Were native americans the most based and respectable indigenous people that were BTFO by colonialism?

Were native americans the most based and respectable indigenous people that were BTFO by colonialism?

They were giving us so much hell for so long that we named all our military helicopters and a fucking cruise missile after them. Abbos and niggers don't even come close.

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Respect the native real americans

>Blocks your path
What's that injun? You really thought.

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Abyssinia numba 1

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We made a big mistake killing off 90 percent of the American Indians. We should have killed all of them.


>BTFO by a virus
lol what a bunch of pussies

Read Empire of the Summer Moon sometimes retard. They literally tore a newborn in half in front of the mother, they raped a 14 year old girl and her mother and basically kept one to breed for them. They were like a entire tribe of Josef Fritzls.

Indians are descended from Asians. Asians > nigs > abbos

Ethiopia was never colonized though, only militarily occupied for a short period in the 1930's.

Sounds pretty based to me.

Native Americans cut the scalps off of their enemy's to carry with them as war trophy's.
They burned down forests to create more grasslands for their main food source, the buffalo, and destroyed habitat for hundreds of other species in the process.
If the white man wouldn't have shown up they would have continued to slaughter each other and turn the continent into a desert wasteland just like the abbos did.

Fuck those faggots.


What happens to the prairie niggers wasn’t colonialism is was a a group of shit skins being conquered and their land taken.

Native Americans burned down forests to create fields for corn, but bison you dumb fuck. Forest bison were a thing in the east. In the west, bison roamed the PLAINS you fucking retard. The had to be destroyed nonetheless, but your facts are wrong you uncle's plaything faggot.

What a fucking meme, all these injun fucks where savages, raping, raiding, killing, sacrifices you name it. The "noble" taino indians of the caribbean carried out raids against each other, raped women and kept slaves. If you know the whole "muh spaniards kept injun slaves" thing is a fucking lie, the head chief gave the spaniards their naborias (basically a slave work caste) to them and in return the spaniards would teach them spanish and christianity but the injun fucks wanted more and attacked the spaniards and like anyone else they replied with equal force.
Fuck native, fuck native faggots like yourself and fuck that bullshit "muh noble" savage meme that still permeates the education of the west.

Well, you're wrong.
About everything.

>The wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) or mountain bison (often called the wood buffalo or mountain buffalo), is a distinct northern subspecies or ecotype[3][4][5][6][7][8] of the American bison. Its original range included much of the boreal forest regions of Alaska, Yukon, western Northwest Territories, northeastern British Columbia, northern Alberta, and northwestern Saskatchewan.[9]

Our modern republic and democracy is based on native Americans. It kinda sad how the helpful fellow where tricked by our kike ways to be oppress, but by god did they put up a resistance.

You have absolutely never met an injun in your life. Chugs in Canada have a higher incarceration rate than nigs do in the US. They're one of the lowest groups there is.

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*blocks your path*

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they were pretty based until they met the fire-water Jew.

Of course they are shit tier now, they are in post BTFO world much different than their ancestral lives. Nobody is arguing that they aren't low now.

Fun fact, Johnny Depp used this image for his inspiration for the character, not realizing the bird wasn't actually attached to the dude's head.

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Couldn't be happier that Euros did us in. I know a bunch are not adapting, but the rest of us are doing well and will (and have) fight to preserve a superior system. My native ancestors thank my other ancestors.

It's how they died that betrays them. At some point it became clear to the various Indian chiefs that the U.S. army could be a powerful ally, and that by working together one tribe could rise above them all. Individually each tribe made this offer to the U.S. army, in secret, every single one. Their only terms were the complete annihilation of the remaining tribes.

We were at a crossroads where we got to choose who to keep, which tribe would become our 'greatest' ally. In the end, we decided to choose all of them, which of course means killing all of them. Every tribe got what they wanted.

They were close enough to be one race, one civilization, and all they could do was betray each other and try to genocide each other by using the white man. that's not a (((friend))) the white man needs.

today, these arrangements are created by us ahead of time, ensuring total defeat if moving against us, but back then it was the first time we realized that we overmatched everyone else.

and my fucking shotgun will end his fucking life

>Were native americans the most based and respectable indigenous people that were BTFO by colonialism?


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Native americans as we know them are aztecs.

They killed the earlier settlers there, the Atlantians populace.
Too low on numbers and no help because atlantis itself died along with the people so they were overran.
Then came anglos.

>In the New Zealand Wars (1845–1872), the indigenous Maori developed elaborate trench and bunker systems as part of fortified areas known as pā, employing them successfully as early as the 1840s to withstand British cannon, muskets, and an experimental poison-gas mortar. These systems included firing trenches, communication trenches, tunnels, and anti-artillery bunkers. British casualty rates of up to 45 percent, such as at Gate Pa in 1844 and the Battle of Ohaeawai in 1845, suggested that contemporary firepower was insufficient to dislodge defenders from a trench system.

No question more based and respectable than muh screaming indians


Cough and give him chicken pox

yes and its sad that modern descendants of indigenous people are dying to diabeetus and fried bread (niggers not included)