What's wrong with western women?

What drives a woman to do this? What's wrong with western culture?

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Ban hammer?

my husband has pics and vids of all his exes doing things like this and worse. i hate him and these roasties

During rape and pillage feisty women were killed and slutty compliant women were allowed to live

femanon here. this is a jew. white women do not cheat on their partners

Fuck off to Yas Forums pornkike

wtf that's my gf

Shaved pubes are so ugly


why does he keep those?

What the fuck

Tits or gtfo

Sorry mike

It's simple, Westerners are subhuman

They're worthless trash, that's all that needs to be said.

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Spiced and retorted

You're begging for jannies to return and play their active role. Stop.

Ban these shill posters. Also white men listen up, to fix the modern world and woman we must become Eastern Orthodox. Destroy degeneracy and promote traditional gender roles that follows God. It's the only way.

Fucking kek.

Women are pretty easy to figure out. They want love, attention, safety, and appreciation.

Guys who don't take care of their women lose them. You either have it figured out or your bumble through life playing a role.

The thing is, even with absolutely no guidance a man has the ability to figure it out. It starts with not letting other people control how you think and feel.

why did the guy want that?

>> western women

You mean white women

Lol, u probably a man
, but wtf you still talk to him

he's a narcissist.

It says "Sorry, Mike" because Mike was asking her to send pics of her and her bf doing anal, but she didn't want to, so she just blew him and said sorry (as in, sorry, I'm not doing anal, hope the BJ is good enough)

Still degenerate, though.

I feel bad for Mike desu senpai.

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Based. Kill all degenerates

...you married a narcissist? Are you retarded?

sorry Mike

yo Mike

Post the rest of it

Based :D