TRS PayChad Here - They Delete Comments

I've been a paychad on The Right Stuff for a couple of years now. I've noticed that they are fully embracing this whole coronachan hype - Fash The Nation especially.

Today I made a light dissenting comment on the FTN thread, and the comment was deleted. My follow-up comment was marked "awaiting moderation"... and then deleted. All follow up comments immediately deleted.

Jazzhands = Glownigger/Reddit Fag/Jack Dorsey Fag.

Attached: GlowNigger.png (1024x1024, 1.39M)

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yea... I don't understand how they simply don't understand basic perception management techniques or they simply don't care.
Also why the reddit spacing?

listening to jazz makes me nausaeous as of this Sunday episode... its kinda obvious he is globohomo.
I was willing to forgive/ignore the armenian wife meme but his takes on corona are insulting at best.
also their takes on 2nd amendment are the most cucked I've ever heard of, I can understand ignoring the issue but they bully anyone who takes anything seriously.
they're parasites.

also their liberal use of the banhammer on their forums and comments means that they've lost like 90% of listeners over the years, maybe more?
I don't know how much new growth they've had, but.... most of the people who have been around a long time have found better govt-sponsored podcasts to listen to, but many of those disappeared over the past year due to stupid shit with cantwell, invictus, multiple platforms to the right of TRS were taken down because of stupid e-celeb drama.

They're all conforming to an agenda. It's starting to reek of JIDF or CIA.

And don't get me started on that body-modifying $15/hour GED paramedic who has crowned himself a corona expert.

its been that way for a long time, where have you been? they went from libertarian to nazi to nazbol or whatever they are now, who the fuck cares.
why the reddit spacing and posting the obvious?

You have been supporting the controlled opposition. Your money has been used to promote the agenda and the narrative.

The funny thing is that the died in the wool fans will parrot everything they say. TRS says x is bad? x is bad!
TRS says y is good? Y is good!
Can anyone who listens to this garbage formulate their own opinion or what

They sound like nihilistic libshits that are obsessed with critiquing pop culture now.
Who gives a crap about star trek besides trannies and boomers anyways

I repent. I needed a frustration outlet, and frankly, TRS made me laugh from time to time (especially the Merchant Minute - which is free on Bitchute apparently).

Yeah the Star Trek obsession made me scratch my head - which should have been a sign that they are fucking nerds.

This is an accurate picture of the average TRS subscriber

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They are shilled here non-stop, of course they are compromised.

>Who gives a crap about star trek besides trannies and boomers anyways
they worship anthony cumia who literally slept with a famous tranny porn star (Sue Lightning)
who is bestfriends/roommates with another tranny who has creepy pics of them with bill clinton (Natalie Mars)
weird huh?

Accurate, in hind sight.

because they never talk about stormfront and kinda actively can't talk about them it is pretty clear they're just at a different demographic target but the same paymasters.

I only ever listened to TDS and FTN during elections
But since this caronavirus these niggers have literally shilling new york times and CNN
They're so vehemently anti trump
And the way people hang off enochs nuts reminds me of the whole peterson phenom.
Ultimately Mike has the listener feel guilt , shame and stupid for not following his narrative.
Not to mention they still mention that faggot ghoul in a good light.

Most ecelebs etc. grab onto anything they think they can use like Strek posting in an attempt to fit in and harvest shekels.

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if you actually oppose the kikes then destroying the economy is a fucking good thing retard

>they went from libertarian to nazi to nazbol or whatever they are now
Throw "dark enlightenment/tradshit" in before Nazbol and you just described every edgy faggot I went to university with.

Mate they literally stated they wish they could podcast with anthony and opie
Who as you know also have affinity to trans faggotry

Dude, most youtubers are doing this shit, too. Especially dankula and Tim pool. This is why Yas Forums hates e-celebs.

The whole of TRS is either braindead spastics or feds

100% chance tim pool is a glowie.

The most annoying thing is how they dictate to their audience what they are allowed to like and not like. My friend went from liking styxhexenhammer, to hating him. Liking Cernovich, to hating him. Liking Vox Day, to hating him. Liking Anglin, to hating him. And he started watching Star Trek. All because TRS said so
WTF can their audience think for themselves or not. I understand starting to dislike someone you once liked, but you need a better reason than "TRS SAID SO"

Star Trek is a good show.
You just have shit taste.

They really ran their ship into the ground.

You're correct. They've all gotten a taste of "fame" and are now trying to protect their puny empires. Sad.

dankula is probably a glowie too, they put up these poster children for new laws and sometimes the prep/prosecuted is a glowie.
I wonder wtf happened with Augustus that guy seems like a total glowie (and pederast)

I’m halfway through it, what’s globohomo about if to you?

TRS definitely has a cult-like mentality especially if you're invested in it or on their forums
I'm just surprised people still trust them and/or fall for it...

I much prefer anime

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To be fair, Cernovich is a grifting jew. I do find myself agreeing with him often, but then again, I often agree with Mark Levin. However, I do have a jew circuit breaker that reminds me that they are likely just controlled opposition.

Jews make money regardless if the stonks go up or down. It's called shorting the market.
The only people this economy is actively hurting are normal middle class white folks.

Had a friend get banned from the forums for asking about based kids shows because his ex is trying to turn his son tranny. Don't know why they are like that, they seem smart enough.

again with the tranny fucker meme what the fuck is wrong with the "alt-right" ?!?!
spencer was associated with furries btw, his intern in 2017 was one.

>using anything other than /po/
>paying for anything

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>died in the wool fans will parrot everything they sa
Do they even exist anymore?

woah wtf? why the hell would they ban someone for that unless they're literally militant pro-tranny activists.
>holy shit

Anyone notice that all of the electronic trading services mysteriously locked up/crashed on the big down swings? No doubt that Shlomo had no problem making trades.

Maybe my friend is the last one lol

like a year or two ago I recall Borzoi telling people Masha the Bear was some russian cartoon for kids that was pretty wholesome. Other than that I don't think there has been much talk of it, but for them to ban it is outright suspect.

That like is a filthy nigger. A few years ago some nigger shot a cop. Of course nigger dindu nuffin.
>he didn't have no gun
I went to the niggers kikebook and found a picture of him waving the gun. I posted the proof all over twatter with cernokike being one of them. He stole my info and passed it off as something he discovered. Fuck that filthy kike .

seriously thought TRS has always been extra-gay compared to all the other podcasts and radio networks and now they're the last man standing basically, besides for Rense/Stormfront....
I'm guessing TRS and Rense are both CIA cut-outs.

The Jews are destroying the economy themselves shitbrain

Hope so, i used to like trs a lot and it sucks they've been targeted for deplatforming and all but they became a pathetic and hollow shell only making things worse for themselves

>They went from nazi to nazbol
I was especially suspicious when Striker became a prominent figure. I think the dude is smart but his shilling for socialism always made me skeptical.

TRS guys used to be friends with him and probably could still talk to him just in private.

>Also why the reddit spacing?
Yeah. It's just that we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports *before* they go out now. So if you could just remember to do that from now on, that'd be great. All right!

I didn't get the memo.

There are good reasons to dislike all those you named, but you're spot on in general. I literally can't hangout with a friend who's obsessed with TRS because he'll start blasting random episodes on his phone anywhere we go. And even though he's a legit genius and has limitless potential, won't put effort towards anything in life because "the jews run everything"....

And of course he wants to attend events like Charlottesville/etc, glamorizing putting yourself out there as a wignat. The actual dangers of becoming a complete wignat sperg are you losing your potential and becoming cannon fodder for some random autists/probably feds. We're all in a fucked up time where there's no real war to sacrifice for, but just fucking work hard, build institutions, and make the world a better place.

he's a glowie cripple but I like him in that he isn't too much of an asshole like Sven, McNabb, or Mike.

why would they? they have total control as it is. simply continue the sugar and porn and they win. this is nothing but chaos. and in chaos the one who hold most power certainly looses alot at least internationally. bonds between "rouge" states will grow stronger etc etc

I’ve seen it, it’s lighthearted looney tunes kind of stuff