Has talked to people ftom the soviet union, mostly positive

>Has talked to people ftom the soviet union, mostly positive
The soviet union was one of the best accomplishments of the human race
Change my mind

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It's called stockholm syndrome

When people have no way of resisting their oppressor they start to worship them.

Care to explain?

Depends. Material goods were less, but people were guaranteed shelter and food (famines stopped after Stalin). Birth rates were higher and Eastern EU are in a huge demographic crisis right now. There was also less Western degeneracy like feminism, LGBT, etc.

Reminds me of American "patriots" who blindly support Israel and billionaires

Dumb fuck that's the flag of Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic and nowdays of Separatist Republic of Transnistria
Nah you're just a fool, it was actually pretty comfy.

It could be described as an adequate accomplishment at best. Its few modest achievements are matched by terrible disasters.

Funny a lot of people I've talked to that were from there despised the Soviet Union. That being said they were a worthy adversary and a useful instrument of change.

So is that why people from "the best communist country to live in" democratic germany were running away towards capitalism?

Lol. The Soviet Jewnion was nothing more than a kike enslavement program for low IQ slavniggers.

You're a moron. Most people that remember "the good old days" kindly, just remember their youth.

I know that, I only had a Mssr flag in my gallery

yes it was truly a revolutionary weight loss plan jenny craig would be proud

you forgot free education, no religionsand or women were more respcted than in western.

normies falling for capitalism cause mah mcdonals....

The Soviet Union introduced free, universal healthcare and had more physicians and hospital beds percapita many Western European countries and even the US and Canada, literacy rates soared, the average life expectancy increased from 35 to 72 years, it produced a massive amount of technicians, engineers, researchers, and scientists because university education was free and allowed even the lowest on the social ladder to obtain college education, the list goes on.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the Soviet Union by way of the metric regarding human development and social mobility, the main problems were with repression of speech and limits on freedom of expression and political dissension.

If you were born in the time of the Soviet Union, you would have had a much better life than anywhere in South America, Africa, and most Asian countries.

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is that the flag of that enclave shithole Transnistria?

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Actually, only a few minority of the gdr had the intention to escape, and the reason why they did defect was not because of the government but they were bribed to go to the west. Its a sabatoge tactic, its called brain drain. The west offered skilled workers alot of money to defect in order to drain countries of their capital thus making them struggle

Yes but its was also the flag of the moldovan SSR

No,actually the USSR did offer freedom of speech under the stalin consitution, along with other freedoms

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>The soviet union was one of the best
Fuck you, stupid asshole.

>skilled workers risked death for a bit og money

And pinochet did too in the 80s constitution you stupid retard


They werent killed, if they put in effort to defect to the west they did. This myth about people being killed trying to defect comes from old articals which usually states around 140 people had been killed trying to defect and if you trace back that "evidence" its leads other articals which give no real evidence or stats that conclude their claim. The wall was mainly contructed for two reasons 1) Protection against fascism, this may seem outlandish but former nazis of west germany had a big role in the government >pic related
2) Protection, when you have two enemy world superpowers sharing a city it usually doesnt turn out well. It was seen as a defense move. Historians agree that the construction of the wall reduced the chances of WWIII

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Is this bait? Do people this stupid actually exist?

Your point is?

That writing shit into a constitution when you have absolute power means shit

Your just trapped, you have no evidence to back up your beliefs. So you insult me. Thats a sign you have lost an arguement

The soviet government didnt have absolute power, they had to have mass support by the people to pass laws and other state actions

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Whatever makes you feel better, i do not think you have anything to say of value and certainly nothing I have not heard before so bye

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Every shithole Stan country in the socialist republic liked it a lot because the government gave them so much gibs to keep them in line and there was so much food they had a population boom, Moldova was actually connected to the sea and they were t African tier poor and landlocked like they are now
Russian people suffered pretty badly under communism there were a lot more Slavic, Germanic and finno-upric people’s of Russia before the red menace
Now Russia is mostly full of churkas every city is full of churkas they are fucking everywhere the young can’t do a thing because the government stamps down any form of nationalism and the older generations see them as “Comrades from soviet times”
Russia’s population would be half a billion by now if it had stayed a Monarchy

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