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*saves your life*
Bentley Richardson
Cooper Howard
>dances like an idiot
Jordan Jones
>Nurses are the only hospital workers
Brayden Young
Juan Russell
by checking on you every hour and ask how are you.
Thomas James
imagine being that naive.
Robert Hughes
Imagine the smell
Robert Bennett
Jose Perry
Thomas Jackson
Ruined my life.
Hypocractic oath violated
>strips your doctors loicense
Matthew Sullivan
Brody Hughes
*gets reinfected*
nothing personal
Aiden Hernandez
Maybe three fuckable females in that whole bunch.
Luis Cruz
*pay my bill*
What a metal? Join the army.
Lincoln Morales
Jackson Morris
What exactly do nurses do? I’ve only ever seen them do office paper work, take notes and hand out drugs. Occasionally they’ll insert an iv but for the most part just assist a doctor. Why are they being glorified? I have tremendous amounts more respect for the people that change the bed pan wipe people’s assses and replace their piss bags. This is just another excuse for women who do mundane work to pat themselves on the back and claim to be champions.
Anthony Lopez
yes that dance routine really did the trick but I'm still not feeling 100% so how about some fucking jazz hands
Dylan Nguyen
They’re trying to lighten the mood, incel. mental health is just as important I’m times of crises like we are in rn
Dylan Rogers
fpbp, sage this shit topic
Jonathan Diaz
Cleans up piss and shit and brings you food
Blake Cook
that'll be $7000 for jello packs and tylenol plus over night stay
Samuel Evans
and then spreads the virus everywhere
>and then *saves your life*
and then spreads the virus everywhere
>and then *saves your life*
and so on
Logan Wilson
Doctors and nurses managed to do their jobs before attention whoring on Instagram was a thing
Michael Barnes
By choking old people to death with a respirator.
Cameron Morris
not as well though
Parker Wilson
More like
>wtf I thought this was an intense battle why are the soldiers dancing?
Hudson Russell
lost my sense of smell after being admitted
Asher Perez
The knowledge needed is equivalent to a server in a good restaurant. Lead servers in a Michelin Star restaurant need significantly more knowledge than most nurses.
Ayden Richardson
they are so heroic for getting paid to do a job they were already going to do otherwise!
we healthy able bodied people sacrificing our livelihoods and complying with unconstitutional government shutdowns destroying our careers and businesses are the selfish ones!
Noah Kelly
and then ignoring any requests
Josiah Hernandez
>makes faggoty tik tok video
Joseph Parker
to be fair, they look like they're in some arizona county that hasn't had a single case yet.
Jaxon Sanders
If you go to the hospital for the flu you deserve to die. They can't keep those death warehouses clean.
Brayden Ross
build for bbc
John Morris
I’ve never understood the schooling. I have several friends and family members who are nurses. Family members who are nurses are older. Some of them just did a basic nursing training course and they’ve been kind of grandmothers in. But then the girls I know who just became nurses in the last 5 years did really intense programs at school yet they still perform the same job functions as my aunt
Xavier Rodriguez
Actually my friends a paediatrician, and shes a bitch, she literally just plays with kids all, its not fair.
And shes met famous people, footballers. Shes my best mate but shes a smug bitch. Think about that next time you see threads like this ok.
Mason Bailey
how do I get a cute nurse gf?
Jaxson White
>please clap
Justin Ramirez
digits checked
Dylan Phillips
>takes social media selfies while the male doctors are out of frame doing actual work
Gabriel Cook
corona brappers
Aaron Hill
*lives in a first world country with actual border control*
*stays home*
Angel Howard
literally npcs
Mason Nelson
Pretty easy, I’ve dated two. They’re pretty whorey generally.
You should be able to afford semi nice outings, and give them dick all the time. That’s about it.
And I mean it about the dick all the time, the nurses I’ve dated required it more often than I cared to give it. And they tend to hate “lazy”
Charles Ross
No they fucking didnt. Nurses are fucking NPCs who train for years on protocols and how to fulfill an actual doctors orders. They dont have to have a critical thought in their head. Follow protocols.
Ultimate NPCs.
And fuck NPC doctors too. If we didn't have drugs that required prescriptions, we wouldnt even need doctors for 98% of the shit we need to see a doctor for. I could self diagnose on the internet and treat my own pneumonia with a standard dose of antibiotics.
Carson Evans
>What exactly do nurses do?
They do me buddy. Got some last night. That's right, I'm a cool customer.
>the people that change the bed pan
Those are CNA's. They usually live in trailer parks while being single moms. They do 6 months of college. If that.
>and claim to be champions
Become a male nurse if it bothers you.
Jaxson White
Gib pussy
Connor Perry
take vitals
inform doctor if your condition worsens
call a code/start cpr
help clean you up if you shit yourself
administer meds
help walk you to the toilet
change your bedpan
change your bandages
check your wound/surgery incision
be the first one to notice if you faint in the toilet or fall out of bed
Better question: Why is Yas Forums so triggered by nurses?
Dominic Adams
I should have clarified about lazy. I don’t mean that you work 70 hours a week. No they don’t give a shit if you work 10 hours a week. But you have to do stuff they want to do a lot and afford to do it
Jason Russell
Auntie probably has tons of experience and training and continuing education credits
Logan Adams
Go back to the healing huts with the other women where you belong
Connor Baker
>Out of frame taking 3 hours to do a Google search of your symptoms leaving you to waste your day away in the hospital
Ftfy. Doctors are overpaid search engines. Literally all of my major illnesses have been properly diagnosed by a nurse practitioner rather than a doctor.
Matthew Sanchez
>I'm a miserable piece of shit. Therefore, other's should NOT be able to have fun.
Adam Brooks
This one is mine
Josiah Reed
Women shouldn’t be able to vote. They have minds like children
Jacob Adams
Because nurses are women and pol doesn't like the idea of women doing anything outside housework.
Isaiah Cox
>all these pics and videos of them posing or dancing about how amazing they are for doing their jobs
Why are they so fucking needy for attention? You get paid good money for this, that’s enough. You don’t need to be fucking worshipped
Connor Howard
Fuck. You.
Easton Roberts
David Long
I want the world to be de-populated tho