It'z da joooos who degenerated muh perfect white society


The only difference is that it was hidden behind the scenes and more rewarding back then, it was more subversive. Hence why the most depraved crimes, as those by Reis, occured back then, despite it being a muh pure white christian society.

I have a nagging suspicion that a lot of artists from history were into what would nowadays be termed "femdom." The popularity of motifs of women riding men like animals and abusing, maiming, killing and trampling upon them. Of course, the there are many motifs of men abducting, raping and killing women, but those things are quite common in reality, and the moral stance of the artist is always against such things. But women getting over on men in art is proudly celebrated. Any time one figure tramples upon another, it's a woman trampling upon a man, or rarely, another woman.

Attached: Giorgione - Judith.jpg (845x1920, 595.35K)

Its almost like its unhealthy to bottle up your sexuality and it ends up manifesting itself in extreme ways

>some old vase or some shit
What's the context?
>some shit that didn't happen
>more shit that didn't happen
>even more shit that definitely didn't happen
>more of the same shit that still didn't happen
>drawings are proof something happened, right?
>Dutroux was ethnically Jewish
>I'm 100% sure drawings are proof of things happening, I'm sure of it!
>pic from Weimar-era Germany, wherein Jews ruled
>more drawings

I mean, user...

1) Most of your 'proof' is drawings. This is not proof of anything.
2) Several of your examples are literally about Jews.
3) Pretty much all of your examples, with the possible exclusion of your OP vase bit (itself just a drawing), transpired AFTER Jews had moved into Europe in large number

That's not really the point though, ya know? The point is - why the fuck do you think ANYONE suggests that Jews are the ONLY source of degenerate behaviors? Every race has deviants - it just so happens that all the data suggests Whites are and have long been the LEAST deviant amongst the races.
And that much of the modern deviant in White Western European society comes from... Well, Jews.

Most of your examples here have to do with - by modern standards - comparatively mild sexual deviancy... And if we look at the much more extreme variations of such today, IN EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE, what do we find?
Jews in porn.
Jews pushing acceptance of sexual deviancy.
Jews seeking to normalize sexual deviancy.
Jews seeking to promote sexual deviancy to children.
Jews seeking to promote sexual deviancy in media and mass-producing said media.
Jews using sexual deviancy to control government through blackmail.

The US government - leaders of the state in which about 41% of the World's Jewish population exists, second only to Israel, the literal Jewish ethnostate - recently denied the transfer of Grindr (an Israeli-made gay hook-up app) to a Chinese company... because it represented a national security risk.
Let that sink in.