How much higher would his power level have been in the internet age?

Attached: davidkoresh-5b63483346e0fb00259e40bb.png (1327x995, 661.69K)

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Hack Man mastered the internet.

he believed in monkey boy, so what?

Attached: 5162.jpg (470x470, 54.18K)

pedo faggot deserved it
burn all pedophiles

He was monkey boy, and he was mad as hell.


He'd have been dismissed as just another troll

the "standoff" would have been covered better ffs
fuck the police

Agents from Q would have derailed a train right through the FBI headquarters in that timeline.

He Probably would hire Terry Davis as his I.T. guy,
Detect glowniggers before they show up at the compound

Attached: Cia niggers.jpg (657x387, 40.75K)

His followers were the OG simp cucks, fuck his way of life, but fuck the feds. Just think this was 17 years ago, where are they now???

You have it opposite.
The internet would have siphoned off his power and he would have wasted his time shitposting and jacking off.
The internet is a disease.

His digits would have no doubt rang true, yet Yas Forums would have still disregarded him as fake and gay.

27 user

There is none, calling him a pedo will get the public on the ATF's side

If that kind of abuse happened today there'd be people showing up and dropping those puppy-killing sissy thugs from all angles.

He made a fat dyke cry.

Attached: Waco Story.png (927x2380, 335.05K)

I sure am glad they sent the ATF to investigate child abuse

Not sure. The Oregon standoff didn't generate that much support. However I did hear some midwestern "liberals" asking why the military wasn't taking them out.

It's impossible to say. As far as we can tell his death was unrelated to his ministry -- he was devoured due to the appetite of the beast, not due to his own qualities.


Why does the govt hate large cults and militias?

Jonestown was really bad PR

i am retard, fuck the reality show that is the gov

This is where my fear originates. Those patriots have yet to show their force, even 27 years ago, they should have showed their face and did not.

They hate the constitution.

The compound did not have running water, they would not have internet either. They were, among other things, luddites uninterested in modern convenience.

Smartphones work without a water source.

David Koresh was a pedonigger but the ATF/FBI didn't give a shit about that, they could have nabbed him a week before the siege.

The Oregon standoff was largely considered to be retarded, especially after the guys they were there to stand up for didn't want them there. The ranch standoff was a much more popular cause.

If Waco happened now, those agents would be killed. The 90s was peak statist cuckdom in America and we've come a very long way since.

He would most certainly of utilized the internet

>based haxormans

Not higher at all. The government would have psyoped him.