How did one picture disprove the age-old philosophy of utilitarianism?

Attached: cuck.jpg (680x680, 82.93K)

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Niggers aren't people so their happiness is irrelevant.

Is this what disproved utilitarianism and not like a hundred thought experiments like the utilitarian hospital?


Corona killed utilitarianism. Look at the lefties now seething that people are going put anyway, when we really should be infecting as many urbanites as possiblenfor the good of everyone else.

>My wife got fucked by another man recently.
>I was pretty bummed out about it.
>But I think whoever fucked her might let me watch next time.
>So, whatever.

The picture simplifies its faults. Any philosophy that tells you to be a cuck in order to fulfill its framework is complete trash

Stealer bought crack for it and was very happy for 5 min, but long term unhappier

Utilitarianism is just a method of quantitatively analyzing ethics. It doesn't necessarily involve prioritizing others' happiness over your own, and a utilitarian analysis would probably not gloss over the socially-detrimental effects of theft. Utility functions can be defined however you want, even in terms of following deontological rules. If you aren't doing utilitarianism, you're not taking ethics seriously.

The total happiness in the world is meaningless. The assumption that your loss will weigh less than their happiness is also retarded.
>Lose bike.
>Can't get back home.
>Left phone at home.
>Took someone's bike to ride down to the city center.
>Ditched it.
>I'll steal someone else's bike on the way back.
Literally anyone who has lived in the Netherlands for even a few days knows that losing your bike is far worse than gaining a bike. Serial bike thieves don't even give a shit which bike they take since there are thousands to choose from.

Utilitarianism is retarded. It is basically "how many charred babies until we are all happy"
Happiness is a personal goal, not a democracy. Gang rape is utilitarianism in action.

Attached: stolen bike reply.jpg (1004x1024, 120.05K)


The problem is utilitarianism values the repercussions of actions over the action itself or the intent. You are right in saying that the philosophy does not prioritize other's happiness over your own, but it does prioritize the the overall happiness. This means that if someone steals from you or cucks you, as long as the overall pleasure of the world goes up, that makes it morally correct because utilitarianism only cares about consequence (which is once again, nonsense).

Attached: geeiwonder.jpg (491x491, 42.99K)

Actually it decreases the amount of happiness because that ass hole is going to steal more bikes and everybody who actually have places to be and important meetings are going to be fucked.

This little shit should have reported the theft immediately and prayed to God for the perp to be thrown behind bars so that society as a whole won't have to put up with bike theft, but he's too stupid and intellectually short sighted.

yeah, it was stolen by a drug addict to flip for a hit, not some guy that wanted a bike for his own use

>utilitarianism values the repercussions of actions over the action itself or the intent.
>but it does prioritize the the overall happiness
Only if you define the utility function that way. There's nothing that says you have to.

How can one man be so cucked?

No matter how you define it, it is just numbers. Lets say you put the happiness of the rape victim as 10000X more important than the rapist. That means a gang rape of 10001 against one person is still acceptable.
You can say "Oh the happiness of some people shouldn't be in the equation" but then it isn't really utilitarianism.


The bike thief was the last thing from grateful for the bike. Most niggers chuck the bike in the ditch when they have gotten to their destination.

That's how John Stuart Mill defined it. His first principle of utility was that pleasure/happiness are the only things with intrinsic value. Therefore, the utility function is to achieve that overall happiness.

>the other person was probably happier
There's absolutely no fucking way to know that. What a faggoty comic, annoys me everytime

Why the focus on happiness? Why the need to value the well being of the rapist at all? You can define utility functions any way you want.

>but then it isn't really utilitarianism
If you evaluate the ethics of a situation according to a utility function, it's utilitarianism.

Then utility is completely arbitrary and the whole ethical framework is moot.

>Therefore, the utility function is to achieve that overall happiness.
JOHN STUART MILL'S utility function was about overall happiness. That doesn't mean that other utility functions can't be formulated in different ways. And the notion of "intrinsic value" is silly since value is fundamentally extrinsic.

Utilitarianism isn't a free for all. It isn't just "Their happiness matters at 0" You need to take everyone's happiness into account at least somewhat. For example:
There are 746 servings of meat in a cow. That is breakfast lunch and dinner for ~250 people. Does the happiness of the cow outweigh the happiness of 250 people? I would say no, a vegetarian would say yes. we could both be utilitarians but the happiness of the cow is being taken into account.

No, it's subjective. Different people value different things, and would therefore construct different utility functions to express that. Note that all other ethical systems are like this too. Utilitarianism just applies analysis, which can in principle mediate negotiations about the construction of social rules of conduct.

>You need to take everyone's happiness into account at least somewhat.
Says who? The Grand Poobah of utilitarian ethics? Utilitarianism is a methodology, not a value system.

But at that point it's not even the same philosophy anymore

Attached: 2 SKOOPS.jpg (370x382, 45.04K)

>Arbitrary Goal
Happiness ? Why not Fulfillment for example, that's absolutely not the same thing.
>Measured Arbitrarily
We should do the Mean of the measured arbitrary goal, or the median, or something else ? Because the result will be absolutely different.
>Arbitrarily Chosen "Solution"
And then what is your "solution" ?

Utilitarianism: Humans that confuse the map for the territory will initiate force against others to achieve arbitrary goals created by arbritrary mental models measured arbitrarily by imperfect data harvesting methods and false arbitrary mathematical aggregation methods "for the good of all"

The end doesn't justify the mean.
Theft will always remain Theft.

Respect the alterity of other humans,
Don't be a fucking commie.

Attached: 1580783725148.png (901x461, 137.6K)

Umm, hello? Based department?

It's as if utilitarianism is an ethical methodology rather than a normative philosophy.

Not saying utilitarianism isn't trash but the comic doesn't depict utilitarianism; it depicts a loser who is too much of a lazy pussy to do anything about the theft and so tries to justify it after the fact.

Utilitarianism is invoked when he says, "the total happiness in the world increased", the final goal of the philosophy

>that promotes actions that maximize happiness and well-being for the affected individuals.
The happiness of strangers has nothing to do with utilitarianism unless you combine it with some kind of globo-homo philosophy.

>the final goal of the philosophy
In the pop culture cartoon version, maybe.