Why did Britain fuck over Portugal?

In 1890 Britain demanded that Portugal hand over about 1/3 of its African territory.

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Because they are imbeciles and they though Britain would treat them as equals and not as a vassal state. That's the price they got for selling their soul to the eternal anglo.

Mutt trying to stur up shit amongst based REAL allies. Will your jewish subversion ever end?

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Balfour Declaration.
We got Jewed because of you.
With friends like Britain, who needs enemies?

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We were forced to join Britain's war against Germany and ended up having our government overrun by Jews.

1/3? rotfl that's non-sense
It was because of a smal area, the portuguese empire wanted to stay with the area between angola and mozambique, that was already partially ruled by the bongs (zimbabwe

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That's ridiculous.
Portugal was never a vassal state of anyone. The anglo-portuguese alliance is much older than that on the pink map issue-

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Cope harder, rectangle.

>the buthurted immigrant on spanish soil

Lol you twats have been jew central way before ww2.

We never had a kike problem before WW I.


Your just mad we looted your South American loot boats and ship it all to the US.

Ok Eternal Anglo, remember Cartagena and the Guerra del Asiento? You fucked up

federal reserve was founded in 1913

No, not really.

Was that its first or second founding? I know it had 2 I just don't remember the dates.

>Portugal, país de merda e com povo que só sabe reproduzir merda.

Floods of kikes came after WWI and even more after WW II.

Alguém que oriente umas bananas para este

based and antitugapilled

> remember when this british historician said we won a war against you?

anglo cope. Making history books and movies about battles they never won.

No one likes you in Europa for a reason

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Can't really be mad about it. We was fighting everyone's Navy and Spain was a Naval Empire.
It would like Germany been mad you won a that World Cup in 2010.

Reminder that Britain and Portugal are BOTH eternal.

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The power changed in 1914

How was giving the Jews a homeland outside of Europe and the Americas Jewing you? It gave them a place outside to immigrate to after WW2. If it wasn't for Israel existing, the US would have had much more European Jews emigrating there following WW2.

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Who and where? Are those people, places, or things?

>nose job
> hair straightener
>"so proud of muh african heritage!"

King is an example we all need to race mix

Another divide and conquer from the hordes of tiny dicked Chink shills.