I'm running low on essentials.
When is the next stimulus check?
according to my sources, the CARES Act only provided one payment to individuals! there would need to be another bill passed before you see any more monies!
Soon friend. Trump will send us more Trumpbux for weed, ciggies, fast food and beer
Do collard greens taste good, Yas Forums?
FUCK, I wish we had Popeyes in the UK.
>tfw baked all day thanks to my 4000 cuckbux
when is the first?
bro i need some popeyes tendies with tartar sauce STAT
I kinda want some weed but I also feel good sober...huh
I've been craving their spicy chicken with some red beans and rice for a while now. I'll think of you when I'm eating it.
Thanks buddy, you should also buy me a ticket to get me from Heathrow Airport to your city and we can hang out.
tartar sauce only goes on fish and chips you fucking animal.
You should be shot in a broad daylight.
Well we can do another one of lesser quality, but that means we'd need to dig into OTHER areas....but hey these folks seem content on free money so no more WIC, EBT or Welfare sounds nice
based SAXON ID
Yes, when stir fried
I wish I could help, fren. But, we've got the slight problem of the country being closed and I blew all of my Trumpbux on dumbshit. One day you'll make it back to the promised land and put on a few kilos.
Guys, i'm not joking. Book me a ticket and we can have popeyes together.
Based Duterte on Yas Forums
stfu ugly chink
Black people stereotypes are unironically based
>40 Oz malt liquor
Cheap and gives you a nice buzz. I even like the taste
>Fast food fried chicken
No comment necessary.
Yes. Though I can't drink and be high at the same time, it's one or the other
>comfortable loose pants
much more comfy than tight pants that squish the junk
>Sitting on the porch
Just talking with your friends - is there anything more wholesome?
>hanging out on street corners
Similar to above
>Being in a gang
Brotherhood is strength. Imagine a small army of like minded guys of the same race having your back 24/7
>selling drugs
Entrepreneurship is a cornerstone of capitalism
Eyes like that are also a symptom of coronachan.
It can't be that bad in Ol' Blighty, can it? You guys have stuff that we'll never have. Like, jellied eels and haggis, and.......other stuff.
yes, but you have to use bacon grease and season appropriately
Do you put out?
>Yes. Though I can't drink and be high at the same time, it's one or the other
Lets have anons compare our eyes
Who is sadder?
As much as I hate to say it, the US has much better food than the UK.
>Do you put out?
What do you mean?
>this retard thinks going to america is just a matter of buying a ticket.
I'll buy the visa, you buy the ticket.