
So have normies finally caught on tow hat we knew here all along that coronavirus is just a fake psyop? Not including the glowfaggot circlejerk taht is CVG who still haven't realized that they've been shilling to other glowfuckers all along and nobody buys their bullshit.

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>What WE have known all along
Sir, pol went full doomsday prepper before the "normies". Pol is 70+% NPC, just like everywhere else

Is coffee bad?

that girl is a pornstar im pretty sure i recognize her

do you think girls like left here are aware of the power they have over most men? The way she looks at the camera makes me think she does.

Fuck off with the coomer bait, fucking faggot. I swear if I see this webm one more time...
>Kill yourself

This so much.

I don't care what anyone says. Coffee is amazing.

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Drug addicts don't have power user.

Yes they are aware

they havent caught on and they never will. best we can hope for is shallow seeded mistrust of government for the next time they try this shit on us

So is it a bioweapon or a fake virus?


God I wish that were me

It's not real. The way they test for it is by identifying a certain amount of chemical that your body produces when stressed.

>stressed out population = more "virus" confirmations

It's not real, all the people suffering from it are people who placebo'd themselves into it or have other ailments that got re-branded as coronavirus.

Yes, the normies have finally woken up. Rally with them and go protest at your local government building. Only you can stop this tyranny.

Jia Lissa

> it’s fake
Is just the last step on the normie cope ladder when they can’t handle being inside for two weeks. Fuck all of you morons. Early prepper Yas Forums is best Yas Forums

I look at this video and I feel sad. All I see are two slope headed animals vying for attention while they play a role to build their fragile pointless ego. Nothing about that video is true or arousing. It's sad and compensatory.

im not doomsday prepping for the fake virus, im doomsday prepping for the economic outfall due to the hysteria, there are already produce issues in my area

Nigga shut the fuck up and just admit you feel jealous.

You're not sad. You're just jealous. It's ok.

Got any sources on that? And what about virus reactivating in hundreds of South-Koreans? I have supplies for months, so I wouldn't like to take any unnecessary risks before it's 100% safe.

Then again Sweden seems still ok, even thought they are barely doing anything to fight the virus. So were the Swedes right this time? Like Stockholm really doesn't seem to be Stalker-tier.

t. self isolation day 50

First off, you're a dumbass for prepping.
Secondly, the virus is fake.

Great sources mate, you really changed my mind!

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Thanks for that painfully autistic response. I know your kind can't think without being told what to think. So it stand to reason you wouldn't be able to problem solve this situation without a little help.


>I look at this video and I feel sad. All I see are two slope headed animals vying for attention while they play a role to build their fragile pointless ego. Nothing about that video is true or arousing. It's sad and compensatory.

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Attached: hmm.jpg (600x379, 29.33K)

>feel jealous.

jealous for that shit?



Attached: aHR0cDovL2lzMi40Y2hhbi5vcmcvcG9sLzE1NjU2MDEzMDI1MDcuanBn.jpg (527x702, 111.41K)

Both are obviously trannys.

the girl (R*ssian) on the left ONLY fucks black guys btw

based and awarenesspilled

All the people suffering from coronavirus are either chronic masturbators or whores that love BBC. It is the gayest psyop of all time..

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