>ultra rich elites want the economy to stay shut down
Really makes me think
>they want the economy to tank so they can take over what’s left with ease
Ultra rich elites want the economy to stay shut down
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They have to be careful not to get too greedy or their paper money and their bankrupt companies won't do anything to save them
Bill gates is just a retard but bezos wants people using amazon since they have nothing better to do
This whole thing's kiked as shit, man. Small businesses are collapsing left and right while the wealthy can afford to ride out the storm. My friend owns a pet daycare business and he's about a month away from folding
Bezos motivation is pretty obvious, Amazon's sales are probably through the roof
Once they declare it's all theirs...
then we know who the enemy is ;)
are they chads or just rich little cunts?
I was saying this before I even saw these headlines
Idk why everyone is so clueless
The common cold has always killed old people. That’s what coronaviruses are, the common cold. A maybe slightly or moderately more deadly strain came out and the elites just slapped a name on it and are using it to take advantage of their populace’s in many ways. In China they have a “legit” reasons to shut down HK protests. In the west they have a “legit” reason to shut down the economy just as whites started to vote towards their actual interests again in hopes to restore their economies. This virus will die down during the summer due to people getting adequate vitamin d from sunlight, and because of the air being less dry, both reducing respiratory infections and resulting in an exponential decrease in proliferation of such viruses.
Think about it. Isn’t it strange how they incessantly shill for everyone to stay inside but never mention how it’s crucial in this time to get vitamin d. Or how it’s crucial to eat healthy and not order pizza and Uber eats fast food garbage every day, which every retard normie is doing now. They don’t really want you to not get sick. They don’t care. That’s not what this is about.
>muh fren is a month away from folding his lawn chair
if he know that...why not fold now?
>'cause muh fren iz a dipshit
Amazons competitors are the kinds of places that will go bankrupt from this. Not only will he profit during this, but the longer it lasts, the more he will essentially replace them and take over, and gain profits in the long run, far after this is over
Win some, lose some.
What? The people winning here aren’t losing anything at any point
How retarded are Americans that you don't understand why a monopoly is a bad thing?
Let's look at who's being hit HARD :
- America, UK, Italy (populations all starting to veer right and pull away from globalism)
Covid is the globalist's dead man's switch. They realised they were losing and it activated. It's grotesquely clever if you think about it. It created a no-win scenario for everybody else :
Option 1 : don't shut the capitalist economy down and carry on
>people die, you get the blame because you "did nothing"
Option 2 : shut the capitalist economy down
>people die and lose money/jobs/houses, you get the blame because "you did the wrong thing / not enough / too much"
Option 3 : Go full 1984 authoritarian and imprison the entire population in their homes
>people die and lose money/jobs/houses, you get the blame because "you did the wrong thing / not enough / too much"
Option 4 : Go full authoritarian + socialism
>people die and lose money/jobs/houses, you get the blame because "you did the wrong thing / not enough / too much" but now you've implemented socialism and there's no way back.
Because the megacorps have the assets to weather the crisis PLUS the obscene and unnecessary socialist bailouts. When it's all over the airlines will still have all their jets, Microsoft will still have all their software patents, Apple will still have all its shiny buildings etc. Small businesses will go under and guess who will absorb their trade? That's right, the only fucking businesses that are still solvent - the megacorps.
For some reason it never occurs to anybody to ask WHY a giant airline (for example) with billions in assets needs a government bailout when the government has already agreed to pay the wages of all their employees. Where does the money go exactly?
How do we stop this, anons?
I've been saying this but nobody I tell irl ever wants to listen.
Another revolt. Murder everything and establish something fresh again until it gets corrupted again so we could murder it again.
>Globalist Kill switch
Yes, it's scorched earth tactic - v. perceptive of you.
>How do we stop this, anons?
The fear of the virus itself has neutered what would be the biggest protest the world has ever seen.
I think when the virus dissipates is when Governments will have hell to pay for what they've allowed to be plundered.
because most of their investments are in companies that can easily weather economic collapse (those deemed "essential" services). Also economic collapse will make the gap between elite and poor even wider because middle class is the one that suffers the most during such times.
Think how cheaply they can buy up bankrupt companies. Think how easily they can pursue hostile takeovers. We're about to see a consolidation of all major and minor brands. Welcome to corporate hell.
>tfw amazon has the nerve to imply that their deliveries are delayed and that they aren't reaping the benefits
>everything I order has come early
Corporations are making a fucking fortune right now with zero competition
then they miscalculated because their little virus scam has normies that were cucked by globohomo a month ago now openly discussing nationalism and manufacturing revival.
No shot retard. The longer this depression lasts, the slimmer trumps re-eleftipn chances become. It doesn't take a crug brain to figure this out.
that's why they didn't want everyone tested in the first sign of "pandemic" because then everyone would be positive. But they will want everyone tested in few months so they can say entire world is affected! It's no different than saying; there is a virus called IQ, we need to test for it and see who has it.
Why would they need a virus to do what they are already doing at a slower rate anyways? I guess the elite could be dumber than I thought, but it just seems stupid to crash the economy and buy up more of it when you are doing fine already.
I don't think they want to actually do ''muh communism'' gulag type oppression because people will be more likely to resist more 1.0 type oppression.
But it could be that the ruling class Jews and shabbos are simply becoming dumber and more clumsy than in the past, who knows.
Both Gates and Bezos own tech companies which are greatly benefiting from the quarantine.
That’s the problem. And no one will do anything. Obviously.
Yes, keep your eyes on the housing market. Teeheehee
They're still winning
A few years, or even a decade from now, 5G will render people sterile, cause brain cancer and ruin small animals.
>economy ruined
>population health ruined
>ecosystem ruined
>almost guaranteed war with china (unless they have revolution)
>no one listening to scientists and experts
>that's right goyim, keep "following the white rabbit" and focusing on the politics / pedo theatre
>meanwhile israel has no 5G
>they are creating the globalist superstate by destroying globalism
Pretty much.
Whether a vaccine is useful or malicious, right now people are too well off to be bothered with a vaccine, in particular because the mortality rate for covid-19 is extremely low.
The threat is low. People are forced by their gouvernments into a lockdown, which doesn't make them more fearful or more willing to trust the gouvernment; it pisses them off.
A pissed off population won't take the vaccine, and that means Bill Gates won't be the great saviour of mankind. He won't make the money, he won't sterilise people, but that's side-business. The status of great hero, gone.
But yeah all the other big multinationals just wanna buy up all their competition on the cheap in a financial depression, the fix of which will hurt multinationals the most.
Makes them more rich compared to small businesses.
Wish Trump had restricted deliveries to just food and medical just to fuck over this guy.
They aren't the only ones that want it shut down :)
Any fucking 1st world nation couldve pumped corona testing kits (even the fake pcr types) fast if they really wanted to. Of course they didnt. If this was really a medical emergency theyd supress the statistics
Truly a terrorist organization. They should be shot in the streets.
>corporations that are still doing business during lockdown say it's imperative that small businesses remain closed
>70 IQ lefties agree saying it's the only way to stop corporations
>Amazon's sales are probably through the roof
Amazon's stocks are peaked, even HIGHER than pre-coronavirus.
So yes they are.
This is actually valid. Globalism helps keep nations not be at each other's throats but if production becomes national then nations could he more inclined to use military solutions to their geopolitical problems. Ww3 could just be enough for a one world government to come out of it in the end, its not impossible
Exactly and then they can buy up everything or fill in the vacancies left by the economic destruction