Doesn't the property tax imply that you don't actually have full ownership of your land? Is America communist?

Doesn't the property tax imply that you don't actually have full ownership of your land? Is America communist?

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You're either renting it from a kike landlord, a kike banker, or the kike government.

Correct. If you truly owned your own land 100%, it'd be a separate micro-state independent of the government, which it is not. Even if the government did not require you to pay tax on "your" land, it still wouldn't be yours truly, because you are still subject to whatever laws the government imposes, and these laws are applicable on your property.

so you were communists all along

Only in the retarded ancap concept where literally any state at all = gommunism, sure.

no shit thats why people say the state is the ultimate land lord which they are

now time for a nap nap its a school night

You just buy a bundle of rights regarding real property, user. The state always has ultimate title because they have the really big guns.

You don't own anything, the state does. even in the USA. You cannot exist on your "own land" without providing labour to the market and trading in their currency for your tax. the entire agreement is predicated on the fact that you go to the cage if you don't pay taxes.

pretty much the long and short of it

Any 'right' that you have is given to you by a govt which has a monopoly on violence, even property rights.

imminent domain will really get your jimmies in a twist user

it pays for city services like roads and schools. but in upperclass neighborhoods they all tax evade so poorer people pay those for them.
very liberal of them.

Does the income tax imply that you are actually working for the State? Does the sales tax imply that all goods are purchased from the State?

Taxes are necessary for the functioning of the nation, and are merely apportioned in such a manner as best serves to collect money from the people. They have no deeper meaning, and signify nothing about ownership.

Yes and yes

>rights are given by the government
non white detected

The USA became a communist country when the federal reserve act was ratified. Ever since then, the fucking kikes have mostly chosen the winners and losers in our economy.

>Doesn't the property tax imply that you don't actually have full ownership of your land?
Yes, that's exactly what it means.
Is this your first day as a lolbert?

The kikes have been trying to turn it communist for a while. Property taxes are unconstitutional as far as I'm concerned. Who are you to take my wealth because I own property? You didn't work for it. You didn't even take that tax payer money and put it to use in my house. Taxes, if anything, were never meant to be permanent. need a road built? Okay. After it's built? Why am I still being taxed? Kikes will get the rope.

The founding fathers did not create America so that the state can own everything like fucking Xi's regime. They came from a kike subverted government and did they even bring their way of governance along with them? Nope. They designed an entirely different government, but kikes and foreigners trying to turn America into their homeland are the ones fucking it up and people like you are simply clueless. If you come trying to take my property and I put a bullet in you, for all intents and purposes, I own it.

>it pays for city services like roads and schools

It actually doesn't, government borrows money for that, and makes you the agency responsible for paying it back, even though you never took out the loan or agreed to it.

short version; yes OP property taxes are anti freedom and pretty much communist. But you NEED property taxes and you NEED sales taxes and you NEED income taxes because someone has to pay for niggers.

No we just let the bankers take control

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>Taxes are necessary for the functioning of the nation

No, they can print all the money they need, like they do now. Taxes are never needed.

I know someone affected by it. His family's reaction to it pisses me off just as much as the government's. Honestly, people who don't even get upset at these things probably should move to China.

This is more factual than most realize or would like to admit.

rights are protected by government. they can just as easily not protect you, or turn hostile. good luck.

Taxes are meaningless when the currency is fiat.

Wrong again. Government has been the one stripping rights. Rights are protected by the individual.

You can you just have to be rich. Everyone else is fucked

Isn't property tax a defacto Wealth tax like Bernie wants on stocks?

supreme brainlet post
Thats why zimbabwe became an economic powerhouse when they printed more money right?

>Rights are protected by the individual.
Correct. You pay taxes so the government assists in protection, often completely. Good luck protecting your rights when you don't pay taxes and men with guns come to put you in a cage.

Our cabin, in Alaska, is just on land we won in a state raffle/bid.(my brother did it so I'm not really sure) No property, sales, or state tax. So once again OP is a massive 1 post faggot.

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Posts like this baffle me
Its okay if the rockefellers and the Morgans decide the winners and losers but when the kikes do it its a step too far? Always a laugh on Yas Forums

You know there's more going on than just that at zimabwe but you act as if you're ignorant.

Your logic is so flawed. If you seriously think roving gangs of people would rule supreme nations would have never been built in the first place.

If you act like a kike, you're a kike in spirit and deserve the rope as well.

Oy vey! Isn't it bedtime go- guys?

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Obviously but take 2 minutes to think about what you said in your first post