd; the court already sides with landlords in 47/50 states default for nonpayment in 14 days. You have now time to prove you 1) didn't recieve any government cheques 2) have nothing in your account; good luck with that, cause even if you prove this you'll still be forced to pay it all back

if you damage anything that can be considered a criminal charge and on top of it, your entire bank account will be garnished to pay it back alongside all your personal property via a collection agency

they will go to jail and be GARNISHED


Flag checks out.

Refinancing requires an appraisal which is complicated by the tenant being present.

there's no moratoriums on evictions in the US

you're talking about your cucked leaf poor irrelevant country

Germany has moratoriums too, thats why I don't rent out in this shithole except to foreigners by purposefully running ads in russian/ukrainain/turkish and only renting WGs (Germans hate WGs).

if you do the latter the landlord will not only take all your property, but will also send you to jail via arson or any other chargeable offense they can find

the true parasites are the welfare case non paying class its a deflection and projection on their part; they are the biggest parasites on earth

If too many people are evicted the housing market crashes & no one rents any more.

>You take them to small claims court

You obviously have no clue at all so don't say shit like this. It's not handled like that here, go back to r e d dit with your knee-jerk response

>"Just call the cops"

Fucking normie/boomer tier advice

it's bullshit. lets say that i lend you $1000 and you never pay me back. so i put a lein on your car, now you can't sell it or renew it's registration or insurance without paying the registry that $1000, which they forward to me. however to put a lien on something, you have to take them to court and win. go ahead and google it, 'can someone put a lien on you without you knowing'.

the rest of his post is garbage as well. almost all states have a complicated eviction process that requires that the landlord make a legal case in court, and this takes months to schedule nevermind actually perform. while this is happening the tenant doesn't have to pay rent, and can't be evicted. they just squat there for free over the course of a year while a shitty judge constantly postpones the trial because the landlord can't prove he opened a bank joint account with you along with a legal witness to store your deposit, which is the law. almost no landlords actually do this because they would have to take you to the fucking bank with them and drive around with you. this is why they lose every court case, it's malpractice on their part. the landlord now has to give you back that deposit and all the rent he defrauded you out of, so he will want to get that trial postponed for as long as possible. why? well his lawyer has to go make that account under the table, and the creation date has to surpass the date of the first postponment in court.

that's how fucking retarded this guy is. being a landlord in the US is terrible, you can lose your property with no right to evict by force in a heartbeat even if you though you were following all the rules.

Yeah no shit Hans landlords have bills too. Maybe you can let some broke ass nigger move into your house rent free..:

tenant is already evicted, landlord can pay an extra 1k on credit card if they really wanted and wait till the lien comes through and use an extra loan taken on top of this to pay off said card

communist detected, bernie voter and leftist welfare parasite detected daily reminder 60% of welfare parasites are blacks and mexicans

>Joe McGuire, a staff attorney with the Detroit Justice Center, said Whitmer should have extended the moratorium sooner, and that many other states have instituted longer and more comprehensive bans in the face of COVID-19 than Michigan has.

Thread over, loser. sage.


Frisst Sperma gut für OP?

You're a fucking cunt m8

>"You see my friend, being a total talmudic piece of shit is actually very based and redpilled"

This bubbly housing market's gonna COOOOOOOOM


you don't need to take them to "court and win" in the case of tenant non payment, lien is automatically granted by this court to put a lien

t. have done this multiple times, you appear to not know US laws

you cant put a lien on some other debts which aren't contractually obligated, but you have obviously never read your rental contract, cause every rental contract allows this default in nonpayment

no, most states take a MAXIMUM 1 month, read this: rentprep.com/landlord-tips/how-long-does-it-take-to-evict-someone/

I linked a useful source, stop posting your irrelevant communist propaganda without understanding different types of evictions.

The months long evictions arent for nonpayment of rent, they are for trivial reasons. I am talking about NONPAYMENT EVICTION COMMIE.

Everything you are talking about is fantasy of a renter and does not apply irl; US courts are very strong and fast

Only in California it will take a maximum 3 months.


plenty of people will rent, cause being a vagrant is their alternative

Only autists get ripped off by their Landlord,

Always force them to repair things incase somenthing isn't working to 100%
and if he is sending illegals or generally people who don't officially work in a Company that is doing it illegal.
Report him to the Police too.

>here's no moratoriums on evictions in the US
lol ok hans

Filthy kike

that shows clearly that 30 of the states have no eviction moratorium; 3 of the most leftist states with the fewest rental units doing "moratoriums" for 30 days maximum means nothing really your rental eviction notice time became 28 days instead of 7 days wow!

and that for 15 of the states it doesnt excuse nonpayment

oh wow you sure got me there, so 5 states right now, more than 2 before

its better than being a welfare parasite, welfarism and paraasitism has no place in the west

we have long lived with serfdom dating back to the HRE which was based and first reichpilled


I once slapped a 30k fine on to an actual sand nigger land lord I had in Sydney who converted a garage into a unit without council approval.

I went back 5 months later and reported him again for not reverting back to a garage.

Been 2 years, should I go again lmao

I would shoot you in the face at my doorstep, drag your body across the door threshhold, call the cops and say you unlawfully entered my apartment. Dumb german nigger.

>moves goal posts after being refuted
sit down, kid.

Also another thing incase for German anons.

If your Apartment gets too unbearbly hot in the Summer (like under the Roof) go to Court the Landlord will have to fix the issue.

what happens if they just left the property without paying?

>its better than being a welfare parasite, welfarism and paraasitism has no place in the west

>"NOOOO! only blacks and arabinoos should get free money! not old people! nooooo! not the heckin good boys! the Sudaneesooos!"

in the counties where 75% of the US population lives, there arent; if you're one of the lucky 25% you probably already lived in a place where your security deposit covers half a year worth of rent so..

weird insult, landlords and property ownership is a european thing, being a parasite and expecting gibs, on the other hand, is an enitrely third world mentality

go back to mexico pedro

you are correct; german law is cucked but it also goes two ways: In germany it is far better to do WGs than normal renting, it makes evictions really easy because the complaint of another tenant means guess what?

Who pays the lien?

There are alternatives. I live with my dad. And if my dad didnt want me here id move into a truck & long haul. Or move in with my mom or my brother.

But who will have money when the job goes away?

What if people just start killing their landlords? I own my house, zo not advocating it, but just saying. People get whacked all the time for silly shit like drugs and pussy.

I remember that one radio host said that he had a friend that was a slumlord and he got shot in the chest and died.

Inheriting property from your parents and living off the ownership without having any qualifications whatsoever makes you a parasite. If your actions bring no value to the volk, you are a parasite, a reaource hogger. Landlords bring no value to the volk, landlords cannot live without tennants, but tennants can live without landlords.

if an eviction order is served, you wouldn't do anything when I call private security SWAT armed to kick you out, and it takes 30 days average in 90% of states

you didn't refute me, you just said "oh 5 states in the US accounitng for


Best bait, 10/10

>lien on their bank account
what about a collections agency? will they do that for me? can i put a lien out on my own? i dont mind fucking their credit if it costs me 20% of the amount lost. I also have a paralegal I am speaking with