The virus is a simulation

It is transmitted by an alien artificial intelligence signal, which is then activated by the 5G network created by Huawei in China.

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Activation is aimed at exosomes, which are excreted by the body's cells and contain DNA, RNA and proteins. They also act like cellular devices, which are then attached to other cells to reproduce the viral simulation.

The Chinese, led by the Deep State, developed a viral simulation pattern, using bat cells and mixing them with SARS, MRSA, HIV and Ebola designs. The result is a hologram of coronavirus, which mutates cells for reproduction in the human body.

Guessing your a high school dropout

However, it has become more like a malaria complex. I think they didn't lose the record until the end, figuratively speaking. Malaria is not a virus. It is a parasite that is killed by quinine and related structures. The deep state wants you to believe it's a deadly virus, you need a chip vaccine that all people need.

The media and social networks block and delete all information that accuses the 5G network of having anything to do with this so-called pandemic. By the way, it's really not a pandemic. By definition, a pandemic is a disease that kills more people than the flu. There is no coronavirus! Thus, they changed the definition of a pandemic to adapt it to their agenda.

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>dodging the question
That's what I thought

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fits post best post
op is a retard the of the likes the world has not often seen

>It is transmitted by an alien

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>Hurr they can create matter with energy waves and they use to attack ME


Meds! Now!

Shut this down & the remote viewers who see how the signal is coming from '....'. It's not to be discussed, yet.

Guessing youre* a dropout as well


Should the human race want to consider themselves as equals, to me, then they must submit that every human deserves to be attacked and invaded by aliens, your privacy must be taken away, you must be deprived, and you must suffer with daily pain. Until the humans want this sacrifice, to be forced into a reality they have no choice to accept, then they cannot consider themselves as equals to me.

Are those platelets?

Quit muddying the water you fucking shill

Dont make a claim without evidence to back it up

Prove him wrong then with your evidence.

>prove a negative
user i

Well so far the only theory I'm hearing is that's it's caused by alien ai.

Did you have a differing opinion?

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Misconceptions about health are ingrained in our culture. The road to understanding the
process of maintaining and restoring health has been a long and twisted one. From ancient
and intuitive knowledge, science has taken over, made colossal errors, and clings to them for
dear life. There was a rejection of wisdom or scientific discovery in favor of a more popular,
convenient, or politically desirable system. Just as Socrates was poisoned for his ideas, and
Galileo was forced by a fanatic clergy to withdraw his statements about astronomy, ignorance
and power can be a dangerous combination.
We do not catch diseases. We build them. We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into
existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring
health. The presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease. Bacteria are
scavengers of nature...they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria
have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at
the site of disease. They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased,
malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. They are not the cause of the disease,
any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause
garbage but rather feed on it. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! You
always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn't mean they caused the fire...

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What makes the germ theory so dangerous is that it seems so obviously true. But it is true
only secondarily. Bechamp said "There is no doctrine so false that it does not contain some
particle of truth. It is thus with microbian doctrines." Béchamp discovered Microzyma (now
known as micro-organisms) minute or small ferment bodies--the basic structure of cell life;
and that germs definitely are the result, not the cause of disease. Through his experiments he
showed that the vital characteristics of cells and germs are determined by the soil in which
their microzyma feed, grow and multiply in the human body. Both the normal cell and germ
have constructive work to do. The cells organize tissues and organs in the human body. Germs
cleanse the human system and free it from accumulations of pathogenic and mucoid matter.
We are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs and bacteria per hour. If germs are so
harmful, why aren't we all dead?

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Careful, the CIA neural net is already inside you.

Yas Forums has fallen

>Wall of text about the history of medicine.

Can you prove that what is happening is caused by a virus?

Why does it predominantly target the rich as powerful? Do viruses do that?

Why are we doing security theater like the TSA in airports? I haven't seen a single person cough.

Can you not entertain the possibility that maybe something else is going on and the whole virus thing is just a story that the media is trying to sell you?

Seriously open your mind a bit.

OP raises a very valid point, that being this "virus" being deployed by the Breakaway Civilization against normal humans for testing purposes or similar stuff.

So if I go around people now after reading this and get sick and die, will you die instead for me? How the fuck am I supposed to verify this? The line of questioning itself causes vexation, as one cannot verify. They created a fucking "mass delusion" we are forced to play along with at risk of our lives since we cannot verify. This sucks.

As the overall ethics and morality of the human race decays, illness increases and the average lifespan decreases. Humans could be (and ought to be) living hundreds of years.

>How the fuck am I supposed to verify this?

Everything can be understood in degrees of certainty. Is it really any better relying on something you read or saw on TV and implicitly accepting it as true?

Observe and make an assumption.

>They created a fucking "mass delusion" we are forced to play along with

It's not the first time. All the world's a stage...

you're *

it's like watching a fight on the short bus

Breh, niggas be. Is that how you start most sentences irl?