>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Remember the swine flu? I checked the poll archives on wahlrecht and you can do so yourself. The swine flu began in mid-April 2009 and ended in August 2010. The pandemic was perfectly correlated with a 6% decline for support of the CDU/CSU. It dropped from 35% to 29%.
Just imagine what this one is gonna do, especially with the upcoming votes in Sachsen-Anhalt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Wüttemberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and of course the rematch for Thüringen.
Lads, AfD is going to enter the Bundesrat, one way or the other.
>The pandemic was perfectly correlated with a 6% decline for support of the CDU/CSU. It dropped from 35% to 29%. after the swine flu? Care to post numbers?
Caleb Lopez
How do you spend time, besides going outise, spending time with your gf, shit posting, exercise and playing video games?
Charles Brooks
If they switch into this strategy I doubt they can avoid a transformation. But most won't realize it ... though every country has its Cassandras I guess.
131 years tomorrow, we still follow your path. We miss you.
Robert Thompson
I also think that the jews don´t have the time to subvert chinese society and insert themself in leading positions. First they would come in as an outsider, never really being involved with china unlike in europe where they lived everywhere. Second, chinks themselves are already acting jewish and won´t trust someone who looks different.
You mixed formal and civil speech. >Bist du ein Neger? (normal) >Sind Sie ein Neger? (high and mighty)
Grayson Fisher
That's cause I'm smart casual
Kevin Howard
I thought it looked very cool when I opened it and didn't expect it. What about your bath? I bathe filled with bubbles and oil. Tools I use foot pedicure tools, nail cleaners, the same eye mask that you can freeze, works wooonders.
Alexander Brown
link doesn't work.
Gavin Myers
Ngl, the memes are excellent on 4/20.
Ayden Lee
>I'm smart casual A smart casual who writes like a nigger.
Point is not the chinks would be subverted. The chinks (or at least their elites) would TRANSFORM into a new strain of kikes by sheer necessity.
Lincoln Bell
I don't bathe. Haven't bathed in at least 10 years. I have a short buzzcut, so showering takes me maybe 3 minutes. Half of that with lukewarm water, rest I escalate with increasingly colder water until it gets too brutal. Many benefits, but really just feels great after.
Mason Price
Just type "Sonntagsfrage archive 2009-2013" into your browser and it's the first thing that pops up. Then look at polls from April 2009-August 2010.
Benjamin Carter
>be me >give the krauts love form across the channel as a peace offering >get shat on Feelsbadman
Hm yes you are very smart. You can wash all in 3 mins? I take 30 min showers, and a 1 hour bath.
Jaxon Price
>I doubt they can avoid a transformation How are those "true elites" related to the CCP and what's their (long-term) leverage? (Other than what I describe below?)
>come in as an outsider That's why they marry into the system (preferably with offspring from high-ranking or connected people) and produce sweet mixed children (who, thanks to Chinese family loyalty, have privileged access to power roles). Plus Jews have a rather positive image there, being smart and all that; their works and history are studied and they're taken in for leading (academic) roles.
Mason Morris
Don't play video games but I do some work of both professional and housework type. Also fixed both my code and knowledge base up to a top notch condition. Another thing I do is trying risky beard styles that I normally wouldn't. 3 day beard remains untoppled so far. Plus we walk around in bathrobes.