Irish National Hero Conor McGregor is putting down American President Donald Trump trying to score brownie points at home before entering political office himself.
Conor McGregor thinks that TRUMP failed handling Corona Virus
Yes, thank-you. I always respect the political opinions of someone who gets punched in the head for a living.
I'm not taking any advice about politics from a guy with traumatic brain injury.
gives a shit what a potato nigger thinks
>The shill doesn't even make a statement
It's like it's just bread with nothing in it.
Celebrities who fuck up their sex life pander to the left so the press takes it easy on them
That’s what Louis ck did
Huh. I guess the Irish really are niggers.
Lounging around the house in full makeup. What a skank.
I don’t see what’s wrong with this
Go away, Conor, we're talking about you not to you.
You guys are about as dumb as the "no rent," fags that come out of nowhere, shill your shit.
I don't know if you or the schizos are worse though.
wow Team JoePedo now
Drumpf btfo'd by 50IQ ape with money
Can he recover?
Literally who?
you mean the braindead potatonigger chimp conor mcgregor of ufc fame? remember when celebrities kept their dumb cunt opinions to themselves?
Weird, only a few months ago he was praising Trump.
All the Irish people I met when I went to Ireland, thought Connor was clown shoes. A rich guy that stirs shit to get a payday sure, but clownshoes non the less.
McNigger thinks with is bank account. When the spy was at all time highs, mcpotato said trump was the greeatest. Now the spy is at 280 or some shit and mcpotatoNigger thinks trump sucks again.
Yeah if only trump had fumbled some major world event in the last couple of months that could account for the loss of confidence in him...
nope cant think of anything dumb potatonigger.
Dumbest thread of the day.
Where’s the lie?
What kind of faggot comes in with a peace symbol meme flag puts a gay flag above Conner and an American flag under Trump when Trump without question is the most pro LGBT president in American history. He might as well get Baron a sex change for his next birthday.
As if half the world is doing any better.
How is this a defence? Doing a bad job is doing a bad job regardless of how other countries are doing. America isnt supposed to be just another country its supposed to be number one and hes supposed to be making america great again not making america average.
>when Trump without question is the most pro LGBT president in American history.
>He might as well get Baron a sex change for his next birthday.
Barron, is that you sending secret message to your daddy Donald what you would like to get for your next birthday...?
I’ll leave this here. Do with it as you will.
It is curious how during a pandemic you have less deaths in the same time the last 3 years when there was t one.
Cucked by sand nigger.
Cucked by queen.
Needs channel energy correctly.
Well, it kind of is. It's an unprecedented virus we had minimal knowledge about which went from zero to one hundred real quick. Every world leader seems to be taking a different approach, some good, some bad. Nobody really seems to know what they're doing and each country is different in their own ways. Very much a trial and error thing at the moment.
But I can list some things that are probably not a good idea to say or do if you're the leader of a country.
>its a hoax
>its just a flu
>use a flu vaccine
>we'll be open by easter
>we have a cure its this experimental drug that
hasnt been proven to work yet
>provoking people to go out into the streets and protest during a pandemic
The only thing hes got right so far is calling out WHO and China and I bet he cucks on that shit really quick if he hasn't already since he stopped calling it a chinese virus.
Between him and the UK government theres not a lot worse you can do other than china or iran.
Leave it to a potato nigger to be a puppet bitch for the gook empire. Further proof Ireland doesn't deserve independence.
imagine being this stupid
No you see it was sarcasm you amerilard im sorry you didnt catch that obviously we can all see that trumps response to the coronavirus was fucked.
Do you even realise how much of a retard you are?
So are you going to provide a link to these comments? Oh no you aren’t, you are memeflag shill trying to cause a little divide and conquer.
Is McGregor a nationalist? Maybe he will be able to push back on Google Inc.
The amount of fucking retards in this thread that just automatically believe a memeflag “1 post by this ID” without even a single source.