HOW THE HELL did he get infected?

>lives ISOLATED with his family
>REJECTED by his hole community
>doesn't even BUY groceries
>barely uses ANY technology
>still gets INFECTED

Attached: varg.jpg (971x649, 58.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's like the bubonic plague, it's now being carried by rats.

Or he's being an attention whore like usual.

>incubation period of a month
>niggers everywhere
>trees infected, wastewater contaminated

varg is a pathetic narcissist larper

Attached: 912.png (1665x591, 241.57K)

he's larping
like everything he does in his life: a larp to gather attention

Grindr, I bet

Varg is based. Browneyed NIGGERS out.

Attached: wewuzmuslim.png (755x840, 893.07K)

Nah I doubt, me and my brother have it too. We live in a big city though.

Stop slandering based Varg Christcuck. Go suck off your dead kike on a stick.

Attached: wewuzvidya.jpg (707x896, 314.82K)

This is the correct answer.
This man has little to live for since he's a murderer, and a pariah, and literally lives in a swamp. Yes, he has a family but there's only so far that can keep you sane. You need other satisfactions from life. He clings onto his morsel of internet fame for dear life and will say anything to keep people talking about him.

Seriously how the fuck does he even know he has the virus, did he take a test? Where? The guy never leaves his swamp.

Yeah, I'm betting on that

How many more days in a row are you going to make this same retarded disinfo thread with the same NPC bots egging you on?

His criticism of Varg is based on facts

You pop up in every Varg thread you obsessed goblino. I bet it was you flagging his channel because he said something about brown eyes that hurt your feelings.

Leave him alone. No, really. See what happens.

>calls himself Gandalf
>Lord of the Rings was literally written by a devoted Christian who hung out with CS Lewis and was strongly inspired by the bible.

Not really, I just love share the hypocrisy of a "pagan"

He got it from sucking Turkish dick

its funny because pagans are GAY

Attached: KEKED.png (900x900, 1.45M)

Vargs hate club are all meds that were fans until he shit talked brown eyes lmao. I have never seen such rejection rage since Elliott Rodger.

Barbarity means brutish intellect as well. Be thankful he's an eceleb or he'd be like a commercial deck hand without regular seatox.

Coronaviruses travel as far as the wind can carry them. That is a possibility.

If you can't address a simple question but instead resort to knee-jerk off topic attacks against the individual involved, you lack maturity.

i like how all the varglets seethe so hard at this post because of how fucking true it it

ding ding ding. dude is a huge fag.

And by the way, we both know that you like varg's videos and twitter because you're probably a mutt from the Middle East but you like to listen to a white man who tells you that U WUZ ARYAN AND SHITTS

Attached: 8723489234.png (1205x827, 187.89K)

How about you provide a fucking source that he got infected

>no sources posted ITT

gib source, niggers

your body naturally makes viruses, the tests are a scam

>'Let me tell you about what being white is'
You are reaching levels of mutt never seen before in the Americas

Low med IQ is really showing itself off cause he didn't even say that brown eyes weren't white lmao he just said pure whites are naturally blue-eyed and that brown eyes come from and % of admixture

Who's this hobo living in his car and why should I care about him.

any %*

fuck this anti white kike

remember that picture with level of preparedness? unkept beard meant suicidal, no mask would work

>having covid19 and even being aware of it

Many right wingers that haven't been turned will be infected. Look up Project Zyphr.

His wife got it cheating on him

Yes, kek, you probably have a Twitter description like "Half Scandinavian / North Turkey" 100% White! I've seen that kind of mutt cope many times kkekeke

he breathes air, the virus is airborne...thats how dipshit.
>inb4 he wears crocodile N99 masks..
if it lands in your got it

Yeah the levels of butthurt about him are through the roof because he has an abrasive style of dealing with people. Extremely feminine behaviour from people who probably grew up in a single mother household and are projecting their fathers rejection onto Varg not giving them only good fee fees.

nice theory..
*moves on*

Don't have Twitter. Live in the country and see a non white once a year unless I go to the nearest city. Even there they are only a small percentage. My ancestors have lived in these islands for probably a few thousand years at least.

"It's the Plague" - An Elder Scrolls/Skyrim NPC says.

Attached: Varg Vikernes the Snow Nigger.jpg (636x626, 120.01K)

Ladies and gentlemen...we got em

It's a pretty good theory, Varg is a strong family man and somewhat of a father figure to the people who watched his videos. If you had a good relationship or good terms with your father then that's no issue but if you have childish daddy issues, then you're going to have childish varg issues.

he doesn't have COVID you retard

HOW has no one asked where the proof is he has it? I checked his twitter and saw nothing.