It seems like people who use this stuff frequently are the most successful members of society, bankers, yachts, high society etc.
Is a cocaine habit a sure fire way to up your stats in this game we call life?
Redpill on cocaine
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Cocaine makes you the best version of yourself. The addiction comes from that euphoria. Being an expensive "white person" drug, it motivates people to get loads of cash
Unlike meth, which motivates people to break into garages and steal power tools, so they can pawn them to get their high
>rich can afford an expensive drug
user, you're not intoing logic properly.
>Implying that cocaine doesn't do the same
Only the wealthy can afford to use it regularly, dumbass.
This seems about right, the only people I know of personally who use cocaine are fairly successful and in great health/shape. I know crack and amohetamines are a different story, but regular coke seems to be a pretty based drug imho. Thanks for your opinion user, Any other anons have any thoughts on this topic?
hi im not wealthy and do it here and there its really not hard to find lmfao
based and cokepilled
“Best version of ones self”
Sigh... this drug is shit
We all need to be raised as monks this shits beyond fucked
It’s not even that expensive really, it just has the aura of prestige. I’m sure the wealthy pay high prices for the best, but good stuff from the dnm is not expensive at all, I can’t help but think coke is secretly based af. Think aristocrats, private parties, gated communities etc.
I just posted something similar in the CO thread, but in big city cartel hotspots along hwy 70/i95 it's DIRT cheap
Not because it's cut down to nothing, but because there's tractor trailer shipments coming in every day
For me i never really liked it.. gives you confidence but long term use dulls your senses and turns you into an anxious zombie
I never understood why people use shit like this.
You only see rich and successful people using coke because they're the only ones who can afford it. Any middle income user that gets addicted turns to crack because they run out of money.
Retard thread
Yes. Cocaine was frequently prescribed for everything from ADHD to erectile dysfunction to depression even up until the 1960s when the pharmaceutical Jews came up with more addictive and specialized medicines that cost more and made it so you had to swallow a fucking train of pills every day.
this, it will take you some time to find quality stuff for a decent price off street
I said only the wealthy can afford to use it REGULARLY, not "here and there."
And I'm willing to bet the shit going up your nose is less than 50% pure.
Thread theme
Cocaine is often times more expensive then power tools. You need to actually have a high paying job to maintain a constant cocaine high. You don't need to do shit to get high on meth all of the time. Talking 4 hours off 1 line of meth compared to 5-10 minutes off 1 line of cocaine. Most meth-heads can get by on $10-$20 of drugs a day. About $5400 a year. To get high on cocaine all day we are talking at least $200 a day. About $40k a year to maintain a cocaine habit.
Pretty awesome desu
I honestly couldn’t agree more with the monks thing. Western life has given me severe depression and a lack of meaning. I try and meditate, pray and generally connect with life/the earth whenever I can, but it all seems so futile. I feel overwhelmed and paralysed. I guess that’s why my mind wanders towards drugs.
No. This is a distilled and processed stimulant. Incas chew the raw leaves like you'd drink your coffee. The high is nice, the intake is very social and communal and the image (and price) make it into a high end drug.
poorfag cope
Garbage that makes your face and soul ugly? It's kike.
You haven't tried good coke
Most street level shit has been cut more times than a tranny's forearm.
Only poors, niggers, and nerds refuse to properly do cocaine...because they cant afford it, would rather smoke rock, or are fucking NERDS.
...herp derp better smoke weed and play video games instead
Coke is for retards. It's fun but dont make it a habit. Only retarded people think it makes them better
No. If you need to ask "how to make it big" you're never going to. People are born into money rarely do they make it. A coke addiction will just make you poor. Have fun.
Cocaines a party favor if you’re snorting it, shoot that shit and you’ll fucking hear bells.
>Just wealthy use
I don't know how much you guys pay for cocaine, but this little boy here, I can pay only R$30,00, bad quality, but still cocaine.
Around $6
Lines of speed are much better and lasts much longer. I could go days with out sleep.Only downside was the soul crushing depression and suicide attempts
Meanwhile in Silicon Valley we have dudes going to work on acid and other research psychedelics.
drugs are for retards
retards that pay shitloads of money for things thats cheaper than tobacco to make
What a dumb thing to say. 99.1% of coke heads are piece of shit bums who are just as bad as crack heads.
>he doesnt become an addict
>haha must be poor
You sure that coke hasnt fried your brain yet?
A friend of mine spent 30k on coke and is now a braindead poor waitress addicted to sex. So that's where that got her. I like coke, just do it maybe a few times a year if I can find clean shit
>seems like people who use this stuff frequently are the most successful members of society
Nigga do you know wtf crackheads are? Its the same shit
Would much rather take Vyvanse/Adderall ER for actual productivity than just being coked up.
cocaine is how you go from the top to the bottom. Its the gayest drug ever. The high is lame as fuck compared to meth, LSD, PCP, benzos or shrooms and doesn't last for shit. Cocaine users are literally failures.
You guys are so fucking dumb and worthless. You're exactly as useless as niggers and mexicans... but just in your own particular way. Cocaine is a total bullshit drug that sucks the soul right out of you. You pay out the ass for ~20 golden minutes (that's $50, thank you). Then you feel like a rotten, worthless piece of shit with no reason to live, unless you'd like to spend another $50 for another 20 minutes. Oh yea... it makes your heart fucking explode too, and gives you the ability to rationalize despicable sub-human behavior you'd never touch with a 10' pole otherwise.
If this is the quality of those who claim to speak for the white race, then stick a fucking fork in the white race.
I love coke and coke whores
That’s why I had to stop
cocaine makes you a psychopath,
which is extensively rewarded in c-suite type jobs
The happiness of cocaine is not passive or placid as that of beasts; it is self-conscious. It tells man what he is, and what he might be; it offers him the semblance of divinity, only that he may know himself a worm. It awakes discontent so acutely that never shall it sleep again. It creates hunger. Give cocaine to a man already wise, schooled to the world, morally forceful, a man of intelligence and self-control. If he be really master of himself, it will do him no harm. He will know it for a snare; he will beware of repeating such experiments as he may make; and the glimpse of his goal may possibly even spur him to its attainment by those means which God has appointed for His saints.
But give it to the clod, to the self-indulgent, to the blasé — to the average man, in a word — and he is lost. He says, and his logic is perfect; This is what I want. He knows not, neither can know, the true path; and the false path is the only one for him. There is cocaine at his need, and he takes it again and again. The contrast between his grub life and his butterfly life is too bitter for his unphilosophic soul to bear; he refuses to take the brimstone with the treacle.
And so he can no longer tolerate the moments of unhappiness; that is, of normal life; for he now so names it. The intervals between his indulgences diminish.
And alas! the power of the drug diminishes with fearful pace. The doses wax; the pleasures wane. Side-issues, invisible at first, arise; they are like devils with flaming pitchforks in their hands.
this is an excerpt from Cocaine by Aleister Crowley
For me the depression and suicide attempts are a deal breaker.
Most of the western world is the same, just with coke instead of acid I honestly believe this to be at least partially true. There’s obviously reasons for everything but who knows why coke is so illegal (class a in the U.K.)
I was so nervous speaking at my grandpa's funeral I did 3 quick lines in the church disabled toilet. I refered to him as a "mad lad". My parents asked me what was wrong with me when I sat back down again.
Absolutely, I picked up some stuff that smells of hairspray recently, sigh
you only heared about the "good" cases
It takes a hammer to your dopamine receptors
Every time you snort it, you destroy a few more
Enjoy never feeling happiness again
I love how engineering a financial collapse by stealing people's retirement savings and forcing the federal government to spend trillions bailing out your corrupt institutions is the "best version of oneself" to you conservetards, as you worship money. This is why the west will fail.
It’s not that expensive really! It just has an expensive aura which is what I was talking about in my OP.
I was sold speed instead of coke once and didn’t sleep for 2 days. Not cool. At least with coke you can get back to normal life quickly.
That’s really sad, I’m sorry for your friend.
Crack cocaine =/= powder cocaine
Isn't the thing with meth that it's basically the same kind of high but much longer lasting and stronger? People get all fucked up because of over-stimulation with it.
Should use small doses of meth instead then to save tons of cash and get essentially the same "benefits" if you are hellbent on it.
Based and thelemy pilled
Empty lives no family love
I feel the exact opposite with the exception of shrooms. Shrooms are pretty fucking wild lol.
>to you conservetards, as you worship money.
Meanwhile in the Hamptons
>Redpill on cocaine
If you take it regularly, no pill will help you expect the metal one with gunpowder in it
Yeah the key word being COCAINE
wow is this nigger stupid.
This. Stay the fuck away from amphetamines and cocaine.
It’s $50 a bag, a bag doesn’t last 20 minutes.. a bump does, and you could have 20 bumps from a single bag. I feel you should direct your hatred towards the human race at a topic you have some knowledge about.
No because meth is meth. It’s a disgusting crack head drug made entirely of toxic chemicals.
You speak as someone who never used.
The cool down is horrible and makes you feel like you had chemo therapy for a week
How the fuck would you know? The only thing you've ever put up your nose is your index-finger.
Imagine if you had an extra boost of crazy energy that kept you going for hours. You'd be making tons of bank as well. There's a reason it's the drug of choice for the wealthy. IT allows them to keep working.
if you need coke to be succesfull, you will not be succesfull.
bankiers and yacht owners etc touch the coke AFTER making shitloads of money cause their money tempts them into that product. I have never seen any example of someone who became succesfull because of coke, but many succesfull cases who do coke (cause they then have the money for it) but going to shit because, you know, it's a drug that actually does harm to your brain like alcohol etc
Well I mean you're pretty damn close to the source, a lot more money for shit up here since the C.I.A risk their skin importing it
Awesome response, thank you
also this. get your dopamine from within yourself so you won't crash the system but still feel good
Actually they prefer Modafinil
But you're poor and a druggie so you have no idea how to actually get rich
Again, enjoy never feeling happiness again after you abuse it for a few years
If you like shrooms you really need to brew up your own Ayahuasca, imagine the most intense shroom experience you've had multiplied by 10, I couldn't even fucking talk
if you take small doses of meth orally (don't snort) it's like a good coke high that lasts for hours
>cocaine makes you the best version of yourself
More like it makes you an annoying motormouth with a limp dick
That’s hilarious, I’m sure he was an absolute mad lad. His grandson sure is.
I’ve seen people take one gram in a few lines and they become raging dicks. Taking some bumps of a 50 bag throughout the night is a pretty based experience. Will have great conversation and remain focused and coherent, add some liquor to the mix and the euphoria gets pretty intense.