This is your 25th annual reminder that the destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was not only a 100% morally justified, but 100% necessary act of retaliation against the Government of the United States for its barbaric murder of 82 men, women, and children, who died a death of gas and flame in Waco, Texas 27 years ago.
Frankly, the Oklahoma City National Memorial should be torn down and replaced with a gigantic bronze statue of Timothy McVeigh poised triumphantly atop a Ryder truck, arms raised as if to form an Algiz rune from his body, with a plaque that states the honest truth. Nothing would be a greater insult to these pizza-party guarding federal swine than a permanent monument honoring McVeigh’s journey to Valhalla or Fólkvangr atop the piles of their corpses.
>1915 The birth of the ADL, the anti defamation league, of bnai brith, because whitey hung nosey instead of blacky who nosey wanted to hang because nosey murder raped a young white girl and thought he could just blame it on blacks during peak lynching times and still lost against their evidence and testimonies and his own incredible (as it not credible) case he tried to build up.
105 years of jewish race baiting against whitey ever since, and if WW2 did not happen, the case of Leo M Frank would be the shoah the jews would talk about instead.
>meme obviously created by the Feds do you really think people on Yas Forums are this stupid?
Juan Stewart
You seem to be a fan of this kind of shit. What is your opinion on the Bundys?
Nolan Cox
Fuck off you fed asshole. We know that the bombs were inside the oklahoma city building and that timothy mcveigh had help that the FBI let go (The german national). Oklahoma City Police officers were murdered in the coverup. The truck bomb was a diversion. The c4 on the support columns did the damage. OKC was a false flag.
Oh ok I see. So you're telling me that there will never be another Waco or Ruby because the government is scared that someone will drive a shit truck up to a federal building and blow it to Fucktown? >we need an IQ test instead of a captcha
Christian Brown
>Oh ok I see. So you're telling me that there will never be another Waco or Ruby because the government is scared that someone will drive a shit truck up to a federal building and blow it to Fucktown?