"Look! Daddy's home..."

>"Look! Daddy's home..."

Are trad wives a thing of the past?

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Most of us here don't deserve a trad wife.

Well once upon a time til death do us part actually meant something.

You can speak for yourself tranny.

And what makes you think you "deserve" a trad wife or "deserve" any woman in general

nah user that's my future , me the wife and kids, our land, my truck

The fact that you idiots use "trad" and "tranny" and shitpost behind BLM flags worries me.

The fact that I have enough self respect to not use a meme flag for one.

That baby is me and here we are now fighting

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who you callin idiot , ya dumb dumb

No, you're right mass replying attention whore.
Trannys don't exist and never post here.
Imagine being this new.

>you should go out with me
Why user
>I dont use memeflags on a international nazi alt right wing politics forum
I'm already wet

Checks out

I have a trad wife. She trained our 1 year old to bring my slippers to the door when I get home, its cute.

does anyone have that picture of that blonde woman holding a beer? she was wearing a sweater and there were other people in the background, looked like she was on like a tour or something with geysers in the background. i can't find it but she looked trad af.

A chink larping as a negro to talk shit is really one of the more pathetic things I've witnessed in life.

Reminder that "trad" wife meme is a Psyop to get straight males used to using the "Tra" sound before wife, as in Trans wife.

Saying you deserve a woman as if a woman is some reward at the end of a quest is the most pathetic thing ever

Pretty much. Modern women have been trained from birth to be less feminine than any other generation in history.

How is not having a family the ultimate goal in life?
You're going to have to help me out with that one, shit.
We both know you're aren't curing cancer over there so you can gtfo with some faggy altruistic response.

If you have to ask, then your garbage genetically, and women would rather die alone than be with you. Yes, this a fate of many men... deal with it. If you're fairly good looking, got your shit together, you would be able to find yourself a nice woman to raise a family with. If you're in this category, you might be too picky. You won't find a 10 trad wife at walmart, but you could find a 6 with and tramp stamp that you could work with and have children that if you have the energy could raise to be better people than you and roastie wife. Am I wrong?

Doesnt mean you "deserve" a woman. Want doesnt equal deserve.

Much of the way a woman behaves in a relationship comes down to the precedent the man sets from the start. If you go in like a needy little poofter wanting validation and equality, you’ll get treated like a bitch. You can’t expect a woman to be like another dude who will treat you with respect, who you can deal with logically; a woman is a whole other animal, so you need to signal “don’t fuck with me” right from the get-go. It’s not an equal relationship, it’s not two human beings, it’s a man having dominion over his woman through his charisma and attractiveness, whilst offering the companionship and security she can’t live without. If she can live without you, she won’t respect you.

I’m pretty traditional but my husband is black. Oof.

Pretty much this

They still exist, I have one. She was born in Asia though, you aren't finding any traditional girls in the West

There are plenty of shit people that are married and making it work right now as we speak.
Not really seeing your point unless it's just to call me shit.

>How is not having a family the ultimate goal in life?

My sides

That’s not trad, that’s prehistoric, you fucking ooga booga spear chucker fucker

You said you deserve a trad woman. Meaning you did something that should reward you with a traditional woman. What is it you have done to deserve such woman.

And yet you didn't say what the ultimate goal in life should be.
You never had any sides you empty faggot.

>trad girl
>race traitor
Pick one, you dumb leaf. Get something right for once in your life. She’s not fucking trad if she’s not dating from her own race.

No my friend, they are still around. I was able to get one myself. When I come home from work, she tells our daughter "Hey, Daddy's home! Go give him hugs and kisses". I am the richest man on Earth.

Why are all you losers thinking that you deserve something? You don't deserve shit. Go out there and try your best and see what happens. Pussy isn't a human right.