Do you think Dan Crenshaw will run for President?
Do you think he would win?
Do you think Dan Crenshaw will run for President?
Do you think he would win?
He probably will run but will loose due to demographics.
He probably will run but will loose due to demographics.
He probably will run but will loose due to demographics.
He probably will run but will loose due to demographics.
But he's also a massive fucking shill for Israel so fuck him too
Eye doubt it
He probably will run but will loose due to demographics.
The one eyed trouser snake? Not a kikesucking chance in Hell.
He niggerly will nig but will niig due to niggergraphics
Fuck him
nah he'll get bombarded with "this nigga look like a pirate lmao" memes
The faggot lost an eye for Israel but did not have the nerve to die for Israel. You niggers do not seem to understand that as soon as Trump is out of office the hammer will be dropped on the cancerous kike cock sucking Republican party
>Do you think Dan Crenshaw will run for President?
>Do you think he would win?
He is a cuck on immigration, a cuck on trade and Jewish Cuck on Wars for israel.
He will either get knocked out in the primary by an American Nationalist (hopefully Tucker)
Or he will get the nomination and lose in the General
Depending on the dem nominee i would even consider voting for them in order to punish the GOP for running this Zionist piece of shit.
(Tho it does to depend on who the dems nominate and if they are running an anti-white pro-"reperations" kike or faggot i'd probably just sit the election out)
Faggot has a glass eye but he’s an edge lord so he wears an eyepatch. Also a kike lover.
He doesn't understand why people voted for Trump. He thinks it's only about pissing off the libs.
But Trump went all in on trade and the decline of manufacturing.
he's going to build his own island in the middle of the ocean and create a paramilitary
President of Israel maybe
>But Trump went all in on trade and the decline of manufacturing.
Nobody understands that this is 100% of the reason he won. During George Bush's reign, I and many others vowed never to vote republican for the rest of my life (I voted for Kerry). Trump changed that. However, he's still going a bad job on trade, H1Bs, etc. even without the virus.
Yes, I think he's keeping his eye (lol) on the prize.
The problem is he's disgustingly establishment, pathetically pro-Israel, pro-immigration, pro-NWO, pro-endless wars, and blind to the electoral consequences of demographics. It's exactly the wrong direction the Republican party needs to go in. Imagine a John McCain that pretends to like Trump, but has charisma, and is much more of a careerist. In a general, yeah, he'd probably get crushed due to demographics, but in a primary against someone like Tucker or Hawley, he'd be exposed for what he is.
TL;DR: Yes, he will run, and his name will likely be linked in some way to Texas going blue in a presidential election.
He can try but he'll get blindsided by something.
He probably will run but will loose due to being an anti-gun cyclops
Cringe and schizopilled
I think he’s an unamerican cock sucker. Fuck this traitor in his ass.
In Babylon they had a tradition where they'd make a slave the king for a day. Makes sense.
He should run to get his other eye fucked by muzzies too.
Oldfag humor. Lurk moar newfag.
Big zio-con
>posts a pic of a Knight of Malta
my sides.
Of Israel?
That shithead sucks bowls of limp cocks.
Neocon puppet closeted pedo. Fuck him.
He's right. Jesus came from Jerusalem. He is referring to Christianity.
>American Nationalist (hopefully Tucker)
truth is the game was kiked from the start
He probably will sneed but will chuck due to sucking and fucking.
Good candidate but not for America
>knight of Malta
Next your going to tell me the fucking "vatican" is the one behind the degeneracy in the west lol.
Yes user there are alot of secretive interests with plenty of differing views on the way in which the west should be headed
but they are not all on the same fucking side.
No. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and he was raised in Nazareth. However he was Crucified and Resurrected from Jerusalem, ascended from Jerusalem, and will return to Jerusalem on the mount of olives with the Resurrection of the Dead, so maybe that’s what he’s referring to here.
Even as a Christian, surely you think morality existed before Jesus walked the earth? Saying "morality comes from God" is a statement I can get behind, but reducing morality to a material and temporal level is gross.
too stupid
He's more of a Zionist then Zion don.