I can no longer be a national socialist anymore

Sorry Yas Forums.

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Why not



>upgrade to intl soc


Good riddance, anime faggot desu.

I've listened impartially to the arguments of the other side for the first time in years and have realised how middle schoolish this whole thing is. It's not even funny anymore.

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Kill yourselves.

They took his national socialist licence

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Can I marry that qt maiden though desu?

Literally not an argument. The only way someone can be a "former" National Socialist or White nationalist is if they never understood our positions in the first place. OP is just a midwit (at best) who probably only ever identified as NS to be edgy and fit in with chan culture. Fuck off.


Lmao what every ideology says when you leave it
If you care about all of humanity you become a commie
If you care about your race you become a nazi
If you care about your nation you become a Nationalist
If you care about individuals you become capitalist
If you care about yourself you become libertarian
>it all begins from emotion
Argument comes afterwards, which makes arguing so pointless

>I've listened impartially to the arguments
Care to share these arguments with the board?

National Socialism is an ideology based on something real.
It cannot be compared to the cancerous crap you mentioned.

>If you care about all of humanity you become a commie
Have you ever met an actual commie before?

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Nice try Mohammed your demoralization won’t work.

So you see now what we see.

I didnt say they where consistant , its like nazis who argue about whos white and not. They never care about the actual race, they care about hiveminded opinions

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Thats what they all say
>we are alle human so follow my dogma
>we are all x race so follow my dogma
>we are all individuals so follow my dogma
>i will fix your personal problems, so lick my boots


This, OP respond or we will end the thread

Nazis haven't existed for 70 years. Are you talking about national socialists or people who are against ethnically cleansing white nations?

nazism is a retarded high school ideology but jewish subversion and parasitism is real

Just be an American.


Pick a video, we'll make it fit

Enjoy Britain when you don't kill and get rid of the weak in society.


>it’s retarded
Care to explain how? It created the two most power nation to have ever exist. One of which lasted over 2,000 years and is regarded as the single most important civilization of all time. Forgive me if I’m skeptical of your opinion, but do enlighten me, I am open to anything you suggest

I don't care about your politics as long as you do your part against the furries desu.

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Nazis is a stort form national socialist
Like commie
And if you dont accept it, i dont really care about words, as long as you understand which ideological dogma im takling about. Il happly leave words and pronauns to leftists and right wingers

But mainly realizing how stupid politicking over the ""white"" race actually is. I prefer blondes, like my former circle of white nationalists, but where as they support ethnic genocide whilst claiming "whites" are one set group, I'm actually dating and having sex with them

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>two trannies with no arguments other than “fuck you that’s bad”
Ok let’s try something different. What’s on thing in particular that prevents you from being a NatSoc. Policy or belief wise. It can be anything don’t over think it

>Vaush and destiny
You're a faggot OP

So you just got cuc.ked by leftists

End of the thread lads, op is low Iq

>One of which lasted over 2,000 years
redpill me on this

>I like blonde people therefore am a NatSoc
So you were never NatSoc at all. /thread. I was looking for something along the lines of the power structure/Economy/foreign policy. You know real beliefs that make up a ideology. Not “those people are pretty” that’s not a fucking ideology

"Nazi" is a derogatory term for the National Socialist German Workers' Party. National socialism is a political ideology that comes from Sweden.

Eastern and western Rome. Aka the 1st reich. All of national socialism is based on Caesars ideology of fascism, of which Mussolini refined for the modern age

No, I read Giovanni Gentile and Mosley's complete works and spent literally years on pol and watching every alt right / white nationalist video out there. The fact that on reflection almost every single one is a disaffected loser is just a visual symptom.

the irony is the ones who politicize on those topics(races, whites etc) are knowing how retarded it is. they are using the uneducated masses, adressing literal nothingburger problems the small people think are big, and they like it. populism. Well there are 2 kinds, the real maniacs who actualyl believe it and the assholes that use it to gain power and money by making laws for the big corps. So yea Rightwing parties etc, have literally 0 interest in their people and make things more hard and difficult for everyone.

meant for

>dude just pick a video
That's not an argument you retard. I can point you to a whole bunch of channels where you can watch a whole variety of videos. Can you at least make one argument?

you never were.

The only good thing the rightwingers are good for are regarding quick reaction and unity. they are probably the better party during wartimes and hard times. Which there was literally none since the l of the soviet union.

OP is a fag and he obviously never was NatSoc

>Destiny and Vaush
Destiny says absolutely nothing in as many words as possible and pretends he's won.
He's also a midget, a cuck and a negligent father.

the roman republic was more longlived and successful than the roman cuckpire. anyways hitler was a jewish shill, he lost the war on purpose and through him the zionists got everything they wanted