Leftist meme thread
Leftist meme thread
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I think you mean leftist cringe thread
IDK bruh usually anarchists occupy shitty building and make them more shitty and ball up
no u
got any more jpegs of anarchist getting hit with sticks
But, who will bake the bread, and what is the incentive to produce any variety, or high quality, if it simply means additional work without any additional benefit?
It's called not being a greedy jew
>oh no 30 seconds after abolishing private property everything of value somehow ended up across the border
So where's the historic example of anarchists actually setting up a successful society like this comic depicts?
Normally they just do meth and give each other HPV in abandoned tenenments
major zoinks you done got me with this one buddo
you havent seen the coca cola trucks rolling into their communities
Also can confirm
Gee, thanks.
none. there are none.
the riot in the streets and set cars on fire because they think violence is the only option. Always.
They want to start a "democracy" but when that inevitable democracy devolves into tyranny, they will burn shit in the streets again and the cycle of destruction begins anew.
Their ideology is essentially, "Fuck you, mom! I want to stay 14 forever!"
Aint nobody reading that gay ass meme
>the left cant meme
>patreon: the society
What an antisemitic comic.
Its incredible how you niggers are taking the bait. Kys
What will you do when niggers show up in your anarchist community, take your free bread and produce nothing ?
ah, yes, communists. famous for their hatred of rules, and their propagation of equality and cooperation
Freetown Christiania debunks that meme with a dose of reality.
>Leftist meme thread
flashback to the past
I honestly wouldn't mind commies if it weren't for the degeneracy you cling too.
A fucking joke
>do communism
>even smaller amount of super rich exploiting everyone else who has absolutely no basic human protections
>things that never happened
Anarcho communism is just as unachievable as Anarcho Capitalism. A civilization always needs order and a strong leader to progress the nation further. There is no timeline in history in which An-Comm or An-Cap has ever succeeded. Your tree hugging, free love ways died when men discovered how to create fire and looked up to see the stars in the sky.
>Status Inactive
Guess the fascists won.
I don't like the "degenerate" element of communism either, I think it's disinfo to make people lose focus on what really matters in our movement.
I also hate degeneracy, if we get rid of jews, that problem would be fixed.
A huge failure of Capitalism, an intended result of Communism.
>really makes you think.
>A civilization always needs order and a strong leader to progress the nation further.
*tips fedora*
>join a mutualist commune
>do minimal work while claiming maximal benefits
>because this is an anarchist society with no government to enforce laws and order there is no one who can stop my degenerate behavior
>system collapses because too few people do any actually work while most people are freeloading and yet expect their ever expanding needs to be fully met
>Implying neoliberal welfare parasites with blue hair can actually build or produce anything
Your feminist punk band isn't growing crops, and the people who actually can build society you call ebil racist bigots
I was with the anarchists until panel 5 desu
>A civilization always needs order and a strong leader to progress the nation further.
lol, imagine that what is considered a failure in one extreme of ideologies is the goal of another.
Answer the question faggot, what will you do when niggers join your community for the free shit and produce nothing ?
After a while your community would be 10% of the population supporting the other unemployed freeload nigger 90%.
So you have no answers? This is why you will always be a loser. Your complete lack of a well thought out response to any legitimate challenge is evident.
Anarchism is stupid as shit. Hierarchies exist in nature and nature itself is Fascist. While I don't believe in "Le Free Market", Anarchism or Marxism or any Leftist ideology for that matter isn't the answer. It's just another false choice. I will say that I do respect Bakunin considering he called out kikes and was racist as fuck. A lot better than the liberals LARPing as Anarchists today.
The system has been very effective when it comes to steering the left away from the social and towards the societal. It's a shame really, because true socialism would be the most effective to fight against the jews.
fucking kek
Anarchism fails where Libertarianism does. They assume too much of the individual adult in terms of capability, responsibility, and altruism without residuals.
If the average individual was smart and responsible enough for an anarchic/libertarian society, we wouldn't have obesity epidemics or people smoking. However, the average person goes "FOOD TASTE GOOD" "NICOTINE TASTE GOOD" "JERKING DICK FEEL GOOOOD."
Only a minority of people have discipline and it makes sense that they naturally rise above the average.
Not an argument try again
So you think anarchist is left wing? The same left who tried to control every aspect of your life? The most "pro government" parties, where individualism doesn't exist?
You may be a commie as well, you're clearly retarded, that's for sure.
False. Try Nestor Makhno and Ukraine
just make the anarchists black and the women thots
>jerking off somehow holds society back
Do you know this retard posted this statement on Twitter?
Why are you posting on this board if you have a 3-digit IQ and are capable of nuanced thought?
Show your flag
Not talking about Communist war crimes, leaf.
Quote from Bakunin, the father of Anarchist thinking on Jews and their evils.
>"This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of blood sucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. [...] This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralisation of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found."
Suffice to say that Anarchists back in the day were super based unlike the Liberal Faggots calling themselves Anarchists today.
The things that were privatized were in no way allowed free reign and were expected to be a benefit to the nation.
Hello coomer.
You say it like is a good thing.
Pro tip its not.
Based Bakunin poster
that breadline was caused by government price controls, in favor of rationing.
wow. i guess you really did checkmate cappies.
Answer the fucking reply you cunt faggot nigger
Call us back when they have been around for at least 80 years as a stable society. And if they get rolled by another society, then no, they weren't a stable society. A stable society needs to be able to defend itself, both overtly and covertly, to be legitimate.
>south park
Totally looks like peaceful society, thanks
Kek I used to know anarchists and this exact thing happened to them