Pic is right y'know. You're missing out on so much.
Pic is right y'know. You're missing out on so much
who will do the jobs the natives won't? like torching and vandalizing centuries old olive orchards?
Shitskins go home
Geez if only Germans were that based and redpilled.
Jewesses are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.
Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.
What does the Berlin wall have to do with immigrants?
>Implying immigrants and native greeks are of the same families and friends and were separated by a wall
I think they are trolling at this point by pretending to be retarded
a wall in the middle of a city is the same as a large body of water separating two very different countries that are hundreds of miles away
Jewish women are top-tier.
I don't understand the relation between these two.
How are those two situations even remotely similar?
Yes because welcoming your own people and family that you have been seperated from is totally the same thing as letting in tens of thousands of foreigners that come to destroy your culture, desecrate your lands, and rape your women.
You know you would hit that.
Where are they pointing at? I don't get it. 3meta5me
Ok so the pic is from the article:
"Open Borders Are a Trillion-Dollar Idea"
Retarded as fuck. I recommend you guys read it for luls. It actually made me less in favour of open borders and he has no good arguments.
It's saying that West Germans were welcoming of East German migrants way back in 1991 and that turned out great. Yet now the Greeks are refusing migrants, they're gonna miss out on the benefits.
Yes it is incredibly retarded.
But east Germans were related to us. Those shitskins have nothing in common with Greeks. I see slight meme potential though.
we are all human, retard
Not all humans are created equal.
Not within races, and not between them.
And there is nothing implicitly valuable about a human life.
2 totally different scenarios, cringeeeeee
Why don't you welcome in some wolves to live with you?
We're all mammals after all
should have never taken THAT fucking wall down
then the Germans wouldn't be importing shitskins into Europe as revenge for loosing WWII
Jesus Christ how intellectually dishonest with yourself do you have to be to believe, let alone make up shit like this?
That's why it's a retarded comic.
>A wall separating Germans for decades is the same as Greeks turning away foreign nationals
>A wall separating friends, families, people who speak the same language, share the same history, and the same country is the same as Greeks turning away people from a different country
Multiculturalism doesn't work.
Pic related is from 2006.
What the fuck do either of these situations have to do with the other?
I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to think these two situations are remotely similar.
Why is there a white kid in the boat?
Neo liberals
Wow why are Greeks such Nazis?
>People proudly crossing into a part of their country that was blocked off for decades
>Natives of a different country trying to break into another country
Fuck off.