Is there a single search engine left that isn't completely zogged?

Is there a single search engine left that isn't completely zogged?

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you know duckduckgo was started by a Jew, right?

Obviously. Hence my entire point of this thread.

Pale Moon, no contest

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I remember a girl at my work told me that she gets her info from "the dark web" and when I asked where she said "duckduckgo"

Baidu = Basedu

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What android app is best in place of chroom.?

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She may have said the “duck” web - easy mistake to make.


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He said a search engine not a browser lol



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"duck" web just made me laugh way harder than it warranted

I'm using that from now on

Literally worse than Google, only MIGAtards use it

No just a better app.

Make a fucking suggestion then faggot
I use StartPage but I can tell it’s zogged too

the holocaust did happen you inbred fuck

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It should've

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I don't really care if it happened or not. It was over eighty years ago. Get over it, Jews.

All of them are jewed, but some of them are less jewed than others, like qwant, ecosia, yandex, searx, ...

Bh kid

THE holocaust
And that doesn’t mean the Armenian genocide
Nope nope nope
There was only one Holocaust with a capital H
It also wasn’t the carpet bombing of German civilians or even the slaughter in Libya by Obama nigger that caused a new African slave market
Just the Jews. All six gorillian of those latka eating eternal victims

>you inbred fuck

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This is now a holohoax redpill thread

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nah. you're a brainwashed sister fucker

>sees the evidence
>visits the sites
>conducts analytical studies
>reviews documents
>conducts population studies
>concludes the holocaust happened

>see random .jpg "redpills" on pol
>never bother to verify the "sources" (if any)
>conclude the holocaust didn't happen (somehow)

Hmm, I wonder who to believe guys. People who have actually researched it and seen the evidence first-hand, or some guy on /r/pol?

Lurk more faggot

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>The Holocaust did not happen.
Uh hello based department?

99% of the volume of a fully attended stadium is not people's bodies. LOL.

Somebodys been a good goy. Dont you have more media to consume?

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Classic jewish projection. What other fantasies you got Schlomo?

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You’re afraid to even discuss the facts and you’re calling someone brainwashed

>Jewish people work in the media, so the holocaust never happened
great argument.

Good argument, moshe

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Furry Moon

see pic

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we get it. you're scum. kys

>Oy vey!

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ignorant trash lol

Nice strawman, but even your strawman is on the right track. Don't you see a conflict of interest?

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Yandex nigga

I want to unhook from jewdata. What web browser on mobile is the least shoahd?

>discuss the facts

here's one: the holocaust happened

There was no holocaust, you filthy khazar rat

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Prove it

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Your kids blood will make great matzah bread goyim

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haha im not even jewish, not that it matters. you scum don't care about facts, you're too fucking stupid.

You don't care about the truth so fuck off scum

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