The only embassies Bhutan has are India, Bangladesh, and Kuwait.
Why has no other country tried to establish diplomacy with the mountain chinks?
The only embassies Bhutan has are India, Bangladesh, and Kuwait.
Why has no other country tried to establish diplomacy with the mountain chinks?
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I like a king who brings his own table cloth to dinner.
She's lovely
Used to fuck a vietnamese girl who looked like her but with bigger tits.
More like WHOtan
Good looking couple. Im guessing its because bhutan is irrelevant in geopolitics.
Bhutan is based as fuck and I don't understand why environmentalists and ecofascists don't point to it more. Where is Greta and her ilk talking about the Bhutan model?
Fuck Bhutan.
Butthurt Nepali detected.
>Why has no other country tried to establish diplomacy with the mountain chinks?
Bhutan is one of the most pleasent places to live on planet earth. They measure their GDP by their populaces happiness, not economic progression on a hand full of jews, they are buddhist, so no need for war, only basic defence, their land owns no great resource or strategic purpose and they limit anyone coming into their land, little to no immigration, or emigration and no niggers at all.
You look at them in awe burger, you think you are free, go try to see how the bhutanese live
Where the Bhutan Yas Forums bros at?
they seem like a very nice couple
Bhutan is based
>entire country covered in forest
>doesn't give a fuck about (((gdp)))
>expelled shitskin hindus
Subhuman ethnic cleansing supporter detected.
>Why has no other country tried to establish diplomacy
Plausible deniability of the Bhutanese Shadow Market. Look it up.
Shut the fuck up chink, Canada should expel you.
if i'm not mistaken, people can't even travel to bhutan, except for indians
>You look at them in awe burger, you think you are free, go try to see how the bhutanese live
I've been to Bhutan after spending a year trying to get a visa, it is not free at all.
Bhutan is irrelevant but they have some of the most gorgeous monasteries. On my list to visit.
Also post skin.
Cancucks can never grow such ball. Mark my word
Because they know not to invite lesser evils that would plus-one globalism. Good eggs.
Sounds pretty BASED to me. Seethe harder poojeet.
there's a dumb tranny with a bhutan VPN or something, he's been shitting the board since January
Bhutan is a buffer state of pajeets. India’s bitch.
Those mountain chinks are ancient indo-aryans and we'd be happier if we lived as they do.
Lighter than yours Chang.
I’m not a fucking pajeet you ugly spic.
We need some answers, stat.
Paging Bhutanon now..
Because they don't want actual solutions, just to feel morally superior.
me or you? you want images?
>establish diplomacy
They have nothing to offer the world.
That’s a fucking white TRANNY you retard, real Bhutanese subhumans don’t even know how to use internet.
It’s cause they function the same was as the Norks.
Really totalitarian state, limited internet / tv access for civys.
The only difference is they put a very buhhdist face on their country so all normies look the other way cause
>omg Buddhism is so deep and meaningful and the universe connected together through shakras and shit man. WOHHHHHHHHHH
You know he's not actually from Bhutan, right?
Of the girl? Post it
Fuck off back to Nepal. Yeah yeah you have citizenship we've had this conversation before. You're not an American, you never will be. Then you call me a mutt since it's obvious I'm not a chink and sperg about how you're some sort of Aryan because you're parents are ramalamadingdong caste over in shitholistan. Then one or two guys join the argument and the thread gets derailed. We've done this before and we'll do it again.
Yes I know, faggots. I still get a kick out of newfags replying to him asking about Bhutan.
Interesting. No timestamp. Even if you're not a poojeet, you're probably a kike.
Disgusting Nepalo Dravidian.
Go the fuck back.
Ehh, I don't know.
I feel bad for the mongoloid Nepalis having to bear the burden of their dumbfuck sub 70 iq Pajeet overlords.
Bhutan master race!
It is kind of funny seeing people go 'R A R E' whenever they see him. Easy to spot who just got here yesterday.
The mongoloid Nepalis were not such different creatures from a Bhutanese once.
Pajeets ruin EVERYTHING
My dad says Bhutan is a bastard gas.
tee hee :)
>bastard gas
Same thing, it's just pronounced bhu-tayne.
you guys are so immature...
I'm white, and the Bhutanese aren't even chinks
Do it, pussy.
ehh, all right.
>a faggot
What a surprise.
>thread about bhutan
>bhutanon is nowhere to be found
No you mong. Because Bhutan isn't a real country. It's a glorified principality of India.
Real countries have armies and diplomatic relationships
We should immediately establish diplomatic relations with Bhutan, start loaning them vasts amounts of money that they'll never be able to pay back, then when they renege, take over all their key industries. What are their key industries BTW?