Mass shooting in Nova Scotia

12 hour shooting rampage in Nova Scotia

Does anyone have more details?

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It's almost like the social fabric is unraveling right before our eyes
...Nah just fucking with you this happens all the time in modern day big-s Society

He posed as an RCMP officer in a patrol car, uniform and everything

Sounds like damage control

Do you think Wortmann is Jewish?

They don't reveal the number of deaths due to some misplaced shitlib belief that they'd encourage the glorification of the killer, or other killers to try and beat his high-score. Meanwhile they parole rape-murderers after said rape-murderers serve 1/4th of their 25 year sentences.

It's really fucking stupid, because we have no idea what happened. Why even report on it if you're not going to tell us how many people died? Should tell us who they are: what race and sex they are, and what age they are. Instead, Canadacucks get news like "A few people died." Big fucking news break there. Little kids playing dress-up in a big trenchcoat would make better journalists.

There was a thread earlier today that had a photo of a RCMP car on fire surrounded by swat dudes in black suburbans. The thread was full of RCMP glowniggers. You should be able to find it in the archives.

Give it a few more years and they won't even report on it
You'll hear "shots fired" and "officer shot" at first, then just radio silence

He looks like a cool dude

he looks like a young and slightly less jewish soros crossed with that faggot who has his eyebrows swept upwards at the outsides.

You know that guy, picture of him has rosey cheeks and a sleek hairdo.

Anyway, wortman, aka 'word man' is not a very essential profession, so it's very likely that he's from the tribe.

As per the usual.

Nova Scotia?????......soooo WTF???

Great now the RCMP are really gonna come after the guns, fucking cunts.

It's fucking pitiful how little information they're giving about the case. I hope the next shooting is in a media station

Do you know what the historical profession of word man actually was?

Were any horses shot?

>Be canacuck
>Get shot

he was apparently driving around an RCMP cruiser dressed in full police uniform as well

Word on the street is over a dozen dead.

>Yas Forumsfags don’t discuss le “high score” from Tarrant and Brievik very often.
>edgelords don’t circle jerk mass shootings online and get ideas from other incidents.

A loser denturist boomer killed a cop and some innocent civilians in rural Nova Scotia. That’s about all you need to know. The mainstream media which Yas Forums allegedly hates breeds these retards with non stop coverage. But now you want their numbers? Fuck his fame and his numbers.
>inB4 muh false flags/glowie memes

>Do you know what the historical profession of word man actually was?

Well, in hindsight it might be related to "wort" as in beer wort, but wort is also the German word for word, and I'm not sure if Wortman would be a morph created from a translation of a profession like Müller and Miller or Schmidt and Smith.

1 per hour is low if it was actually a rampage

The way they are talking about it sounds real bad. We will see in an hr

I live in the neighboring county. This is crazy.

CBC NS says multiple house and vehicles were on fire. RCMP are doing a press conference in under an hour.
>inb4 CBC
For all you anons who aren't from the home of the Sunnyvale trailer park this guys rampage was way out in a rural area.

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Hope he got some cunny.

Where's the video

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There's a press conference at 6 local time.

I know the identity of of one of the dead. This is super fucked.

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The last mass shooter also lived in the Maritimes. Just another day of easterners ruining things for the west.

this glows like fuck. Apparently he did the whole thing in a "fake" RCMP car with a "fake" cop uniform on. Its that fuckin' half-breed cuck mutt attempting a false flag gun grab.

Tell us what you know senpai

Here's your (you). Now do pic related.

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Imagine making this post and not giving us any details.
A fucking leaf.

Day of the rake has finally come

I literally know someone who was killed. This does not glow. Not everything glows. People are under pressure and crazy shit is happening.

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>Imagine giving my identity up on 4chin
My girlfriends work friends father was out on a walk early this morning and was gunned down. That's all your getting

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Alright, go away retard. We gave you a chance to redeem yourself. You drank too much maple syrup and the brain damage is permanent obviously. KYS.



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Lads the way they're talking about this, I'm thinking this could be a massive Canadian happening

Can anyone give me a tldr?

It's time, fuckers. As you copy paste we are activating our secret network of burgerboos across Can*ada and your memeflag is being traced right now so you better prepare for the rake, faggot. The rake that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your country. You're fucked, bud. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" pasta was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking breath for ten minutes. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn nigger. I will shit ketchup all over your pancakes and they will drown in it.

Watch Turdeau try to take our guns away because of this shit.

You don’t.