You are telling me you have to pay to see a doctor if you get cancer in the USA?
You are telling me you have to pay to see a doctor if you get cancer in the USA?
>China with universal healthcare
>Be Canadian
>Pay half your salary for your entire life for "free healthcare"
>Die of some treatable disease like prostate cancer because of the waiting time
If you have a job you can pay very little and not be a fucking parasite.
Go to one of the thousands of free state run health clinics and get a voucher.
You think I pay taxes so that fat smoker faggots with AIDS can get free insulin and lung cancer chemo treatments?! Fucking degenerate.
Even in Brazil we got free cancer treatment, including monoclonal antibodies. That is the Cancer Institute of São Paulo, where they treat mostly the poor.
Be Canadian
>Pay half your salary for your entire life for "free healthcare"
>Fly to the US to treat your cancer because the Canadian healthcare system is not advanced enough
Yea our doctors get paid for their service and aren't expected to be slaves in an inefficient socialized part of the economy
Do people from other countries come there for the best and most innovate healthcare, like they do here in the USA
This is fucking bullshit, Mexico does not have universal healthcare, IMSS and ISSSTE are specifically for people with medical plans, you don't get to go to Siglo XX or Gabriel Mancera and just get free treatment without bringing in your fucking worker's ID.
Might as well paint it red on Peru, the waiting lines are so massive you need connections to get treated in reasonable time via public healthcare.
This. If economic central planning worked then the Soviet Union would still exist
>not dying a noble death of natural causes
>paying the jew health system to keep your barely living corpse alive for a few years
>force your loved ones to pay to watch to deteriorate
healthcare is a lie
That is how universal health care really works.
That's a meme that leftist constantly use here. They constantly talk about how the USA is the only country without "universal healthcare" (which is a meme term that doesn't mean anything) despite the fact that most countries don't actually have state-controlled centrally planned healthcare like they want.
Atleast you don't have to pay for your obese neighboor's healthcare expenses. In anything that's socialized, those who benefit the most are those that make the worst life choices,
Which is why it's great that we aren't forced to pay for it like other countries.
Unironically yes, and not just from South America.
I know they actually do for medication since y'all have a nearly free market when it comes to medication where as we don't.
Though the hospital complex that building belongs to is an outlier.
If you're dumb enough not to get insurance, sure.
Technically the Netherlands doesn't have universal healthcare either. Buying insurance is mandatory but there are plenty of people who don't have it, like mentally ill or homeless people.
not if you make less than official poverty rate
you get covered by medicaid
>You are telling me you have to pay to see a doctor if you get cancer in the USA?
Surgery and radiation therapy too, but it's a damn shame that research is limited to a few centres. A while ago we were doing a phase 2 research on cancer diagnosis via DNA fragments in the bloodstream, it could detect a tumour months before it showed up in conventional tests and even verified the resistance to chemotherapy, but funding was cut.
yes, my stepdad's braincancer has basically driven my mother and him into eternal debt to to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they both had insurance
This is another reason I fucking hate leftist. They want is to adopt Soviet style economic central planning because, as they would say: "muh all those countries that I know nothing about have a healthcare system I know is more better the one based on sound economic principles because muh (insert emotional argument)"
*us to adopt
Most Americans are closet satanists that worship themselves while beating you to death with a Bible. Unfortunately classic white values, such as taking care of each other and cooperation, have given way to the modern white American, which is essentially a nigger but with boots and a pickup truck. They only care about themselves and their social clubs.
These charts are always misleading because it’s the same one japan. Japan has “national healthcare” where basically if you work you automatically have a large % of your paycheck deducted to pay for the healthcare. The healthcare only covers 70% of the cost of visits/medicine etc.
But if you get cancer/serious disease/serious genetic issues the national healthcare won’t cover t and you have to buy private insurance to guard from these anyways. It ends up being the worst of both worlds because the government takes a huge portion of my paycheck to pay for shitty insurance and then I have to buy Jewish private health insurance anyways. I would prefer if it was all privatized and included from your company as part of the benefits package like America. Why do I need to give a fuck about the loser working at McDonald’s in his 40s health? It’s his fault he’s in the position he’s in. I don’t need to subsidize his life because he’s asl failure.
No, just go bankrupt lol