Racists BTFO. Their lives deserved to be ruined. No college, no jobs. Cry to Jesus, crackers.

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niggers are subhuman

they are good looking middle/upper middle class white people. They will be fine.

Kek. I guess that's freedom for ya. In my socialist home country, you couldn't bar these from attending university, as higher education is a citzen's right if you qualify by having a high-school diploma. Enjoy burger-flipping.

Niggers aren't even humans, you're animals who deserve to be caged.

Your not even black, so shut the fuck up faggot!

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go fuck off back to africa if you hate it nigger

niggers get the rope. decent black folk had best stay inside when the happening happens

Is this really all the left has to feel good about

They’ll have this overturned, then lead much happier lives than you ever will jew or mud person

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Reminder that this address of the leftist faggot who doxxed them .118 Turnberry Cir Carrollton GA 30116

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They can't accept the consequences of free speech.
Notice how quick white women throw their men under the bus, but ya'll so busy being mad at black people for exposing this bitch

If they hire a lawyer and sue the school, they will never have to work another day in their lives.

Get jealous, wagie.

who cares what high schoolers do, social media made the entire world a big gay high school

the world is literally better off without you, nigger

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They should move to the country side and live with their fellow white man, there will definetly be someone who will give them a job and let them go to college there.

The Twitter comments are insane. People saying it's scary and they need to go to jail. It's a video. Looe bigger just close your eyes, just stop watching it. Can you imagine being so pathetic a video makes you afraid?

Why do you guys care so much about them?
Don't you always say it's natural selection? This has happened so many times before don't record yourself doing stupid shit. It's not fucking hard

Disregard retard

Why is racism against whites acceptable but racism against every other race considered the ultimate cardinal sin? I'd agree with you if not for this egregious double standard.

>muh historic injustice
Muslims enslaved Europeans in Iberia and Balkans. Blacks enslave each other in Africa to this day. Chinese put Muslims in camps. Jews destroy Palestinian settlements. Criticize any of these groups and it's a huge no no. Criticize the white man and you get a Nobel peace prize.


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Who are they?

because it's a symptom of the greater society

it is fun to think about white people's incredible fall from power
from colonizing the whole world to getting cucked in your own countries
if you even look at a minority wrong youll get your whole future taken from you
youve been neutered to the point of larping online and beating your dick to power fantasies of "the day of the rope" meanwhile you cant even reproduce at a sustainable rate

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literaly ever nigger on twitter moved on and doesnt care, i check those who doxed them and they are doxing another white people now lol. Those instagram accs with her apologies are fake, there are two with different apologies but both are fake. Her insta is shut down so as all others. Saged nobody cares happened 2 days ago go look for another victim, these two are getting milions after lawsuit

this is only going to make more whites angry at blacks good job niggers keep it up

Divide and conquer thread.

Do not engage. They want us to fight amongst ourselves.

The real enemy is (((them))).

Time to watch you worthless cocksuckers ride this till bumplimit

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I personally cannot believe how RACIST you people are on this site.

I was once a RACIST and a VIRGIN and also I had NO FRIENDS. Like you.

But it doesn't have to be this way! Embrace a RESPECTFUL lifestyle and love all God's lesser races and colours.

And you TOO can be popular and LAID.

tl;dr, OP is a faggot.

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The girl is stupid, but she's got more balls than you by not saying it anonymously. On top of being a frog poster and a coward, nigger means nothing coming from a board of incels