Why do we like this guy again?
Why do we like this guy again?
Other urls found in this thread:
We like him ironically
what wrong with globalization anyways?
It's 4d chess he got Mossad to plant Corona Chan in Wuhan so he can win 2020 and install the ZOG nwo
Because memes
>sucks Jew cock 247
Why are you such a nigger
the only one to bring up the China problem and then actually put tariffs on them, unthinkable 4 years ago
>Why do we like this guy again?
because he has charisma and speaks like an actual human being
Globalization != globalism
Because it's funny
kikes and trannies hate him
he hate spics and youre a spic
Too bad he isn't doing anything about that
Campaign Trump was based. President Trump is a Zionist stooge. He's still the best option though.
at this point, I'm just voting for him again because I need to know how the sequel ends
i dont get it
what the difference?
>i dont get it
no one is surprised
He angers the people I hate. And he does it in the most late 90's WWF way I can't help but love him.
Because literally everyone on TV hates him
what's the difference mutt?
I unironically ironically unironically ironically like him. But ironically.
>not cunnypilled
gay faggot
Well he strengtened the murican wall
Even if he contributed a little he helped nationalism be a thing again.
Deporting illegals.
Cutting the funds of WHO who work with the jews like rockfeller and bill gates.
He is better than obama or that bitch kikelarry.
He is not perfect but better than what you have now...
how come you hate people?
Globalization is the natural economic progression towards world wide trade.
Globalism is a political ideology where the elites run the world through supra-national communism.
another paid anti trump post
It was a meme
It grew out of control
Yas Forums is not the place if based free thinkers that you think it is
Its a group of 99% Right Wing NPC incels that are very easy to manipulate
I have posted threads continuously on topics and watched the overton window shift.
Its a good place to spread your propaganda though if you are on that level. If you are just looking for like minded individuals.. you are likely one of the sheep