I've seen lot of thread about pic related.
Don't buy it. It's overpriced and not that good.
Also I've been farting nonstop for the last 50 minutes after eating it.
I've seen lot of thread about pic related
Farting feels good and it doesnt cost you money. I don't see what the issue is.
I like clam chowder, but my wife and kids don't so I rarely buy it.
that is lowkey garbage. why you leafs pay top dollar for garbage canned food that costs a $1 a can in america is beyond me.
That is basically dog food, did you not notice how gross it looks and smelss when you opened it?
Progresso is the superior luxury soup.
I don't want to eat clam chowder by myself user. We make sacrifices for those we love.
not enough calories, 3 bucks for 250 calories of broth? ok you are literally a woman arent you?
Canned shite can't compare to home-cooked New England style clam chowder
anyone who doesn't know how to make their own stew deserves the poision
>Also I've been farting nonstop for the last 50 minutes after eating it
Shit, you should try their ham and bean then. I buy a can when I want to have some infantile laughs.
>eat a can of Chunky on empty stomach
>15 minutes later
>horrible stomach pain
>liquid shits for half a day
Never again, this shit is a bioweapon.
There not that bad True they do all kind of taste the same, but its perfect to bring to work if you don't fell like making something
How were you able to afford this luxury good in these times of need?
This is gonna sound gross, but growing up that was a regular meal in my house. Like two three times a month. I was a kid so I didn’t realize it was maybe a little weird to eat it that frequently. I also had not thought about until this day the fact that my move was to either get a bowl full of Lays sour cream and onion chips and treat it like salsa, or grab two slices of bread and start making soup sandwiches. I apologize, I didn’t know any better
sorry, I'm blue collar. Can't afford such luxuries at a time like this.. I have to mix flour and water and make hard tack to survive on my limited funds, i cant be splurging on luxury soups
>implying your poor ass can afford a can of chucky.
Yep. Progresso is for women. Campbells is based and redpilled
Fuck what your wife and kids like you stupid faggot.
Is there any canned soup in the grocery stores that isn't like 50% water? Even the luxury soups are a joke.
What fuckin idiot wants to make anything from scratch when they just get a can of it, add one thing fresh, add one spice, and be done with it. Men who "make" food are serious pussies. GIT ER DONE.
Prepared properly it is loved by all
Don’t apologize, sounds like something your parents had to do to get by, no shame in that.
get the sirloin burger
I only buy canned hearty/chunky soup like that or Progresso when it is on sale for $1. I do the same with Chef Boyardee. My basic rule is 20 cans of soups, 10 cans of Chef Boyardee a year for $30. They often have a 3 year shelf life so I have a cabinet usually with 60 or so cans of soup at any given time for emergencies. I eat by expiration date so not to waste food. If you are paying more than $1 usd you are getting ripped off.
I had two of these earlier. The chicken pot pie ones. Decent but I ate it right out of the can rather than heating it up which was probably a bad call
OP here
I'm still farting my ass off.. it's not funny
never again
Imagine eating something out of a can
You farty motherfuckers know theres anti-gas pills, right?
Not political
Report and sage
Imagine being programmed to open the can, pour it into a wider hotter can, then pour that into a wide can, to eat it from there.
Seems you a dishwashin goy
They aren’t that bad, get some white bread to bind it together for good poops
You eat potato chips from a plate, ya sophisticated bearded bald fucker?!
Enjoy your bisphenol A, cancerfag
Enjoy your Bisphenol A from every product thats wrapped or contained in plastic.
imagine eating out a can, id rather shoot myself
>bisphenol A
care to elaborate?
Since youre black as night, you should.
Look at the sodium, fat and calories. It's worse than dog food, literal garbage.
Load that shit up with some crackers
Makes plastic easier to work with. Found to leech out. A lot of products now say BPA Free. Just stay away from highly acidic stuff, soft drinks and cheap alcohols.
Everything in Canada is double the price that it sells for in America. We are cucked.
burn in hell
>Since youre black as night, you should.
do you also eat out a can like a poor nigger
Boiled the marrow out of lamb bone from Sunday dinner last week. Threw the left over meat, diced potatoes and some leeks in. Way better than canned "luxury soups" lmao.
2 to 3 times a month?
Nigga that shit was gourmet in my house, I grew up on ramen 2 to 3 times a fuckin week my brother.
Can it last for two years? Do you have another flavor with different ingredients, in a hardshell stackable containment system?
chad wild-westers were always eating tinned beans