Device rewards you with cryptocurrency when you perform the assigned "body actions. What does this mean? For example, they want to insert captcha challenges into your consciousness so you have to solve them to get your bread money:

>[0035] Furthermore, the task(s) provided by task server 110 can include solving a test for distinguishing human from machine input so that humans but not computers are able to pass it, such as, Computer Automated Program to Tell Computers and Flumans Apart (CAPTCHA) and reCAPTCHA which is a CAPTCHA-like system designed to establish that a computer user is human. The task may require user 145 to solve a verification challenge, for example, but not limited to, an image based challenge including instructions prompting user 145 to solve the challenge through interaction with one or more images.

(The typo - "flumans" (presumably humans) above, appears in the original text but is bizarrely relevant.)

Read and download the full patent here:

Attached: 634753426.png (888x589, 886.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>[0036] At operation 320, when or after user 145 performs the task(s) provided by task server 110, sensor 140 may sense the body activity of user 145 that is a body response related to the task provided by task server 110, and then transmit the sensed body activity of user 145 to user device 130. The body activity may include, for example, but not limited to, radiation emitted from human body, brain activities, body fluid flow (e.g. blood flow), organ activity or movement, body movement, and any other activities that can be sensed and represented by images, waves, signals, texts, numbers, degrees, or any other form of information or data. Examples of body radiation emitted from human body may include radiant heat of the body, pulse rate, or brain wave. Brain waves may comprise, for example, but not limited to, (i) gamma waves, involved in learning or memory tasks, (ii) beta waves, involved in logical thinking and/or conscious thought, (iii) alpha waves, which may be related to subconscious thoughts, (iv) theta waves, which may be related to thoughts involving deep and raw emotions, (v) delta waves, which may be involved in sleep or deep relaxation, or (vi)

>electroencephalogram (EEG), which may be measurement used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain, such as deep concentration. Examples of the body movement may include eye movement, facial movement or any other muscular movements. Furthermore, brain activity can be sensed using the fMRI. The fMRI measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. This technique relies on the fact that cerebral blood flow and neuronal activation are coupled. When an area of the brain is in use, blood flow to that region also increases.

Attached: reward cryptocurrency.png (587x813, 75.06K)

this is dystopian and scary as shit

i already hate solving captchas

>[0026] Sensor 140 may be configured to sense the body activity of user 145. As illustrated in FIG. 1, sensor 140 may be a separate component from user device 130 and be operably and/or communicatively connected to user device 130. Alternatively, sensor 140 may be included and integrated in user device 130. For example, user device 130 may be a wearable device having sensor 140 therein. The sensor 140 may transmit information/data to user device 130. Sensor 140 may include, for example, but not limited to, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners or sensors, electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, radio frequency (RF) sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner that can measure or sense body activity or scan human body. For instance, the fMRI may measure body activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. The fMRI may use a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the body (e.g. blood flow in the brain to detect areas of activity).

We're in for it now

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Slide threads with 200 replies and this thread not wven double digits. Fuck nupol

So we got proof of work. Proof of stake. What would this be called? Proof of slavery?

Not nu-pol but corrupt mods. Can’t even discuss Hollywood collapsing in on itself without being purged to bant. It’s so obvious.

ahhh, surely that's just a stupid joke, right?... right?
like how when you type it sends you to CIA or whatever

maybe it's a fake site
>website is verified
maybe it's a fake company
>Microsoft Technology Licensing (MTL) owns the vast majority of patents formerly owned by Microsoft Corporation
uhh, maybe it's just today after the whole "bill wants to kill us with corona" started
>International Filing Date: 20.06.2019

uhhh... World Order 666..

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Beware the wrath of the mental janitors.

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Don't forget the abramavic ad rus bro

All your social credits have been withdrawn from your account

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WO 2020 060606

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Why would Bill patent this? I thought he’s just trying to save lives?

5g is smart city IoT human embedded cryptodollar skynet going live

Unbelievable how the media has turn this into a far right agenda. I know plenty of liberals that dont want his controversial vaccines. Its unbelievable were even discussing having our privacies invaded by globalist run primary through China.

Just wait til they roll the vaccs out. Millions will get sick from them. Let the npcs be the beta testers



Bills been making the rounds all over the boob toob

Their surveillance system is literally called SKYNET.

It’s something about justice in their language

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Sauce me brit bro

Shame.....this couldve been a good bread

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Thank you for the bumps kind anons. I am an essential shelf stocker and must go back to work but please keep this thread alive and feel free to copy paste it if it goes down. There needs to be a thread about this at all times for at least a month until every user is aware that this exists. This is so undeniable even my normie friends freak out when I show it to them.

Also relevant is Bill's recent reddit AMA in which he stated that people will need "digital certificates" to prove they have been vaccinated in order to re-enter society:

and, of course, Event 201, a simulation of a global corona virus outbreak held in October 2019, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Johns Hopkins (now leading Corona virus vaccine research) among others.

Attached: digital certificates.png (733x318, 60.76K)

bill bill bill bill

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Just search China SKYNET on the internet
You will get lots of results

Godspeed user

Thx m8 i'll check it out

>(fMRI) scanners or sensors
How ae you gonna do this?

This is what 5g will be used for

5g can also do deviceless tracking, sort of like a 4K radar

I can't find it, but I remember a guy explaining that 5G isn't just faster speed but a new paradigm, IOT systems that don't require you to own a phone and can't opt out of because it's all done with face recognition

That's why gigabit mobile data is needed, it's for all the data from new IOT devices in cities.

Exactly, the call it deviceless tracking. All the cars and hundreds of unmanned quadcopter drones all centrall controlled by ai

5G uses a phased array antenna system. This means the signal can be placed at any location in 3D space. E.g., you could have strong signal in a one cubic foot area of space, and no signal outside that space, anywhere within the range of the array. This would be perfect for operating a massive, highly complex tracking / sending / recieving task as would be required for something like this patent describes. Also, if you fuck up too badly they could just fry your brain with the ray. Sounds tinfoil but that's the actual capability of a microwave phased array. Murder, arson, tech sabotage, the applications of being able to place microwaves at any point in 3D space are really fucking sinister.

Based. Like running man but it's not a bomb around your neck but an implant/quantum dot nanoparticles/digital certificate. Whatever they want to call it, it's sinistee to the core

Guys, check this:
A Rockefeller scenario from 2014 nonetheless, didn't read it well thru, but is about a lockdown and surveillance

Attached: iXwlF8d.png (1370x769, 1.38M)
>When it comes to the architecture and assembly of massive MIMO 5G systems, we see many parallels with the new generation of Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) active antennae systems targeted for use for military and civil air traffic control, and weather system tracking applications. And while you might not typically associate this class of radar system with cost-sensitive commercial applications like 5G, you might be surprised to learn that MPAR technology leverages design and manufacturing efficiencies that dramatically reduce the cost of the end system.

>mindnet captchas
had a laugh. But seriously, this is spooky. Keep this bumped so journos and bloggers can get this into the normiesphere. Imagine CNN asking Bill "whatabout all these cheeky coincidences Mr. Gates?

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They wouldn't even need any physical tracer on your body if they could just identify unique aspects of your EEG or other readable signals produced by your body.

Watch this whole thing end up being some ARG advertising campaign for a shitty Xbox game or something.

>flumans take me to your leader

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