April 19th - May 1st

Yas Forums is always right

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Fuck trannie jannies and glow niggers

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>mass shootings
real or imaginary?

why would they pull this off in canada? trudeau getting bad news?

Previous bread

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Maybe some glowies are based. I mean there has to be some white hats.

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It's got to be a matter of time. Remember that speech Pompeo gave where he called out all the corrupt politicians in China's pocket? He's got to know whats going on up here to.
I am curious to see how the Muzzies fit into this. It seemed like Canada was being sold to both them and the Chinks.


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stay frosty leaf. dont let them take your enfields.


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The lat thread was getting some good digits.

There are people on both sides of the aisle accelerating things to an alarming rate to force Gods hand and are using the book of revelation as a playbook to fulfill the prophecy.

One World Government, when?

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Except every time they are wrong. Which is nearly always

the op and that post both end in 77

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Anyone able to explain the Fried Green Tomatoes references?

Can’t stop
Won’t stop

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It’s a dark comedy about cannibalism.

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I thought it was a shitty Kathy Bates movie. I've followed almost every piece of advice 4clams have ever given me, but not sure if I'm up to a rewatch of that.

Looks like it’s just you a me, leaf. May Simon of Trent protect the children from Moloch throughout these “most trying of times”.

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True, same to you brother. Maybe nightly prayers are a good habit to start. I've got two toddlers and they understand the idea of God. Could be a good family activity during bedtime.
That last thread was watershed for me. Never heard of this >inb4source before tonight.

Killing innocent people is not even headline news anymore. Meanwhile the real globalist devils plot to brand you like cattle and take your freedoms away

I can’t even think of what it must feel like to know you’re raising children that are to inherit this world of ours. Raise them well, user. Is there anything in particular you’re looking for or have questions about that I might be able to answer?

>One World Government, when?
If I answer "Never", would that be the correct answer?

>what it must feel like
One minute its the most terrifying thing you can imagine. But then the day to day existence with them is so rewarding and gives me a joy unlike anything else I've ever experienced.
>anything in particular you’re looking for
Reassuring words that its going to be alright hahaha. I've been going through the inb4source posts and they are making me feel cautiously optimistic.
I don't understand why fried green tomatoes is slang for cannibalism. And on that similar thought, what does Walnut Sauce in the Podesta emails mean? No one has ever given a source for the interpretation that they mean "coloured child" and "orgy". I think they are some reference to pineal or adrenaline glands and adrenochrome.

One last bump

Thankfully, you being here is a sign that you are awake and aware of not only what the world is but the direction it is going. You can plan accordingly and work against the collective to instill values that are important. Tradition. Honor. Cultivating virtue.

I kind of envision it as being like the father character of a JRPG hero who raises their children in the off chance that they may need to fight against a great evil. Providing them with the knowledge and training necessary to be able to have a fighting chance once they grow up, but not burdening them with the weight and reality of it. I wouldn’t broach things directly. I wouldn’t ruin their childhood. But I’d make sure they had a disciplined center and understood the impotence of discernment of all things in the world so they don’t fall victim into one of its traps. I wish you the best. Religion will be your rock. I think a lot of that success ultimately lies on your wife as well.

Re: code words. I think the attached photo is accurate.

FWIW, the pineal gland is our conduit to God.

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Scratch that. Map isn’t semen. It’s “minor attracted person.” I’m not terribly up on pedophile lingo jaja.

Not to stroke my own dick to much, but when we found out the first one was on the way I stopped smoking weed, drinking, cut down V games to Friday nights only - basically I grew up.
We bought a house out in the country. After a few years doing repairs to the house this was supposed to be the big year for starting the gardens and getting some animals. There are a lot of posters on here who talk about doing it but I put my money where my mouth is so that we could give the children a half decent upbringing. And my motivation for doing this was how fucked up things are.
Also, I would like to respectfully disagree with those code word meanings. There were some symbols that were verified by FBI documents but no one has been able to give a source for those code words. I am just suspicious because this topic has so much disinfo.

That was a good speech. Have to watch the Fox News version as the camera pans to the governors faces as Pompeo tells them that he knows who is bought and paid for. Cuomo’s face in his hands all pissed off is great.

And to continue my blogposting....another reason I don't trust those interpretations because they don't seem to have any anchor to reality.
For example, in the late 90s my friends and I had some copied porn tape but the sticker on the side said Police Academy 2. We could openly talk about who was going to get to take home Police Academy 2 that night.
Whereas why would sauce mean orgy? Walnut for a negro?

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Those moments where almost as good as pic related's roast.

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We need to end the central banks, IMF and world bank.
Protest in the streets for this, drag the politicians into the streets and hang the bastards for treason against our people.

other Yas Forums people saying get ready

We need to end the central banks, IMF and world bank.
Protest in the streets for this, drag the politicians into the streets and hang the bastards for treason against our people.