Why in the fuck does basically no one on Yas Forums know about this guy? How in the hell is the greatest race realist on the Internet not being worshiped on Yas Forums right now? You need to pay your respects to this man right the hell now, Yas Forums...
Website: thealternativehypothesis.org
YT: youtube.com
BitChute: bitchute.com
Gab: gab.com
Friend's Twitter: twitter.com
Friend's Website: ideasanddata.wordpress.com
Friend's YT: youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks bros
Nazis don't care about facts. They make fun of guys like this for being 'autistic science man' rather than talking about muh huwhite beauty or the esoteric racial soul. You're dealing with retards.
I like him.
People here don't like him because he's a homosexual.
He's not gay dude... he actually said it in this stream "I'm done being gay" at about 2 hrs in: youtube.com
>meme flag
>nothing to offer as usual
allways loved him allways will
you're a bad goylem, you can't just not hate people
that's not how any of this works
please report what lead to this situation
>this is harder if the people don't create extra noise in their own brains
He's one of the best, but he still has a lot of issues. IMO he's not a very convincing speaker on politics and his biological/genetic arguments have fundamental flaws. Those flaws are apparent to me because I'm a biochem major who has taken genetics classes, but I can see why others are convinced by them.
Just don't go spitting anything AH says in public, and I hope he reworks his arguments.
Possibly the biggest take away for me was his "anti-white" video. He's right that we just need to start calling them what they are, anti-white, and forget the other labels.
He's lowkey great and goes on over the top autistic rants. The normalniggers don't deserve him.
anyone got something strikingly good of him? listening to european revolution but not my beer currently
>I'm done being gay
Whatever, honestly. Obviously being gay is degenerate, but we've crossed that bridge. The fags who are just trying to fuck other adult men are the least of our problems, and at least capable societies like the Romans were able to survive with homosexuality.
Our movement is too small to kick people out for just being gay and if he's willing to reform then all the better.
Newfag, everyone already knows about him.
Hadn't heard about this guy before, but he seems very based. We need to increase this guys popularity.
The single best video of his is "Conceived in White Nationalism" where he basically goes through the (American) Founding Fathers and proves that they were White nationalists. He makes a lot of good points. Essentially he agrees that the Founding Fathers are racist and sexist for all the wrong reasons, and it's hard to deny it when you read all the quotes. The most striking one for me was how the guy who wrote the passage about citizenship was later called in to testify if blacks given citizenship in one state must be recognized as citizens in another, and he essentially said that he could never have conceived of the possibility of blacks being given citizenship when he wrote that section.
Unfortunately the video was removed and I can't find it on YouTube.
Unironically kind of true. Lots of people will watch his videos and just have their head hurt and call him a cryptoJew.
I like him. This video in particular is pretty good youtube.com
oh tho that is something I'm also pretty much convinced off, they also seem largely from political dynasts who mostly were as powerful after as they were before
also seems like I saw a video a year ago
Because his channel is shit and it parrots other people who are way smarter than him.
Not to mention wasn't this the kid that had a bunch of different controversies. Pretty sure Metokur did a couple videos about him.
huh thanks for the tip i'll check him out
He's great. One of the greatest content creators there is. Way better than retards like Sargoy of Blackdad and Steven Crowder.
His genetics arguments about heritability are pretty good actually, most people who talk to me always lose debates as soon as I get cracking on the Alt-Hype folder...
Okay shills, he has great and amazing data bitches...
Why is the alt-right so gay?
>Why in the fuck does basically no one on Yas Forums know about this guy?
Everyone knows who he is your newfag. I remember discovering him here when he went by fringe elements in 2013 and he was still a literal faggot ancap touching the race question.
I can tell he's a fat cunt just by his voice
Dude, I've been on Yas Forums since June 2015 and I ain't never heard of this dude on this board. At least, I have not heard of him until October 2019 in a thread about his video about Peer Review...
How accurate is this meme?