Virginia got red flagged and ubcs
Press F
Other urls found in this thread:
amerimutts won't do shit
There goes another dominion state.
What moves are available to Virginians to restore their rights? Do they have the ability to petition for a special election? Are there significant seats coming up in their state legislature?
Few things;
>almost every county, township, and city have declared themselves 2A sanctuaries in a tongue and cheek fuck you to the left
>some counties have gone so far as forming militias
>most sheriffs are refusing to enforce the law and are offering to lead local militias
>people are fucking angry
Essentially this will boil down to a question of enforcement like Prohibition which is a game I don't think Ralph fully understands. Most of what the state legislature wanted was dropped so the Richmond rally wasn't totally useless. Many of those same legislators were scared shitless and are dumbfounded that Virginia extends beyond NOVA and Richmond. I'd expect the lawsuits to start being filed but courts are mostly shutdown so nothing is moving on that front yet.
>inb4 hurr durr nobody won't do shit
Virginia has a bit over 2,000 State Troopers who, realistically speaking, will be the ones tasked with enforcing this shit. Half of those are on the fence about the laws, and now that LLEOs are telling Richmond to fuck off their job is much harder. Thanks to the police in MD shooting a guy while he was asleep to execute a red flag search, more people are on edge.
I moved out of Virginia back to North Carolina just because of this faggotry. I live on the state like and now have to drive like 40 mins to go to work
welcome to one of the last free states in the union, komrade
Good riddance. The police and the military have guns already. Besides they take down the deep state and help Trump get reelected.
These are all good signs. Good luck to my Virginia brothers and sisters. Hopefully this thread will bring what their options are to light like you've done and keep morale high.
From what I've heard, there's already lawsuits being filed, but like you said, the courts won't be seeing them for a while. Unfortunately, as it currently stands, they can enforce some of the bullshit, such as the one pistol a month rule. But the first case(s) will be immediately scooped up by GOA and NRA (assuming the latter can get off their asses, and stop begging for money) and will probably see at least that one struck down. Red flags, and UBC's will stay put indefinitely since the people you need to argue against want this, run everything, and have made the rules stack in their favor so you can't just vote them out anymore.
Yeah you lie down and take it. And don't worry, I called blackup.
Nice meme
It's true though. Glad that we are finally getting guns off the streets until the deep state is defeated and crime goes down. We need to trust the president and the plan.
Is this supposed to mean universal background checks? It's really not that difficult to spell, I thought we left shortening words to letters in the late 2000s.
>we won't comply
You know, gun control in California was first selectively enforced against chinks and niggers. Eventually, it stopped being so selective. You're going to be indistinguishable from California in another couple decades.
What does this have to do with the president?
Yes I took the bait.
This is the only way moving forward
Our founding fathers were explicit in wording that "a well armed militia" is "essential to a free state"
You have every right to form a militia and defend your second amendment right
This. In ten years you'll be shooting SCRs and waiting in lines to transfer a gun to your kid and you'll do it happily.
Nra isnt doing a god damn thing for us. Dont ever bring those traitors up again.
The NRA has actually backed and promoted gun control. Fk the nra
The GOA and FPC are literally suing the government as we speak.
user look at all the patriot militias we have today, barely any of them do anything.
The cool thing about being anti-gun is that they can fuck with gun experts endlessly. Most people inbetween just mildly agree that people should be allowed to own guns, but they can't imagine what it means to build an uncucked AR, being able to own any pistol you want, etc. So when they introduce 'common sense gun control' they're just freely fucking with guns until you just lose all hope and purpose.
I would say you need a huge movement to change this and nobody wanna do that. Who knows what the NRA is doing with their money.
You won't do shit because you are all cowards at heart and lazy on top of that. You don't deserve your 2A rights. You deserve to be as cucked as europoors are.
>Virginia has a bit over 2,000 State Troopers who, realistically speaking, will be the ones tasked with enforcing this shit. Half of those are on the fence about the laws, and now that LLEOs are telling Richmond to fuck off their job is much harder.
The cops will enforce the laws.
The entire selection process is about finding individuals that have total obedience to authority and too weak of a will to rebel.
When it comes time to act, they will feel overwhelming terror and fall in line to resolve that terror. They can't help themselves, they are addicted to the comfort of knowing they are sided with the law. Trusting a cop to do the right thing is the same as trusting an alcoholic to stop drinking. They might say they are going to, but they wont without outside pressure.
Because they havent been activated yet.
Soon as a BETO figure gets into power in 2024. Then they will be ready
But most of them are fat fucks.
Dude just shut the fuck up. Jesus. We are having a somewhat meaningful discussion and then you fly in with your mindless bullshit.
>you cannot support the NRA and GOA at the same time
Begone D&C shill
>fly in with your mindless bullshit.
The truth? Name a modern event where cops actually stood up for rights violently.
You dont like cops. We get it. Go away.
I have nothing against them. They're just people who want stability like everyone else. You've already lost and you'll do nothing about it.
he's right you know. bootlickers always face a harsh truth eventually.
Yeah thats nice but this isn't California. I'm from MD originally, I didn't comply there either. I don't plan on complying here either.
>The cops will enforce the laws.
>backs this statement up with speculative nonsense
Opinion fucking discarded.
You know that the 2018 elections made Virginia significantly more blue, right? And that the population growth patterns are terrible for Republicans.
Same thing happened in Colorado. North Carolina and Arizona are headed that way. Georgia and Texas will be by the end of the decade.
I've got some really bad news for you.
>tfw Northcuck did this when no one in VA can assemble and probably used the stay-at-home order to his advantage
daily reminder that cops in the US have violently acted against civil rights time and time again
see: Bonus Army, Athens 1946, any modern gun control scheme
sic semper tyrannus amiright
>Texas will be by the end of the decade.
Wrong. The only reason Republicans still win in Texas is because of internal migration from blue states. Native born Texans voted for O'rouke. Cruz won because of Cali transplants.
and because Texan beaners arent like other beaners.
Imagine being this stupid. Enjoy your felony.
Daily reminder: this thread is not about cops
Bigger, Texas has gotten significantly more blue. Republicans lost a fuckton of house seats there in 2018. The demographic growth and trends in the suburbs of the metro areas are fucking awful for Republicans. Facts don't care about your bitchy feelings.
>Facts don't care about your bitchy feelings.
You are literally ignoring the facts that just got presented you clown.
Is that why Trump, Abbott, and Cruz all won by the smallest margins in Texas in decades? Is that why Dems flipped a lot of Congressional districts?
Also, the belief that only conservatives move to Texas is blatantly false. Look at what happened in Nevada. Look what is happening in Arizona. Read a book my dude.
These new law threads move along like clockwork. The first threads start off all defiant and filled with people who are totally gonna fight if it goes through. Then the threads go on to talk about how they 100% not gonna comply. And then a year later nothing happens and everyone follows along with big daddy atf because they're afraid. Hope I'm wrong, but I won't be.
>Inb4 I'll bury my guns/shoot them on my 100 acres alone and they'll die with me
You dumb inbred motherfucker, ignoring that Republicans lost tons of seats and had their winning statewide margins cut massively. Fuck off.
lol none of those Larping militia faggots will do shit
>wahhh enjoy your felony
I see you have nothing of substance to say.
>These new law threads move along like clockwork.
This includes faggots like you showing up to submit your two cents like this as if it is off a script. I'm from a ban state. People don't comply, you are objectively wrong. Please, continue telling people who live in a place how that place actually works despite not living there.
Course they won't, the only militias that do any thing are the ones that patrol the mexican border. The rest are just BBQ meetups for discussing guns and politics.
where are the crowds of gun folk that protested last year? did they seriously expect to show up for one single event and their politicians would give up their anti-gun agenda?
Won by 9 percentage points in '16. McCain won by 12 in '08. Hardly the change you think.
2018 was 7 percentage points smaller but he doubled his turnout and the challenger quadrupled hers.
O'rouke ran the most expensive senate campaign in US history and increased turnouts by over 200% and still lost.
>Read a book my dude.
Read the citations I provided.
>still ignoring the citations provided
Locked down due to corona you fucking idiot.
>People don't comply
Yep, they just never bring them out into public to be challenged and no one ever see's those weapons again. Good job.
>Won by 9 percentage points in '16. McCain won by 12 in '08.
Bro, are you retarded? That's really bad. The implies it's just a matter of time before texass is blue.
A nice as that sounds, anti gun laws aren't about really removing your rights, they are about encasing and entrapping future generations from having those same rights. That's how it started in Jew Jersey, Jew York and Commiefornia. Encroaching little by little, until no one has anything and the people can't get new things.
>Yeah thats nice but this isn't California
California used to be the most pro-gun state.
>Man who shittalks hispanics does not do as well in state where 30% of eligible voters are hispanic
Practically speaking, the Red Flag laws in Virigina won't be undone until enough cops die and complain about them. There are already two deaths in other states over Red Flag laws and no one gave a shit. Kill the police, force them to take it to court and then positive changes will come.
Is being honest about hispanics shittalking them? I guess so, since there's not much nice to say.
>dude don't shittalk our based hispanic bros! haha it doesn't matter if texas becomes 15% white we still got our BASED mexicans!
>Yep, they just never bring them out into public to be challenged and no one ever see's those weapons again.
They shoot on private property, and invite others to said private property to shoot their non-compliant rifles as well. Your argument is fucking retarded. Again, continue to tell me about the place I grew up like a fucking mouth breather.
We shall see. You assume things stay the same forever, they don't.
For example.
>Still denying the fact that Dems made huge gains in Texas in just a single cycle.
Slit your wrists.
When has a state EVER gotten more, and more gun friendly and repealed anti gun laws over decades?
>thats what I said or implied
I bet your lips move when you read.
Mexicans or any spanish person will always vote for free gibs, on the whole.
>Work hard and keep little!
>Word little and get paid for it!
It's easy to see who retards would vote for. Who doesn't like getting free shit? They don't care if it would cripple the country with dept and sky high taxes.
>muh facts!
>ignores facts
>missing the point
So it's either be honest and not a faggot cuckservative and rightfully shittalk hispanics and piss off those hispanics. Or be a total cuck fag and kiss hispanic ass desperately trying to get them to vote for you. Yeah, fuck off.
"You no longer have a Constitution in this land. The most vile criminal people that ever walked the face of the earth now reside in Washington DC and they are your masters!!!
And Jesus Christ is going to bless this land?!
How dare you even consider it!!!
I'm asking you to make measly, miserable worms out of ALL Federal Agents! This is our country! When you raise that hand to feel the power, that comes from total absolute unconditional commitment!
We win or we die!!!"
-Louis Beam
>only a cuck tries to win elections!
This has to be bait.
>Inb4 I'll bury my guns/shoot them on my 100 acres alone and they'll die with me
Looks like I called it. Enjoy being in the last generation of gun owners.
>When has a state EVER gotten more, and more gun friendly and repealed anti gun laws over decades?
Very frequently. Look at the current state of concealed carry compared to, say, fifty years ago.
So you've admitted it, whites will continue dwindle in texas and hispanics will continue to swarm and the only way to win will be desperately sucking mexi cocks. Fucking pathetic.
>caring about race
go back
>r-race doesn't even m-matter muh BASED mexicans
>how dare you try get all the tejanos and vaqueros to vote republican
>you should just let the democrats win!
as i said, go back.
"BEANERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be BEANERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE BEANERS" he thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of minorities after dark. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
t. ethnic mutt who earns less than 50K a year
The point is you've already lost if you're sucking mexican dick.
you need to go back to leftypol
I think his issue has more to do with how they vote. Ever wonder why hispanic countries have massive corruption, crime, and shitty authoritarian gun laws?
Who the fuck is sucking dicks user?
Hopelessly cucked. I bet you'll enjoy texas just being an extension of mexico and a complete shithole.
>instead of trying to get the traditionally conservative catholic mexican vote, just loose because ew browns
how do i know you're a mutt?
>traditionally conservative catholic mexican
Lmfao. """"traditionally conservative"""" that's why mexico is a corrupt violent shithole, they're just so conservative! BASED mexicans!
Hispanics are unironically better than whites when it comes to gun rights. A study that Pew did found that 55% of whites surveyed support a "ban on assault-style weapons" and 54% support a "ban on "high-capacity ammunition clips" compared to 37% and 32% among Hispanics.
most cumskin countries have shitty gun laws and massive corruption senpai, i don't get what you're trying to argue.
>no conservative person could have a corrupt government!
This guy.
That's cute, but hispanics don't actually give a fuck about anything but amnesty, shipping their whole family here and welfare.
>Eyy we're super based on gun rights, ese! That's why gun are outlawed in our home countries and why wherever we migrate to we support politcians that want to outlaw guns!
Hello leftypol
>gets confronted with statistical evidence
>no it doesnt count!
The denialism in this thread is ridiculous. Some of you seem to believe that places never shift politically. In the last 12 years alone we've seen Nevada become blue top to bottom. Same with Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico (for slightly different reasons). The trends in North Carolina, Arizona, and to a lesser (or rather a delayed) extent Georgia and Texas are going the same direction. Florida is always a wildcard. Closing your eyes, plugging your ears, and screaming "la-la-la I can't hear you" doesn't change anything and it does nothing to try and reverse these trends. When you have large and growing metropolitan areas and Republicans losing more and more suburbs, you've got a problem.
That's the fault of the cartels, who only exist because American teenagers and lulbertarians have to have their drugs no matter what.
>inb4 "The Mexican government is incompetent. They just need to shoot all of the cartel members to solve the problem."
The international drug trade is a trillion dollar industry and one that's literally run by the CIA. How is anyone supposed to stop that?
50 years of conservative failure was more than 50 years ago.
The Trump administration has put in place far more gun restrictions than Obama did in 8 years. But you'd know this if you weren't a cosplaying nogunz.
You're being a disingenuous piece of shit. Hispanic countries are so wildly corrupt it's ridiculous. Notice how all the top countries in murder rate are hispanic, black or arab.
>B-but Europe has shitty gun laws too!
Yeah, and I don't want them either. Nor does that negate my point.
go back
>who only exist because of american drug laws create a black market that doesn't need to exist.
It's almost like the Republican Party should change its platform. Do you really think that all of those people are voting Democrat just because they love socialism, or is it because they see two bad options and they pick the one that's less distasteful to them?
>pushing this shill line again
/leftypol/ is in the house.
Are you retarded? That was a vague poll asking random questions. Not how and who they actually vote for. Protip: They vote hardline liberal.
didn't say anything about violence retard. it's a fact that most cumskin countries have awful gun laws. learn some reading comprehension.
>No no no! This objective evidence debunking my assertion does not count!
It an absolute fact you incel faggot.
>Globalists are categorically liars unless what they say supports my agenda
>It's America's fault hispanics love to rob, rape, and murder eachother in their own countries.
>This verdict is ours to render. The people will judge us for how well and faithfully we fulfilled our duty. The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the President committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a “high crime and misdemeanor.”
>Yes, he did.
>The President asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival.
>The President withheld vital military funds from that government to press it to do so.
>The President delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders.
>The President’s purpose was personal and political.
>Accordingly, the President is guilty of an appalling abuse of the public trust.
>What he did was not “perfect”— No, it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights, our national security interests, and our fundamental values. Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine.
Senator Mitt Romney, 2012 Republican Presidential candidate
Violence is part of corruption, you retard.
>people don't vote for a party that insults them
amazing observation there. here's a fun fact, before 9/11 90% of arabs voted red but after that 20% voted red.
No, /leftypol/, it is not an "absolute fact". Pic related
If Democrats changed course on guns and instead supported the repeal of the Gun Control Act and National Firearms Act, would you vote Democrat?
How do they actually vote? this is a good question.
>bill cosby
Ah, I see you also like to rape women.
We know beyond any shadow of a doubt that they won't change their platform though. So it's a moot point.
Tell pol I said hi when this thread gets moved there
incredibly corrupt countries can be peaceful. see lebanon.
>How do they actually vote?
Increasingly Republican
Fucking Trump gets 30%. Guys like Gov. Abbot are in the 40's and improving.
Look at this faggot, citing Yas Forums as a source of authority when it completely is at odds with documented reality.
>Nooo, you can't criticize the CIA!
Nice try, FBI.
I'm really enjoying how quick this thread went to shit
That's a laugh. This thread isn't in any way related to /k/, of course jannies will keep it here.
Non-whites vote liberal. Let it go.
Every american politician since Teddy has been a piece of shit
I'm sorry Teddy, you were too good for this world.
Here is the article its from
Back to your discord, tranny.
>pistol permits
Can't happen soon enough. Fuck these Yas Forums cocksuckers. Anyone who posts there should be permabanned from every other board.
No. Because they'd probably still support abortion and mass non-white immigration illegal and legal.
>and dont even try change it!
Okay moshi
>linking an article from the mainstream media
>linking an article from the mainstream media
>had to insert the "le discord tranny XD" meme that his Shariablue playbook told him to spam
You're glowing harder than a Fallout 3 Ghoul.
>being against abortion
You bluepilled boomer dumbfuck. Have you actually looked at who's getting aborted and why? Margaret Singer was based.
All the cartel members and street criminals in all of Central America are made up of CIA agents?
>mainstream media
>no links other contrary to his post than bloomberg and theatlantic (which still confirm his)
Oh, he's retarded.
uggh, cringe.
The only way to change it is to become liberal cocksuckers. RINOs. Yeah I bet if you supported importing their entire extended mexican family and giving them all citizenship and welfare they'd definitely be on board. But that just makes you a libcuck.
I didn’t even do anything why are you booing me? We moved here to get away from a totalitarian state
>thats the only way to get votes
You own people made it that way. Your people are garbage, user. And now you're trying to make this country garbage like your old one. Get the fuck out.
yes, because they totally vote blue because they love fags, trannys, and abortion. they don't totally vote blue because the other side is openly hostile towards them.
Name a single federal restriction on personal firearm related ownership that Obama got through. Spoiler there are none. Trump banned bump sticks on a whim.
That's the only way that will work, yes. Hispanics by and large only care about amnesty, immigration, citizenship and welfare.
t. whiskey tango ward of the state
Even when voting republican?
Delusional. Accept your own people did all of that. They rape, kill and rob each other. That's just the way your people are.
>traditionally conservative catholic
Is that why the Pope is a socialist?
Oh wow he let people carry on trains and state parks, totally nullifies the time he tried to pass a permanent fucking AWB and missed it by a handful of votes in the senate
>because i say so!
Obeezy also allowed people to pack guns in their Amtrak luggage, a restriction G dubya put in place after 9/11
The majority of hispanics vote liberal. There will always be exceptions but if you import 1000 hispanics the net result is more liberal votes.
have you literally ever talked to a mexican. by the way, hispanic is a made up burger term for anyone south of the border.
What's your point here? You are admitting that the GOP is losing them and making no effort to get them back, and is in fact actively pushing them away.
More than anything Trump did
Yes. Accept reality.
You know Trump has publicly supported gun control for most of his life and has given money to Brady, right?
Tfw Puerto Rico has less gun restrictions than even some bright red states after hurricane Maria.
Your a fucking joke dude.
Yes, all the time. I've worked some really shitty jobs in my life and worked side by side with numerous mexicans and other hispanics. Some of whom I'm very certain were illegals.
if the gop stopped being openly hostile towards the mexicans they would be winning more elections. they dont even have to comprimise much on immigration since most mexicans don't want more mexicans to come and drive down wages. see Cesar Chavez sending literal gangs to the border to beat up people trying to cross.
Hispanic and Latino are the same thing except that Spaniards are Hispanic but not Latino and Brazilians are Latino but not Hispanic. The Venn Diagram is mostly overlap.
Fuck you
I been fighting unjust gun laws since I was 18
Don’t even try to claim “glownigger”
I’ve got that KY heritage in my blood. Molotov and shorty sxs shotguns are my culture
Illegals that don’t have to study US history to get in? Sure. Others? I wouldn’t say that.
Jesus fucking Christ you're retarded.
>here is a list of things trump did
>including expanding gun rights to 75 000 people
>hurr durr retard
Okay /leftypol/
Upside down pics yeehaw
And yet that's not going to happen. And younger Latinos are vastly more liberal and less religious than their parents. The ship has effectively sailed on Republicans ever being able to win the Latino vote (or even come close).
What policy would you recommend the Republicans adopt? Amnesty for anyone here illegally? Free welfare? Perhaps a automatic citizenship for anyone born here? Oh, wait...
>Dude, don't try to reduce immigration, kick out illegals and increase the white % of population, just start sucking up to hispanics!
Fucking pathetic.
He might be regular Yas Forums, user.
They were pretty bent about the whole "lmao move the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv cause them Jews be cool yo" thing.
>Spaniards are Hispanic but not Latino
Spaniards are Latino. So are Frenchmen and Italians.
No, I would say the model Abbot is using in Texas is just fine. But what do you recommend then? What is your solution?
>he thinks anywhere in the US is safe
Back to your containment board, nigger.
>Spaniards are Latino. So are Frenchmen and Italians.
Also, Quebeckers and Louisianans.
All the protesting was for shit.
Don't vote for Democrats.
Operation Wetback, Part II
Cringe. Latino does not refer to the Latin language.
>I would say the model Abbot is using in Texas is just fine
So the one where the majority of hispanics vote democrat?
Yes, but also 43% vote Republican.
Hmm, sounds like you're gonna be perma blue when you're 15% white.
Abbot is at 46% now
Not unless we start winning some votes you fucking cuck.
>Latino does not refer to the Latin language.
"Latino" comes from "Latin America," meaning the parts of the Americas that speak Latin-derived languages. While it's often used as a PC way to say "BEANERS," a strict usage of the term would include all speakers of Latin-origin languages in the Americas, at the least, and a slightly more expansive usage of the term could include all speakers of Latin-origin languages everywhere, as the term isn't "latino americano."
>"Latino" comes from "Latin America," meaning the parts of the Americas that speak Latin-derived languages
Which is differentiated from "Anglo America," which would be the majority of the US and Canada.
Ironic as "Anglo America" is (aside from language) not very Anglo. WASPs have been a minority for a hundred years or so.
>Not unless we start winning some votes you fucking cuck.
That won't happen unless you start kowtowing to hispanics and become liberals. Also, do you realize what a total fucking shithole it's gonna be when it's 15% white?
Governor Abbot is a liberal?
>m-m-muh whites
yea, maybe they can become as rich and developed as the majority white states of tennessee and kentucky
>Ironic as "Anglo America" is (aside from language) not very Anglo. WASPs have been a minority for a hundred years or so.
You're not going to find all that many Spaniards and Portuguese in Latin America, either. The only notable exception would be Uruguay.
>only my friends are allowed to be corrupt you have to play by the rules
Lmfao. Whites literally built this country and made it the most powerful country in the world.
I doubt abbot could get elected in 20 years. This is my point, it's only going to get worse because you stupid fucks keep thinking race doesn't matter.
i thought virginia already banned “assault rifles”. did we forget that already?
Yeah, I'm coping about being the supreme superpower of the world, while hispanic countries are poor irrelevant shitholes.
>goal post shifting
extreme levels of cope
We're talking about whites vs non-whites. Don't be so asshurt your home country sucks.
Mormons are literal enemies of America. John Moses Browning is the only one who gets a pass
do you own guns? why are you here no gunz refugee?
name one majority shitskin country that youd want to live in
>do you own guns?
Yep. Enjoy nu-mexico, cuckboy.
"whites" is a made up term that is constantly shifting. It's only used by coping mutts like yourself who want to feel important by attaching yourself to a title that did things while they themselves didn't do anything.
>muh yakub
go tend the crops nigger
If you have a CCP then the purchase permit is waived
>Mormons are literal enemies of America.
uh huh
is this your first fucking day here? whites as in western european blood that hasnt been tainted by shitskin filth.
It wasn't niggers that kicked them out of civilized America.
read a fucking book
>I doubt abbot could get elected in 20 years
>This is my point
Your point is that you dont understand that politcs changes or that Abbot is already pushing towards winning a hispanic majority vote in Texas on his current platform?
Get fucked, incel.
Basically any Gulf Arab country.
>w-white doesn't even exist!! ;_;
>t. non-white
Every time. Lmao.
You arent white.
>name one majority shitskin country that youd want to live in
I could be content in Spain.
yeah and momonism is overtly racist in its gospel you rain dancing tribal
go back.
and america consideres every single person in the middle east and north africa to be as white as a dane. stay mad mutt.
you would be unemployed in spain
We'll see, user. And as I said before, do you understand how bad things will be when whites are at minuscule percentages? If the pandering to hispanics works it'll be a pyrrhic victory.
ok ahmed
>i know nothing about genetics
>chooses a country where the shitskins are like 75% white blood
Tranny pls go
>america consideres every single person in the middle east and north africa to be as white as a dane
No. Also it's funny, in that pic ben franklin never said germans weren't white or western european. He said they weren't anglo.
>you would be unemployed in spain
Nonsense. My native English means I could find tourist service jobs easily.
The hardest part would be learning to take midday naps.
can you form a thought without thinking of whites?
>Spaniards are 75% white
Ha ha, oh wow.
Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Georgia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay?
(I know because I have been to all of them).
>b..but guns!
Some of the worst gun rights in the world are found in White Western European countries.
just kill yourself already mud. we dont want you as our friend.
Race matters, deal with it. Notice how all of the nicest countries are white countries. That isn't a coincidence. Notice no matter where blacks and hispanics live they commit a lot of crime.
Stay mad, mutt.
Who said anything about pandering?
>whites whites whites
t. mutt
>Jews weren't being killed so long as they stay hidden
I honestly don't know what's worse, your apologism for gun laws, or how you get absolutely assblasted when others don't support them like you.
You aren't white.
why are you on /k/ when all you seem to care about are retard race politics? when is moot going to ban Yas Forumsnigger goddamn.
are you stupid or a kike? fucking lol at half your list having majority white blood
>Also it's funny, in that pic ben franklin never said germans weren't white or western european
There's more to the quote.
>That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.
Germans = swarthy
Germans ≠ white
Your definition of "white" as found here Excludes every single country on that list.
>kike using sophistry to win an argument
keep changing definitions mordecai
Race and gun control are intertwined. Vast majority of non-whites vote for liberals. Whereas the majority of whites vote for conservatives. Accept reality.
Old news.
>ignoring the poll that says the opposite
>are you stupid or a kike?
I ascribe to the Franklin school of Whiteness, you swarthy subhuman. You might as well be a nigger, as far as I'm concerned.
My previous neighbor is my age. He knocked up a hispanic girl. Both his kids look white. So, its not like negros and whites shitting out Mutt babies.
If anyone needs to e deported, its nogs. We should have backed the latinos and sent every nog packing. Send every one of them back to Africa. So they can be kangz
>when it's quite literally the law
suck a dick mutt.
No, that poll says that when asked specifically if they support banning "assault weapons". However, when it comes to actually voting for politicians, they vote liberal. Accept reality.
ok nigger youre still choosing countries that have large levels of white blood instead of no white blood
t. rape baby
>people vote for people that aren't openly hostile torwards them
groundbreaking observation there, nigger.
They both need to go, quite frankly.
Any chance Northam gets the boot and/or the Dems lose control of the state legislature next election? They seem to have done absolutely nothing to consolidate support and just went full power mad right out of the gate.
>Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia
>majority white blood
>dude if you become a RINO and suck their dick they'll vote for you!
Epic. Ever considered that most people don't want to have America turn into mexico?
in 1 country controlled by jewish bankers. not based on genetics like it should be.
>amazingly people dont vote for the party that is openly hostile to them
>not being openly hostile makes you a cuck!
>just become california like a man!
Kill yourself.
post guns
>ignore the rest
Commiefornia cucked hard for hispanics. They're a sanctuary state and actively help illegals.
Wtf is this false dichotomy?
>if the gop stopped being openly hostile towards the mexicans
HOW? FUCKING HOW? You fuckers always trot out this line, but when asked to explain it, you just wind up explaining how republicans hate ILLEGALS. Whats the deal with you spics and not being able to wrap your heads around this? Stop sneaking in, stop trying to make spanish the fucking de facto language in the southwest, and we'd be good. That's literally all you would have to do.
Seriously name something Trump has actually done that uniquely fucked over mexicans.
nice goal post shift retard. by the way, genetics as we know it didn't exist in the 40s so your claim is even more retarded than normal.
Thats not at all what happened you fucking clown.
>"n-no u!"
How were they openly hostile to Mexicans? Be specific.
>Seriously name something Trump has actually done that uniquely fucked over mexicans.
Nothing. Thats why hispanic support for Trump is climbing. Just campaign for beaners in texas and arizona like you campaign for dumbfuck Appalachian coal miners. Part of politics is making deals with people you dont want to be around. Simple as.
>tfw swva gets constantly railed by nova
fucking jannies
+1 fuck jannies