>this is actually what leftists have turned marvel into
This is actually what leftists have turned marvel into
Oh no, not my cartoonarinos! The hecking superheroes! Our snoots have been baboozled!
>capeshit hasn't always been absolute trash
That was impressive schiz powers
SPAWN is still good!
no shit, only trannies read that crap
they're just pandering to their audience
Didn't read, text too long for a comic
>all that text
you think im gonna read that nigger
>Jews garbage becomes unreadable garbage that caters to the already indoctrinated.
Such a shame. Capeshit is drawn by genuinely good artists and sometimes good writers too, but hampered by the demons that possess them.
I'll spawn my spunk in your abuela you bean farting fajita
i read it for you, it's uh
it was only worth my time if you pay me right now for my time spent reading it, lets just say.
it hasnt always been trash, but it has always been propaganda.
It's a stupid self-insert of some whore who sucked the marvel boomers to get into the bussiness of comics.
Comic shops are closing nationwide and there isn’t anything these fucks could care less about. It’s sad. When they’re done killing this they’ll kill something else sacred next - it’s just what they do. No comic is safe. Nothing is.
>no background
>half the image is covered by speech bubbles
>the character actually says a TL:DR version of what she just said to take up more space with speech bubbles
>minimal movement
>only 1 character
This is very low effort.
Wouldn't it be very easy to make your own comic book company and beat Marvel is they're doing this poor of a work.
That's some fucking cringe. No wonder comics are dying.
you ain't seen cringe yet
WTF is going on here, and why does SJW Marvel have such a hard-on for Gwen Stacy, when she literally appeared in & died in Spiderman before any of these fags were alive, and LONG before any of them went to work for Marvel (where the vast majority of them first discovered her and want to act like they're in the hip crowd and loved this almost nobody character their whole lives)?
Marvel and DC are falling because of pandering and hiring every whore that gives them an STD.It can be easy to take advantage of this period when they are low and raise with a good product that people want to read.
Taking the whole
>own it like it’s always been yours
Thing to the next reality
Did it really need so much text to say that it's a self insert character?
Nah Gwenpool is probably one of the only things they’ve made that’s actually lovable.
This. Always been garbage. When i was a kid i already thought it was for retards compared to mangas who were violent with good scenarios (Alita, Berserk,Akira etc).
Hey nigger, don't talk shit about my Harvey Pekars or my Jack Kirbys. You can have the rest.
>Socratic dialog
>Is a monologue
>Don't start from facts
>Don't stop at every deduction to ask if the other is okay with the reasoning so far
>Don't come to the conclusion that your mother is a dog.
I'm starting to get real tired of the post-modern, fourth wall breaking meta shit.
#ComicsGate is doing gangbusters. EVS made almost $500,000 on the sequel to his CyberFrog book. Meanwhile, Marvel couldn't push more than 20k copies of their top Spiderman book.
>muh animu
>muh mangoes
Stfu, weeb.
They are just pissing in an ocean of piss.