Remember when US anons were gloating here

Remember just a few weeks ago when smug mutts were preaching here over how EU vs US deaths to the virus was a true testimony to how superior the US healthcare system is compared to the cheap meme universal healthcare?


How long before the world announce a travel ban on US citizens? LMAO BTFO

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Don't laugh, they are mutting us up a fair bit. Burgers gloat over shit they did 50+ years ago


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I dont even know where your country is

Total the EU deaths together since you already consider it as a single entity.


Eu still has more deaths per capita you fucking eucalyptus nigger...

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Yes Australia. The country that got an infection spread already in January, and who now has whopping total of what 60 dead?

Yes that Australia Mr 41.000.

Mutt education.

Checked. Don't you have another amusement park to burn, Bruce?

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Why can't you just admit that this was a planned plot to kill off more whites?


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Don't remember any other fellow burger Anons gloating about this. We were too busy hoarding supplies. You see my good sir, when disaster is about to strike Americans think firstly of our assholes.

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Do you even know where any other countries are except for Mexico and Canada, absolute state of mutt education

seriously, aren't we still like 15th still in per capita. Ill take the humble pie IF it happens, but lets not be stupid with statistics here.

I have to hand it to Them, they've really mastered manufacturing opinion on Yas Forums. It belongs to Them now, not to anons. They say jump and all the human farm animals reading this say how high, the entire time thinking they're sticking it to Them

>"mutt education"
>doesn't know about per capita
The English realized you were nigger tier and sent you off to die but the retarded Abos saved you.

Not american, but liberals are dying and that is always a good thing.

Says the county who's first citizen on the moon will likely be an Emu.

so you learn about the proper way to use leeches for blood letting? no?
>because you don't learn about things that don't matter

Imagine being Australian and wanting to side with the EU over America.

40000.0 / 330000000.0 = 0.0001212121212
>Low death rate?
Of course we're gloating, Chang.

We lost 80k in 2017 flu season Chang, I think we'll be okay

Truly our greatest ally!
Thank you fren (mate).

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Must of sniffed too much petrol

Not taking anyones side. Just wanted a laugh.

Based roo

What horror movie is that from, The Hills Have Eyes remake?

sorry bro, it's all a hoax no one died..

This is why people dont like you, USA

We don't care.

It is an abo fashion model. Say something nice about her.