Free speech mate. They have the right to say what they want. Besides, your ilk talks about how you're glad mostly Democrats and blacks are dying from the virus.
It's not just journos, it's lefties in general.
Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences.
Freedom of press does not mean freedom from consequences.
If one were to say to you, personally, right now, "You deserve a bullet to the head" that would be free speech?
Maybe magafags should stop getting themselves killed then. Hospitals should close their doors to protestors and other idiots and let them suffocate in the parking lot.
Jesus m8 get your font aliasing situation sorted out.
Yas Forumslacks say that all the time though you're just butthurt you identify with the targets for once.
OPs pic is obviously gloating, but there is a pandemic and they're not giving a fuck. Nothing wrong with hoping that they get their negholes properly pozzed
>except people i dont like, let those fuckers die
Why are leftists so ethically and morally bankrupt?
Whys that wrong? You right wing retards want liberals and non-whites dead
why can’t leftists and liberals wish for death on alt right retards and trump supporters?
You can, but you deserve to lose your career and end up selling your holes on the street.
Yet you fags have been whining for the last 4 days about those two racist white retards who were kicked out of their school for making a video about blacks and calling them niggers
Where was this wisdom then?
You just said it now faggot
>getting covid at the hot and humid beach
>getting covid at the packed super market where everyone can touch everything you might buy
I wonder which scenario is more likely
Nothing wrong in what she said
In fact MAGAtards should be identified and not treated at all.. they are the ones spreading corona in Florida
I was at the beach today. There was only one interracial couple (bmwf) and a guy covered in swastika tats, so I guess it evened out
you know what to do
The lust for genocide is palpable
Toning is happening in Florida. There have been some cases, but for the most part life is normal here. Some businesses are even open, quietly.
It goes both ways faggot. Kikes niggers and faggots will reap what they sow one way or another.
Aren't half the people on Yas Forums also wishing death on these retards? And it's justified. Let the libtards alone, this time they're right.
But it’s mostly lefties dying of this. Almost all lefties.
>saying nigger is bad
>death threats okay
Well yeah, the leftard lusts for everyone more succesfull than him to die.
>and thats a good thing, heres why
>stay inside
>don't get healthy vitamin-d
The average person packing the beaches are most likely college aged spring breakers who were probably Bernie voters in passing. They're likely disengaged politically and if they do vote, they just vote anything with a (D) "Because like, Republicans are stupid"
Your average Republican voter's going to be trying to go back to work and is more likely to be found protesting to get back to work and start getting paychecks again.
you should call the police or cry into your pillow
And she has the correct opinion. You magafags are getting out of hand on this website.
It's not a threat, simply a wish for natural selection to thin the herd of unfit individuals.
Meanwhile it's democrat strongholds like NYC getting their asses handed to them. Laugh at them.
Checked. These people are retarded if they actually think you’ll catch a virus at a sunny, humid, breezy beach.
She's a Cuban (from Cuba) that celebrates the Cuban takeover of Miami. But she's anti-socialist. Lol.
When all of Trumps people are immune by November, it will be a Trump landslide.
Yep, and every one of them fucking deserves it. Fuck off with your faux outrage, if you want outrage how about your Cheeto Man president telling people to "liberate" their states when that will 100% cost lives. Get fucked.
What is the mortality rate of young people with no co-morbidities? Basically zero. Nursing home residents and diabetic rascal riders aren’t storming the beaches. Are you proposing we shut down the beach during Flu season? Are random people fucking each other in beach tents? Are you afraid they’re gonna fill the ocean with COVID-19?
Everyone does
She deleted it.
Good thing for the screenshots and the archive.