Rubber bullets

Since a 20 year vet of the popo has less trigger discipline than a 20yo Marine, why dont cops have rubber bullets for the first 3 rounds in a mag?

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Rubber boolets won't stop a crackhead on some synthetic shit when he's charging at you with a knife.

probably will not cycle a self-loading firearm reliably.

>Since a 20 year vet of the popo has less trigger discipline than a 20yo Marine

Completely different directives.

I mean....

Its the charge that is going to determine the action cycling, not the actual bullet. If you used a bullet shaped piece of rubber - chances are, at the velocity required for it to be effective it will probably cycle.

Effective means its going to come out the end with enough force that it is going to be worth using. At that speed it is going to break the skin and essentially be a real bullet.

Rubber bullets are massive and fired from a grenade launcher essentially, like bean bag rounds. The police once invested something you slip over the end like old bayonet grenades that was a bullet catch but if I remember it was utter shite.

Aim low, shoot knees or legs maybe, use a shotgun instead?

>t. Brit with guns

They will cycle but are prone to FTF.

Aim centre mass.
Dead men don't need medical bills and don't press charges as often.

>I swear I loaded the rubber bullets! Something must've happened!
It's a neat idea but it won't work. You will hear that excuse a lot.

I tried buying and using some in my 9mm, it jammed the gun every single time. Without fail I could not fire two shots in a row.
Even if you got the error rate down to 1/10, that's still way too high for anyone to trust their life with. Plus you get someone high, or even just determined enough, and they'll straight up ignore rubber bullets.


Rubber bullets wouldn’t even stop a regular person from stabbing you

>rubber bullets for nigger control

They have tazers. If that doesn't work a rubber bullet won't either.

>why dont cops have rubber bullets
Because our nation has vibrant diversity. In a less diverse America some cops didn't bother carrying guns.

Cops should still have better firearm safety training than they do.

That goes against logic and all the training they receive. Lethal force is only supposed to be used when a perp is trying to seriously injure or kill you, if you've got to the point where you're drawing your firearm, you shoot to stop or kill.

the absolute worst idea i've ever come across.

That's how you get sued

Too bad they execute unarmed dudes in hallways for messing up a retarded game of Simon days because they are insecure manlets who should never have been given their job. I’m not anti cop but there are too many cops who shouldn’t have their job and I can spot them from a mile a way, It’s like 1 in 4.

you may be onto something here

Why don't police just use net launchers? Seems like common sense.

Attached: netlauncher.jpg (500x234, 18.39K)

Cops kill far too few suspects as it is.

because when the first shot will determine if you or the crook survives, you don't want rubber bullets.
They have tasers for that.

Just curious why are the military less trigger happy than cops? You'd think it would be the opposite.

They don't have the blue shield to protect them

It’s a horrible idea for a whole plethora of both both practical and legal reasons and you’re dumb for suggesting it

Better than you seem to realize apparently but you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

If it is not a situation that warrants lethal force, then a firearm should not even be drawn. If the pistol comes out you're already fucked.

Ok, but then have handguns that do 3 round bursts.

Because rubber bullets would't kill a nigger dip shit

No they don’t, most departments actually don’t like hiring ex military for the role of police because they tend to be more aggressive (I actually agree with this policy). I have trained with swat in multiple cities and counties as well.

t. Brother and mother were cops, friend is fire arms instructor, I was marine