I hate these bitches so fucking much
mene potential
Idiot sociopaths on this board will make fun of him, but there is literally nothing wrong with showing some emotion over the death around us from this virus. It's truly horrible.
This is so fucking sad, I feel so bad for him.
I see you enemy! ENEMY! YOU ARE MY ENEMY!
This is the face of CNN? No wonder their ratings are in the toilet
There's a difference between having a candid moment of emotion in private and broadcasting it to the entire nation to signal how sensitive and virtuous you want to be perceived.
He'd probably let you suck his dick
I don't believe this kike has a soul.
>Last night, I hit a wall. Gutted by the death toll. Disturbed by the govt's shortcomings. Dismayed by political rhetoric that bears no resemblance to reality. Worried about friends who are losing jobs; kids who are missing school; and senior citizens who are living in fear.
>I crawled in bed and cried for our pre-pandemic lives. Tears that had been waiting a month to escape.
>I wanted to share because it feels freeing to do so. Now is not a time for faux-invincibility. Journos are living this, hating this, like everyone else.
CNN is not fake news and it's anchor's are totally serious important respectable people. how dare you think a network with now 3 confirmed gays isn't serious?
Jews are cancer
"he married Jamie Shupak in a Jewish ceremony."
"The couple plan to raise their children as Jewish."
You are one pathetic little internet faggot.
Kill yourself.
Can you tell us how cum tastes like? I mean if it's okay for you, faggot friend
yeah KYS faggot
news celebrities are the true heroes
>worried about kids who are missing school.
"Eh hey beavis, Brian stelther is worried about your kids huh huh huh huh
Heh heh heh ohhh ya ya... pervert!"
"Hey beavis, it's like, there's this guy stelter and like, he worries about other people's kids huh huh huh"
You give us such a bad name. I’ve cried like 3 times in the last twenty years.
When my grandparents died
When my lab died.
Men don’t crawl into bed when times get tough.
t. Peterborough fag working in Houston
>it is true
"Shupak" is pronounced same as the Croatian word for asshole.
He is a sociopathic compulsive lying Jew. This is a social experiment to him.
brian seltzerwater = pussy
There is literally the same amount of death around us as there would be without the virus. Look it, the average death rate of the world has not significantly changed.
i did cry in mid february when i realized how bad it is
im okay now, those who dont believe until its too late wont, i have accepted that
you are a disgrace to the German race.
because i realized many people will have aids for the rest of their lives?
Half the population had to goto work everyday while you were crying into your pillow in your $2500/no studio apartment. Quit being a baby do you cry every flu season when 50-80k die. Must be nice being so oblivious to the harsh realities of the world.
just because it isnt fair doesnt mean it isnt real
>just the flu bro
thats why im ok with you slowly dying