Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, is black

White boys thought they could get away with abusing us kings in plantations, that our descendants would not fight back. But now that white women belong to us, they start crying about how unfair their life is for not being born with a BBC.

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So what you're saying is He stole your heart.

He stole my heart for sure. That's why we have to stop the white devil Lucifer from insulting our lord.

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Go to a middle eastern person and tell them middle easterners are niggers

The devil is supposed to be able to turn into an angel of light, something attractive, but I'm starting to think he might have a big (((nose))).

funny how I have read the bible numerous times and yet never came to this description. Pray tell which passage is this.

Revelation 1:14-16King James Version (KJV)

14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

Revelations 1: 14-16

It said his feet were like bronze, not his whole body you dumbass.

>His head and his hairs were white like wool
Alright so his head is White
>his feet like unto fine brass
His feet are brass, which isn't even nigger colored.

Satan is a tiny dick white boy who's always mad at the kings.

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nigger, revelation Jesus is probably some super saiyan transformation version, what the fuck are you talking about lmao

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"The Jews and the Christians each say, “We are the children of God and His most beloved!” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Why then does He punish you for your sins (in Hell)? No! You are only humans like others of His Own making. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills. To God ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. And to Him is the final return.” - Quran 5:18

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Why are you so anti-semitic?


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Here dumbass, I found a 1:1 picture

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It's well documented the Africans have with Christ. All those cathedrals, & monuments in Africa. All the art & symphonies to Christ created by africans. It's so strange a people with no oral history to Christ feel as if they're the bloodline. I guess low iq never ceases to amaze me.

Looks like a black king to me just based on facial structure. Those feet do not lie.

what a majestic mofo, i love him.

Technically, it said like "incandescent bronze in a furnace" and "white like wool". Anglos can't translate ancient greek for shit.
So, that means he was a glownigger with white hair.

>Muh IQ
Cope, white boy. Keep bragging about your imaginary intelligence as us black kings continue winning.

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Jesus didnt exist and you'll always be a dik riding nigger until were all dead, thanks.

You sure he isn't white? His feet are like bronze, and you know no brother would be caught dead without his Nikes.

With the notable exceptions of Ethiopians who barely managed to hide away in the Mountains while Europeans had spread the faith from Gibraltar to Alaska.

I know you're trolling now, but you're still a retard for going this hard on Yas Forums of all places.
Read nigger read

It's going to be weird when he arrives man. Like real weird. All the depictions of the angles have people face down worshiping them before they're told otherwise, and God himself couldn't be looked at directly by Moses. It'll be a sight to see.

The racial make up of the entire region has been beset by shitskin muzzies ever since that piece of shit muhammad started raping kids in the 7th century.

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He wore gucci sandals like a real G.
I read that shit, homie. It was full of white boy cope.

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Niggers have tiny dicks and are aids infested. Also niggers aren’t people so who gives a fuck if a fictional character was a dirty nigger? I don’t.

Winning what? Being turned out faggots & bouncing rubber balls? Europe has thousands of years of Christ history. Peter started the church in Europe by the command of Christ. Africans just got to this party. Africans built nothing they just slither in & hijack other people customs.


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Haha, I can't imagine being as delusional as you. It would not be the year 2020 without our lord Jesus Christ.
We won, white boy. Your women belong to us and the fake jews found it in their hearts to give us welfare as white boy wagecucks.

Fuck off, nigger.

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I know this is bait but for anyone genuinely wondering, that passage is referring to Jesus in his glorified form. His hair is like wool because it's literally snow white and curly, and it also says his eyes are like fire.
Pic related for what some think Jesus really looked like. It's a painting from a girl who claimed to see him in a vision, then another boy who died and claimed to go to heaven/come back said her painting is the only one that matched what he saw.

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bronze isn't choco brown you fucking idiots

>Pic related for what some think Jesus really looked like. It's a painting from a girl who claimed to see him in a vision, then another boy who died and claimed to go to heaven/come back said her painting is the only one that matched what he saw.
Anyone who ever says "muh fedora" ever again should be shown this fuckinh post.

gtfo with that kike reference, schizo

And then reality set into his little nigger brain.

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I've prayed for you.

Black is black.

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Source, white boy? You got any scientific source? Because last I checked everyone loves BBC.