Why do far left radicals continue to vote for the neoliberal establishment they claim to be fighting against? Do they have any principles?
Far left luminary Noam Chomsky....endorse(s) Joe Biden over Donald Trump
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Pentagon paycheck Chomsky resembles his remark, manufacture that consent.
Liberalism is like a religion. The neoliberal establishment represent the neopriesthood
Chomsky is a fraud. He invents quotes in his book and have been caught on it several times.
>Do they have any principles?
Only one: Power over the masses by any means necessary.
>why do jews act like jews?
Its an unsolved mystery.
Hard to call him a radical at this point. He's endorsed Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and now Biden.
He doesn't like Israel
Just like Chomsky's other endorsee Pol Pot Biden is backed by chinks and will lose.
He's not even relevant and majority of the country has no clue or has forgotten him
Can't wait to see TYT either ignore or lie about this. Chumpski is their holy prophet. Having him endorse Biden will give them permission to go all in on backing the groping dementia patient. The real fun will be seeing How Jimmy Dore responds to Chumpski and TYT.
Came here to post this.
That would be Fascism and Communism, not AnComs like Chompsky
>Syndicalist endorses a neoliberal every election
He's a democrat, lets just start calling him a democrat.
Corona isn't killing enough of these old pinkos
Because hating whites is more important to them than any kind of ideology. Even if Trump isn't actually pro-white that's how he's perceived so they'll vote against anybody who runs against him. Chomsky is nothing more than a jewish supremacist who will happily push mossad propaganda
Principles are being selected against in the current political system. Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders get nothing done, in fact Congress regularly empties while they lambast the government over its hypocrisy because nobody gives a fuck they just want corporate money.
The country is fucked.
well, thats a shocker
principles are a masculine quality and leftist men aren't masculine
No he is definitely an anarcho-socialist, if you think otherwise you should read Manufracturing Consent or Understanding Power.
Well, for starters, (((Noam Chomsky))). And no, they don't have any principles, but the same could be said of the 'right'. When politics is treated like a sports team and people just sheepishly support one party because 'maybe' they might agree with you on some things while they're actually raping you in every other way, then well, you're just destined for failure over and over again. Who cares about truth, honour, or any of that! Things will have to get a lot worse before it might get better. Coronavirus is just a small taste of what's to come.
He said he's against BDS and supports Israel's right to exist. He's a wolf in sheep's clothes.
>claims to be anti-imperialist
>hates the CIA and the "intelligence community"
>CIA and "intelligence community" hates Donald Trump
>endorses Trump's opponent
It's almost like Jews engage in deception or something.
How can he be anti imperialist when he explicitly said he wants the US to remain permanently in Syria to help Kurdish separatists.
Chomsky is just another fabian society faggot. So no surprise he endorses fellow fabian society faggots.
>Old Kike Commie Kike endorses Neo-Liberal War Hawk over semi-isolationist American Nationalist
Why the fuck am i not surprised??
Fuckin This.
Redpill me on Chomsky.
I'm sure it's a lesser evil kind of thing.
The Kurds are democratic confederalists, which is an ideology based directly on his writings. of course he'd have a soft spot for them