Sweden is about to reach herd immunity, and they didn't destroy their economy to do it.

Attached: sweden.jpg (740x823, 232.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

there is no immunity
once you are infected you will get aids

Fuck off /cvg/ retard.

>superimmunity by 2020
yea okay

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Sweden are fucking idiots, how can you even use the words Based and Sweden in the same sentence?


You will get aids from the gayclubs anyway Hans.

Immunity to what? They get reinfected. 1% of Sweden's population dies annually from now on.
If there's no vaccine, say goodbye to your BOOMER friends and family.

Lol, let me tell you something about viruses. The only way to get rid of them is to gain herd immunity. Otherwise, it just hangs around forever. If you're waiting for a vaccine, nobody has ever made one for a coronavirus. The only extinct coronaviruses are ones we gained immunity to.

Forget corona, the journalists are getting Stockholm Syndrome

Attached: sqQlid7g.jpg (728x655, 39K)

Good on sweden. Who would have thought that cuck nation would actually go against the global media grain for once?
I honestly don't know how anyone can still pretend like this is some kind of plague when it literally is just the flu. Not even that. Killed fewer people than the flu in 2018.

You faggots all fell for the yellowfewer nigger metokur and his hystrionics. Just admit it.

Also, only 2% of people suffer reactivation (not reinfection, it is caused by a virus staying in your system and coming back) according to South Korea. When it reactivates, it also comes back much milder.

Yas Forums is filled with people who lack a basic understanding of science and mathematics. Of course they fell for this meme apocalypse.

gayclubs are shut down
enjoy your niggers and your aids-2

>>Lol, let me tell you something about viruses
>Following initial infection a person may not notice any symptoms, or may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness.
>Typically, this is followed by a prolonged period with no symptoms.
>If the infection progresses, it interferes more with the immune system, increasing the risk of developing common infections such as tuberculosis, as well as other opportunistic infections, and tumors which are otherwise rare in people who have normal immune function.

Checked. So you got aids before the lockdown, and now you can get the 2 and die twice as fast.

true, your aids-1 niggers will die first

So, were swedish master race all along?

Too bad. I hoped they'd fall for it. Swedes (like most of us) really need things to get less cushy before the slow boil of demographic change passes the point of no return. Any money they’ve saved from this strategy will simply be used by the system that is hell-bent on brainwashing and demoralizing native Swedes, while simultaneously subsidizing the births and organizational efforts of the “new Swedes”. Let’s hope there are more trying events in the near future.

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Ding ding ding!

Attached: hearye.jpg (740x328, 37.64K)

>herd immunity
does not exist

What the fuck is herd immunity?

Where did that term even come from?
It's not as if cows get immune if their population suddenly gets sick, they just die

Cope and neither should you.

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I think the idea is that people with strong immune systems get infected and fend off the illness to the point where anyone they spread it to is only getting a small dose that they'll be able to deal with.

>If everyone gets sick, than no one gets sick

That's fucking retarded

It's not a modern tem, but they are shilling it in this pandemic. Essentially what it means is let everyone, or anyone get it, if you die, you die, after a while, we will all be free of it because anyone who is in fected will either be dead or recovered from it and by proxy there will be no more reinfections because anyone who was able to infect others will no longer be able to infect anyone, because they wont have it, or will be dead.
It's a very simple way to deal with a virus pandemic.

There will never be a vaccine, though they will try to trick people into getting injected with something.
There will be no end result of purification of the virus via lockdowns, so herd immunity is the only real solution.

Actually Sweden has the highest AIDS immunity of all Europe

>Sweden is about to reach (((herd))) immunity

It's to do with the concept of a viral load. Not everyone is infected equally. If a strong person gets it, fends it off, then passes off just a little to a weak person, the weak person can fend that off and build up antibodies so they'll be stronger against it if infected again.

I feel like a lot of the work surrounding viruses might be pseudo-science.

you might be on to something here
is this why they dgaf

What happens when they get infected again, and again, and again?

I guess the real cure was bbc all along. Based Captain Sweden!

I have COVID 19. Every time I get near a piece of internet enabled device with WIFI or Cell service my mild cough gets worse. When I stay away from all of this equipment for an entire day my symptoms disappear, This is clearly a social media virus and yes, I feel the symptoms getting worse as I type this message so I will not be repeating this for quite some time.

They have 1700 dead, if the death rate is around 3% it means they have around 50k infected. Thus their population of 10 mil. is far, FAR away from having an immunity.
You utter muppets.

How should I know? How should ANYONE know? I guess eventually your body gets so used to fending it off that it becomes trivial. Eventually the virus goes away and your body becomes weaker to it because it's not there.

Imagine a team of firefighters. Suddenly there's an outbreak of arson in the city. Every day they're being called to fight fires. Eventually they'd get really fucking efficient at it. Then the arsonists get caught and there's no more fires. They become lazy and bad at their jobs because they're out of practice. Then suddenly there's a string of fires around the city. Rinse and repeat. That's how I imagine your immune system works. It reacts to threats and gets used to fighting them. Then if those threats go away, it gets lazy because it's not needed.

Their data estimates they have 600,000 infected in the country as a whole.

>if the death rate is around 3% it means they have around 50k infected
What utter fucking bollocks m8. What in the actual fucking world makes you believe this?
>Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population — Oxford study

Oxford University (see: possibly the most prestigious university in the UK), believes this virus landed in the UK in January and silent spread throughout the population. The reason nobody noticed anything back then is because it just isn't all that dangerous. It's literally just a flu. What's happening now is just miscoding deaths. There's a growing mountain of evidence that doctors are writing off everyone as Covid-19 where possible, either for financial gain (US hospitals get federal grants to help deal with cases), or because they're caught up in the media hype.

Or the firefighters just give up fighting fires because they're tired and the town burns to the ground

Your body's instincts are much more resilient to demoralisation than a firefighter.