California Exodus Leave California Now

California is experiencing a net migration loss. In 2019 700,000 Californians left the golden state. Massive waves of Californians are leaving California for other states. And I bet when the data is available for 2020 you will see upwards of 1million leaving California. 13,000 businesses left in 2019.
Especially after the Chinese flu subsides people here are running out of money. I am seeing it first hand.
Fellow California fags we need to get the fuck out. If you want any shot at a life move.
>I live buy a big U haul rental every week since last year they sell out of moving vans and trucks it seems.

This is no surprise when, the average home costs upwards of 500,000+ that's not even in a good area. To live in decent areas expect to pay upwards of $700,000 for a home. 1/4 Californians are poor. 53% of Californians are considering moving.
>were are they going?
Californians are moving to #1 Boise Idaho, Phoenix Arizona, Texas, Washington and Oregon.
>Fleeing California
>Leaving California


>Whats really happening in California

>Who's leaving California

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You retards will drive up housing costs in other states and bring your Gay Area liberalism there too. Fuck off we're full.

How many times do you intend to post this thread and why do you do it?

I went to Reno to pick up a truck to get out of San Francisco. It was $600 for a truck from Reno and $3000 for San Francisco.

So glad to be out of that faggot state

We seriously need to get the fuck out while we can.

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will there be massivee inflation?

how will this affect people with rent control vs those who do not?


White is not included in libfag diversity. Why isn't the liberal agena considered a war crime of genocide intent?

Less apartments available. No incentives

California is pig disgusting. You niggers invented the mcmansion. All your cities are disgusting trash heaps and white people spread out thin locking their doors trying to keep away from the filth. You niggers are going to turn the rest of America into what you created. Stay away from the East Coast.

California is what happens when an entire state becomes a theme park: Theme park prices, theme park quality, theme park crowds.

Pacific Northwest here. Let them fuck off to Las Vegas and Phoenix. Stay out of Portland and Seattle.

Need a wall around Mexifornia.

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THIS is the "PLAN".... populate other States, with the CALIFORNIAN Values,

>California is experiencing a net migration loss
lmao, imagine believing that. Illegal spics are moving in faster than whites are leaving.

Most of the people leaving were already planning to. Those who still hold commifornia values are wealthy enough to stay behind (for now). Their minds will change.

You should stay in the mess you've caused and rot like the human garbage you are.

I'm from Santa Cruz, I think I'll move to Montana. Can't wait to turn it blue!

Mexican btw

He wants someone to say the obvious fact of the matter.
>California has turned into a ruptured abscess
>illegal beaners are spilling into the rest of your country

Attention Californians leaving that craphole state; STAY OUT OF THE MIDWEST! DON'T COME HERE! If you must move to the Midwest stick with Chicago, you'll like it there. Don't move anywhere else or you'll ruin it here.

california should close its borders to contain as many of you faggots as possible

I feel sorry for the good people of Colorado, Texas, Idaho, ans anyone else who has to suffer from the California Menace. Thank God I live in Kansas where no Califaggot wants to live.

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youre already fucked up there

Checked and based

We are full. Get out.
t. Californian

Northwesterners are just as retarded and faggy as Californians, just more white on average.

That looks like Tijuana

>doesn't understand what an exodus is
Did you steal the smartphone that you're posting from off some onion knight, Tyrone?

move to Utah, plenty of empty space in Utah outside of the SLC area

Makes it extremely hard to move when both my family and my wife’s family live here, all our friends are here, etc.

It’s really not so bad if you’ve got a decent job.

I'm from Boise, and the wave of Californians coming into this town has almost ruined it. All of my lower income friends were forced to move out of the neighborhood we grew up in a few years back because everything is just getting too damn expensive. The califaggots don't realize that theyre just turning Boise into whatever shithole they just left. I always thought Idaho was too based to be californicated but this influx of liberal faggots even caused us to elect an ultra lib mayor whos from fucking BOSTON.

We had this thread yesterday nigger.

Utah has one of the best protections from Commiefornians possible: it's a boring place for degenerates.

Stay outta griz country, bean boy.

Pretty soon the only population left there will be the honeless, welfare rats, hollywood, government bureaucrats, and tech fags. A literal cesspool of a state

And when Cali is screwed and the dumbasses who ruined that state move to other areas without learning anything, then we're all screwed. I say again, to any Californian thinking of leaving that state reading this, DO NOT COME TO THE MIDWEST!

I am a Floridian living in the bay. I am a gentrifier. I fucking love how mad these califaggots get when I'm willing to spend money they can't and displace the natives here. Feels fucking good.

Restribute the politics, if blues move into you, send reds into their states. Make Cali red!