>hold baseball bat
>get shot
Hold baseball bat
was there every any option to, NOT hold the baseball bat?
I'm sure there was a reason the cops were called in the first place...
If the color is brown then shoot it down.
And thats why we need to eat bugs
Something called for an insanely disproportionate response. San Leandro's relatively finest were equal to the task.
where is the video you double nigger
>Attempting to cave in people's skulls
>Get shot
I don't see the issue here.
>if i break the law i might get shot
>i am making the conscious choice to take that risk
Would you accept a bullet for j-walking in this scenario?
Riddle me this Batman ...
13 / 50
It's in another thread. Check the catalog.
>if i break the law i might get shot
>i am making the conscious choice to take that risk
>by resisting arrest i greatly increase that chance
>i know this but make the conscious choice to resist the armed officers, not only increasing the penalty of my crime but further endangering my own life
He just wanted to make soup...
let me guess, it was a nigro?
You're delusional if you think a bat isn't a deadly weapon.
One hit to the skull and you're done.
It takes one swing to kill someone. Who knows how big the guy was. He could be 6'4 and over 400 pounds of muscle. Taser wont do shit. Explain what could the cop do after giving fair warning? I am not trying to start shit I am genuinly curious what a cop could do
Do niggers even know how to de-escalate?
He didnu nuffin
based and redpilled
Ill be honest i hate it when cops shoot people without guns its bullshit but until this nigger problem is sorted i couldnt give a shit if one nigger or a billion gets shot... Black people are violent an unruly
send them all back to African honestly if it was me with the gun and a chimp weilding a weapon im not gonna walk over and taze him im not a fucking zoo keeper i aint steve irwin id shoot the animal too.. Maybe cops should get tranq guns
OK spergo
The police aren't judge, jury and executioner. Perhaps in the police state of America they are. Even though this nigger may have been a criminal, it isn't the police's job to do this.
Has anybody here seen the video? He was a homeless man trying to steal food and the cops just shoot him in the middle of the store. Over food
>Attack cops with baseball bat
>Get shot
Fixed that for ya
your reading comprehensive is as shit as to be expected. You replied to someone stating that the police overreacted, and you mindlessly repeated that cops can kill you for breaking laws. You know how weird it is that Americans are so hot on freedom yet constantly have a hard on for cops? Strange. They're just low-IQ civil servants who can kill you. You should look at reigning them in. And no, I don't care about this nigger. But if you watch that video and think the cops were proportionate, I think by definition you're a pussy.
this unironically
im going to go heat up some donuts
erm, no. speaking from experience, the bat exploded.
A bat can do serious damage to your head/brain. Shoot to put down. If he dies, then so be it; play dumb games, win dumb prizes.
Do you want to live in africa?
Because that's some african bullshit right there.
Lol he dropped the bat and then got shot in the back afterwards.
I misread the headline as cat. I came in to post “I hope the room was big enough”
>you have to get murder or its not fair to the criminals!
Kill yourself
>Over food
No, he got himself shot because he had a deadly weapon.
Nice link faggot
Anyone can get a machete here.
Teaching cops martial arts isn't going to turn anything into Africa...
There was absolutely no reason for that man to die over stealing potato chips
Did they miss with the taser?
>break cop focus from the sideline
>flounder while hands are moving
>head shift start movement
you might not get terror but we make a game of murder
Hilariously, he got shot after dropping the weapon.
Also as is common in cases like this, one of the officers tazed him, which is reasonable, but the other officer went for the boolets.
I suspect another case of officer "accidentally" mixing up gun with tazer which happens quite a bit.
Yeah, I'm sure your bat exploded on contact with your boyfriend.
At what point do you just let the homeless man keep the chips?
You might just be fucking retarded.
He was a nigger right?
a baseball bat is equally as deadly as a gun in close quarters. Go take a crack to the head with a bat and tell us how It works out for you
Wait...you can’t because you’ll be fucking dead as a doornail in a blink of an eye with your skull crushed like a broken lightbulb
The job of the police is to protect the public. That includes shooting someone that's attempting to cave in skulls with a baseball bat. You don't wait for a fucking trial in that situation. You just fucking shoot them.
Tasers aren't effective for shit
One fewer subhuman to worry about.
>At what point do you just let the homeless man keep the chips?
when he pays at the checkout