He has a point you know
He has a point you know
He is dumb as shit yeah
the answer is always higher taxes comrade!
He does. Maybe boomers will drop rent somewhat and actually use their properties
>Companies abandon property because its not worth the hassle of dealing with shitlib policies
>Homeless squat in it and destroy it
>Property becomes worthless and homeless move on
Sounds like a great way to end up with dilapidated under repaired apartment buildings that are filled with rape and drug sales
Ofc broke ass greek approves
>few words yet so overly complicated its impossible to follow
nigger needs to learn to communicate
Why would anyone build anything then?
I have a better idea:
Use democrat-style lawfare to wage war on the concept of HOA's and local zoning until "NIMBY" becomes impossible.
This will restore the 95% of housing supply the Karens have shut down for the past 2 generations and bring housing down to "the price of bare land plus a modest car" for the first time in a century.
Also, fuck "environmentalists" and "local character", fuck them right in the ass.
If unoccupied buildings were taxed out the ass maybe Chinese real-estate speculators would stop investing in our housing market, which would be perfectly worth-it in the long run.
Eh. I’m liking being homeless. I’m living in my car for now but I’m going to save up and move to some cheap rural Eastern European town, possibly in Lithuania and rent out a cheap apartment and fuck girls/play vidya 24/7 until my visa runs out
You're not supposed to actually consider the consequences of feel-good legislation.
To sell it to a business or homeowner.
Also on an unrelated note your pic made me kek
He has a great point, but like many great points about improving society, it falls flat when you consider the question: what about niggers?
this. it would be one thing if the vast majority of homeless people were hard working families down on their luck, but the vast majority of them are lazy niggers and schizo drug addicts.
It IS bullshit that so many lots are vacant because (((landlords))) refuse to have reasonable rents and can just "write off" the loss on their taxes.
So I agree with the first half to some extent.
However, he can fuck off with low-income housing.
Also, this.
The same reasons they always did?
>hurrrrr if you can't just keep land designated for business to yourself to do nothing with forever, then capitalism doesn't work
Stupid faggot.
Well, my friend basically keeps a bunch of rentals unoccupied because he figured a way to write it off his huge income and it is less hassle than dealing with tenants. Taxes for rentals are interesting to say the least.
Wow, this guy is extremely racist towards the Chinese. What a bigot.
homelessness is based
dysgenic agrarian slaves will seethe, but hunter-gathering is our primordial state
Most of the homeless are mentally ill and like their no responsibility lifestyle, so he does t have any point relating to the homeless
"my job involves living inside of an old Sam's Club building"
If the rent is too high, you can leave. A house costs money. Repairs, insurance, tax, maintenance. People not paying rent and you have to kick them out, etc etc. As the owner, I bear all the risk and for that, I want to actually EARN something from some asshole living on my property. So fuck off.
t. never been homeless
To an extent this. You don’t have to live in a trendy city.
>implying landlords won't get around this by simply putting on paper that someone lives there
>implying you want my tax dollars to go into policing a new policy like this
You are never going to end homelessness. There are always going to be drug addicts, crazies, fuckups, runaways, etc. You can help the people who want to get out of it but that's all you can really do. There are programs for this and sometimes they are pretty good, they will give you some money, get an apartment, build a resume, sometimes even hook you up with a shitty job. Lowering housing prices will help but ending homelessness is just a fucking fantasy.
t. ex-homeless
I get all of my advice from fat, unkempt losers online
Wont work.
It's cheaper to leave it vacant and pay a fee than refurb it after some crackhead makes a fire in the living room.
thanks for sharing. hope you found a better life
This, nobody has to be homeless for more than 6 months. People choose it.
t. also was homeless
>telling people what they should and shouldn't do with the things they bought with their money that they earned
KYS butthurt broke commie
You know nothing.
Depreciation can be written off no matter what. If there is no income to match the depreciation then it is worthless.
Fact is that they don't want to rent to awful people.