Find me a more hateful piece of clothing

Find me a more hateful piece of clothing.

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Doc Martens

in all fields.

OP always the faggot.

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antifa shoes?

Clothes aren't sentient therefore not hateful.

>Find me a more hateful piece of clothing.

Your mom's codpiece.

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Trump is one of the biggest nigger and jew lovers to ever serve in the WH. I wish he was a racist.

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Kek i was going to post this

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op is a faggot

I hate honkey crackers

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That's the attire of love for one's people. Often confused for hate by rapists.

this, this is a clothing that sais "dont care, i'm here to do violence because my nany forgot my cookie in the lounge while I received a pedicure this morning"

Pure hatred of the bourgoisie, I mean, their parents.

>more hateful piece of clothing.


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That's what it meant in the second wave.
That ideal went out the window when a grand wizard got ousted as a rapist himself.


Biggest faggots on planet earth.

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White polka dots represent white power. Heil panties-

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KAG hats are much more offensive

We have a winner

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I became hateful of women, once I saw their panties after they took them off.

Yid caps are the most hateful clothing option known to man.

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>anti all things brown
>anti immigrant
i can smell the privilege from 3000 miles away